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"A place of tourism will be able to long-term development,Not a one-time deal."On 28 February this year,Tourists huang to write an appeal letter book to kunming city industrial and commercial bureau,Yellow on the"Kunming so-and-so world trade co., LTD"18000 yuan purchase of jade pendant prices artificially high,Feel angry.He said,After experts to identify and find stores to compare,18000 yuan of jade pendant in other stores can buy at half price.
In yunnan province administration for industry and commerce/Disappear assist annual analysis of consumer complaints,In the first half of 2012 kunming disappear assist accepts the jewelry and crafts are complaining of the year-on-year growth of 70%,Throughout the year up 46.15% from a year earlier.
游客抱怨上当 Tourists complain when
1.8万的挂件比市场价高一倍 Pendant is twice as tall as the market price of 18000
Huang, a trip to yunnan last August,In the process of tourism,Tour guide has been introduced in yunnan emerald price lower than the national city each big market several times as much.When the tour guide led yellow and stepped into the ethnic village in dianchi lake road, a"Kunming so-and-so world trade co., LTD"When the jade shop,Yellow for the price of 18000 yuan to buy a jade pendant,Commodity certificate number/The invoice is complete.
In January of this year,Knowledgeable friend to your home,Tell huang after enjoying this pendant,His purchase price is more than twice higher than the market price.then,Huang again to ask the normal at the counter of the shopping mall/than,The results found that,Their purchase 18000 yuan of jadeite pendant is really too high price.Then return to the company,But was blocked by the store manager.
In addition,A netizen has complaint said a famous jewellery shop in yunnan,On his own in the jewelry store in July last year,Bought a bracelet identified value 13000 yuan,But home let technical supervision departments after friends said bracelet worth 3000 yuan only!
业内人士爆料 The personage inside course of study revealed
旅游珠宝购物店提点高达85% Tourism jewelry shopping store some as high as 85%
Some brand said adenocarcinoma, director of the jade shop market,Jade price empty high it's no secret.Start as early as 2009,Their service brand of the jade has been in the industry"block"a,Because the main chain,So the retail or tourism shopping market without too much attention,With the travel agency/Guide to talk"Propose some"Of the things,After refused to each other,No tourists not only in the door,And industry gossip caused damage to brand also.
Adenocarcinoma blackout,As your know,On the market in yunnan province,Now tourism jewelry shopping store for travel agencies and tour guides the highest"Propose some"Can reach 85%,That is to say,10000 yuan, 8500 yuan for tour guide and travel agency,Marketers have to make money,Thus you can imagine,Jewelry price artificially high to what degree,"The fewest points to 20% - 20%,Tour guide and travel agency is not cooperate with us."
记者现场体验 Reporter on-site experience
商店“折扣”有名无实 The store"discount"nominal
"At the mall to buy jade,Do not discount,Even 1 fold you cheated."Jade in yingjiang study path,A teaching teacher for many years engaged in the jewellery told reporters,In places such as station of jade store to buy jewelry,Merchants said 3 discount to sell to you,Seemingly very low price,Consumers will embrace"1 fold sell don't sell"The mentality of talk about price,Usually in consumers to turn and walk,Merchants would have to discount the price to sell to consumers,"When do you think got a bargain,It's not,These malls bracelet as long as you can value,Usually price is in one hundred thousand/Hundreds of thousands of,In a 280000 bracelet, for example,3 fold is more than 90000,1 discount price for 28000,But if you go to tengchong jade trading market of the Banks(A wholesale industry/Retail jade market)After will find,The 28000 bracelets may be as long as the price of around $10000,Even less than 10000."
如何规范价格 How to regulate the price
搞“议价”市场 给出指导价 make"bargaining"Market pricing is given
Lawyers Zhang Honglei yunnan earthquake sequence,Complaint handling of prices artificially high,Can only see whether businesses have false promises/Whether the net price clearly,Or have a forced shopping, etc,If there is evidence of such behavior,You can make a complaint about.
Wu Yunhai, vice President of the yunnan province jade jewelry quality supervision and inspection institute said,Originally want to borrow jadeite quality grading and pricing,"Research for several years,Now let's look at,Problem is still a lot,Late is mainly artificial value given by the different caused difficult to pricing.In addition,Jade the uniqueness of it is also the difficult point in price,Even about jade,A wisp of emerald green color/Emerald green color size,Determines the emerald price positioning is different."
The relevant person in charge of meng arch jade said,Jade prices artificially high,So easy to form bad word of mouth effect,Maybe for the whole yunnan jewelry industry and tourism industry will be formed.Tourism jewelry prices artificially high can boot from the state,Regulate the behavior of tour guide and travel agency.The second,Is to make"bargaining"The market,Let jade price transparency,Given by the government guidance price,When the tourists buy,A guided prices in your heart as a benchmark,Only a bottom.(Wu Shuanggong)
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