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During the Spring Festival holiday,Hong Kong happened to mainland tourists port in the bus for the night event,Things in the travel agency has not appeared replacement.The Hong Kong SAR government, and issued a statement,Expressed extreme regret,Reaffirm event must be dealt with harshly.Travel industry council(Brigade parliament)There are still a lot of doubt that event.
A parliament had multiple requirements in things"Worldcom holiday"The travel agency to parliament replacement event.And,,A purported"Worldcom holiday"The general manager to man,But the person in charge WangYongJian did not attend.The general manager said,Responsible for group in things for the hotel is the travel agency is not"stone".
The SAR government then issued a statement refers to,Records show that,The above"The general manager"Is neither the travel agency shareholders/Nor directors/And the person in charge.Acting tourism affairs commissioner LuoShuPei doesn't respond to the comments.
The government says,to"Worldcom holiday"Delayed the personal account event,Said extremely sorry to.The government reiterated,Event tourism greatly blow to Hong Kong's reputation,Hong Kong caused wide attention,A parliament must be dealt with harshly.
A council says it has received"stone"Person in charge WangYongJian written reports and apologize,But the incident is still have a lot of doubt.Parliament Tuesday will hold a meeting to discuss the incident,Requirements WangYongJian personal to a parliamentary replacement,Otherwise you will board of trustees decided how to deal with.
The legislative council of the Hong Kong tourist trade, YaoSiRong and accept China news agency reporter interview with pointed out,A parliament introduced in 2011 to strengthen the regulatory industry"Ten recruit"after,Visitors complaints in a substantially reduced about 100 cases.He thinks,"stone"Event of a single incident,But the impact of bad,Can't accept.According to Hong Kong's current tourism the regulatory system,He is expected to"stone"Face quite severe punishment,If you reach a certain point deduction quota or license was revoked.
In recent years,Hong Kong happened evil guide to the guest/Guide and tourists dish it out/"Zero cost"And forced shopping etc on tourism"scandal".It is reported,To fundamentally prevent similar events,The Hong Kong SAR government is the establishment of tourism bureau of supervision(Brigade inspect bureau).
At present the Hong Kong travel agency license by the tourism services under the travel agents a registry,Travel industry council is make regulations and law enforcement agencies,And the travel agency must first become a member of parliament can apply for licence.YaoSiRong said,After the establishment of tourism supervision bureau,Licensing can be/Supervision of power set in a body,And a parliament or regression pure nature of chamber of commerce.
Hong Kong tourism board chairman Mr Tien to China news agency reporter pointed out,A inspect bureau established the bill at the end of this year will be the fastest in the legislative council,2014 years is expected to get through.He thinks a inspect bureau can be more fair/Justice processing industry events.
In the short term,YaoSiRong think,A parliament can tighten regulations,Such as provisions to parliament travel Tours registration form,Shall be clearly specified accommodation and standard,Avoid leave during the implementation of fuzzy zone.Mr Tien is calling for travel agency self-discipline.
According to Hong Kong media reported,Has a by shenzhen port mainland tour group,Doubt is responsible for the reception for the travel agency to arrange hotel accommodation,More than 30 MingTuan friend of more than twenty on February 12, in the tour bus was forced to spend the night.Affected frere 13 the accommodation.(finish)
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