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At the beginning of the year,The domestic ants short rent/The pig short rent分别宣布获得了近千万美元的融资.In early February,途家网也宣布完成两轮融资,The amount of 400 million yuan.A year after the rise time,Companies to get the favour of capital,Short online rental caught the attention of chun xia.Industry insiders,Domestic short rent industry in such a rapid development momentum,Will soon usher in a wave of mergers and acquisitions into the adjustment of industry.

  用户数已达数百万级 Users has reached millions


Zou Shuang is short a lot of online rental platform on the quality of the landlord,She will be in sanya, hainan a set of three layers on the shore of the sea to short-term apartment rent already pick up nearly two years,Receive hundreds of guests,租期从1天到几个月不等.In addition to the room,Zou Shuang tenant was provided with the kitchen/Laundry room daily household facilities, etc.On the house rent,Basic no problem Zou Shuang accounted for an average of ten thousand yuan a month.

  作为尝螃蟹的人,邹双很看好在线短租平台,“在短租平台的操作对房东和租客都有保障。”邹双告诉记者,成交后,短租平台方会收取10%的手续费, “有点像支付宝”。邹双现在已经成为职业房东,她打算继续扩大经营规模,“周围有不少空置房,如果都能被开发利用,市场前景很不错。”

As the taste,Zou Shuang look good short rent online platform,"In short rent platform operation to the landlord and the tenant are guaranteed."Zou Shuang told reporters,After clinching a deal,短租平台方会收取10%的手续费, "有点像支付宝".Zou Shuang has become a professional landlord now,她打算继续扩大经营规模,"Surrounded by a lot of vacant,If you can be the development and utilization,Market prospect is very good."

  像邹双这样的短租房东正在急速增长,以蚂蚁短租一家平台为例,仅一年时间,在线的实名房东就猛增到上万名,用户数也达到百万级。这些都说明,在线短租业在蓬勃发展。 “从现行的O2O模式看,虽然线上短租在国内的发展还处于起步阶段,但发展模式很清晰,用户需求也非常明确。”在蚂蚁短租CEO 翟光龙看来,短租业的发展前景是非常美好的。

  像邹双这样的短租房东正在急速增长,Ant short rent a platform, for example,Only a year,Online real-name landlords to tens of thousands of,用户数也达到百万级.All of these instructions,在线短租业在蓬勃发展. "Look from current O2O mode,Though online short rent in the development of the domestic is still in its infancy,But the development pattern is very clear,User requirements is also very clear."It seems to short rent CEO ZhaiGuangLong ants,Short rent industry development prospect is very good.

  看谁跑得快 See who runs fast


At present,Domestic short rent platform are out for a short sector granddaddy Airbnb website of imitation of the United States,Main form is divided into two categories,Category is a delegate with ant short rent and short the pig is C2C mode,Is to set up direct communication platform for tenants and landlords,The grass radical online short-term rental mode is known to the industry as the rental industry"taobao".Another kind of pattern on way home network to represent the B2C mode,For holidays do house hosted mode,From rent/trading/Offline to property management,Escrow by way home,Go is high-end business line.In China mobile Internet application association secretary-general Yang Xiaoming view:"The former was relatively loose,But the price interval a span,Apply to mid-range individual users,While the latter is the relatively standardized management,But the cost is higher also,More suitable for business customers."


Although looked from the situation,Domestic online short rent two models each have emphasize particularly on,But for ctrip after investment,Way home network to the mid-range market trend is increasingly obvious,Competition among several unavoidable."Short rent industry emphasizes the economies of scale,Users development co., LTD.See who is faster now,Who ran in front of,Who is more likely to win the market."It seems to Yang Xiaoming,Junior house rent short net declaring their amount of financing,Purpose is to show recognition of their capital market,To investors/The user more confidence,In a public profile.


Who are more likely to win,Is hard to tell.One industry source analysis,Looked from the present situation,Well-known short several online rental platform on the market power is very strong,Although has not yet entered the stage of profit,But in the future competition is fierce."Like ants short rent/The pig short rent,And the way home,Have a strong background support,This year although the ant short rent just separate from market network,But market net accumulation before the user resources is still a strong support for the ants,The home network has support from ctrip,Both in money and the market is a kind of support.The key is to see who can faster to cultivate their own market,To scale quickly."The personage inside course of study thinks,Domestic short rent industry in such a rapid development momentum,Will soon usher in a wave of mergers and acquisitions into the adjustment of industry.

  规范化程度有待提升 Standardization degree need to be improve


Although the development momentum is swift and violent,But industry insiders say,Domestic short rent a platform there are still some shortcomings for perfect:With foreign rent industry emphasis"Share of economic"Compared to the,Domestic short rent rental platform owners are mostly based on profit as the main goal,The credit system,And normative management will be abroad do not have new problems."Such as the,The landlord to upload different images and the actual experience,How to deal with?In addition,The traditional hotel industry is a set of mature management system,Need through the fire/Public security authentication,Now,,Is given priority to with the home stay facility short rent industry standardization degree is not yet mature in this field,It remains to be perfect."One industry insider told reporters.


Of course,,These are domestic short path to rent of the maturity of the industry,Yang Xiaoming think,Current domestic economic situation is also very suitable for short online rental industry development,"Strongly advocated in countries under the background of tourism economy,Make travel route,Looking for local feature properties of experiential free line has become a popular;In addition,Domestic real estate huge stock at present,For these XianZhiFang homeowners,Rent is a suitable way.In fact,,Many short rent investment returns than long,From the time of rental is more flexible."




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