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收费和免费 三个景区关于“门票”的那些事--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

4月26日,市民和游客在西湖景区免费观看音乐喷泉演出。 On April 26,,Residents and visitors for free in the west lake scenic area watching the music fountain performance.

  4月10日,湖南凤凰古城将原来免费的古城景区和南华山神凤景区合二为一“捆绑销售”,对游客收取148元的门票。正式收取门票当天,凤凰县共接待游客7200人,旅游收入499.6万元,同比分别增48.91%和52%。当地居民反映:门票制实施以后,游客量明显减少,街上的游客还不足以前的一半,很多店面几乎无生意可作,各处的吊脚楼客栈以前房源十分紧张,现在则出现大批“退订”,一些小的工商户开始转让商铺。此现象引发社会舆论的高度关注,也引起各方对收费“合理性”的质疑。在浙江,两个5A级景区杭州西湖景区和绍兴鲁迅故里景区已经将景区免费政策坚持了多年。 2002年起,杭州西湖周边的涌金公园、柳浪闻莺、学士公园、长桥公园的围栏被拆除,几个独立的小公园在打通后成为环湖大公园,向游客24小时免费开放。11年间,杭州取消了130多个景点的门票,占到了景点总数的73%。绍兴鲁迅故里从2008年6月也开始实行景区免费开放政策。据杭州市旅委公布的数据显示,2002年杭州市的旅游总人数为2757.98万人次,旅游总收入为294亿元,到了2012年,旅游总人数达到8568万人次,旅游总收入为1392.25亿元,是2002年的4倍多。而鲁迅故居景区的游客人数,也从免费开放前的每年60万人次左右上升到现在的每年200多万人次,给景区内的商户以及整个绍兴市带来了很大的旅游消费促进作用。西湖风景区和绍兴鲁迅故里景区采取的免费模式是“用人气带来财气”,吸引游客到来、聚集,最大限度地带动周边消费。 4月25日,十二届全国人大常委会第二次会议表决通过了《中华人民共和国旅游法》,并将于10月1日起正式实施。《旅游法》规定:利用公共资源建设的景区的门票收费和景区内的游览场所、交通工具等的收费,实行政府定价或政府指导价。其他景区门票实行市场定价,其价格应当向价格主管部门备案。此外,景区提高门票价格应当提前六个月公布。《旅游法》还规定:景区违反规定,擅自提高门票或另行收费项目的价格的,由相关主管部门依照有关法律、法规的规定处罚。此外,公益性的城市公园、博物馆、纪念馆等,除重点文物保护单位和珍贵文物收藏单位外,应当逐步免费开放。新华社记者 徐昱 4月27日,游客在西湖景区内的西湖博物馆参观,观看西湖全景模型。西湖风景区内的博物馆也在11年间陆续免费向大众开放。

On April 10,,Hunan ancient city of the ancient city of phoenix will originally free scenic area and south China chicken mountain scenic spot"bundling",Charge 148 yuan tickets to visitors.Collect tickets on the day,Fenghuang county a total of 7200 tourists,Tourism income of 4.996 million yuan,Year-on-year increase 48.91% and 52% respectively.Local residents reflect:Tickets after implementation,Visitor Numbers decreased significantly,Before the tourists in the street for less than a half,Many stores can make almost no business,Throughout the diaojiao building inn before housing is very nervous,Is now a large number of"unsubscribe",Small businesses begin to assign shops.This phenomenon caused high attention of social public opinion,Also cause the parties to charge"The rationality"The question of.In zhejiang province,Two 5 a level scenic spot in hangzhou west lake scenic area and lu xun's hometown shaoxing scenic spot has insisted on free policy for many years. Since 2002,Hangzhou chung king around the west lake park/The willows/Bachelor of park/Longbridge park fence was torn down,Several independent small park after to be around the large park,Free of charge to visitors 24 hours.11 years,Hangzhou canceled more than 130 tickets for the attractions,73% of the total accounted for scenic spots.Shaoxing lu xun's hometown of June from 2008 began to implement the scenic area free of the open policy.According to data released by the hangzhou travel committee,2002 hangzhou tourism total number is 27.5798 million,Tourism revenue is 29.4 billion yuan,By the year 2012,Tourism total to 85.68 million,Tourism revenue is 139.225 billion yuan,Is more than four times that of 2002.While lu xun's former residence tourist Numbers of scenic area,Also, up from about 600000 visitors each year before the free and open to the present more than 200 each year,To merchants of scenic spot and the shaoxing great tourism consumption.The west lake scenic area and the shaoxing to lu xun's hometown of scenic spot pattern is free of charge"Employing gas type",Attract tourists to come/Gathered together,Maximize improve surrounding consumption. On April 25,,The second session of the twelfth session of the standing committee of the National People's Congress voted through[The tourism law of the People's Republic of China],And will take effect on October 1.[proposals]provisions:Use of public resources of the construction of the scenic spot tickets fee and visit places of scenic spot/Of the traffic tools, etc,Implement the government pricing or government guidance prices.Other scenic spot tickets to market pricing,The price shall be the competent price departments for the record.In addition,Scenic area increased ticket prices should be published six months in advance.[proposals]Also provides:The scenic area in violation of regulations,Raise the price of the tickets or charging items separately,The relevant competent departments in accordance with relevant laws/Provisions of the laws and regulations.In addition,Public city parks/The museum/Memorial hall, etc.,In addition to the key cultural relics protection units and collection units of rare and precious cultural relics,Free of charge shall gradually.The xinhua news agency记者 徐昱 On April 27,Within the west lake scenic area of west lake museum visitors,To watch the west lake panoramic model.West lake scenic area in the museum is open to the public for free in 11 years in succession.4月27日拍摄的凤凰古城一处门票站。 新华社记者 赵众志 Taken on April 27, the ancient city of phoenix a station ticket. The xinhua news agency记者 赵众志   4月24日,绍兴鲁迅故居游客中心的导游在展示一张免费门票。鲁迅故居采取的是免费不免票的方式,这样便于管理部门统计和控制客流。 新华社记者 赵众志 On April 24,,Shaoxing lu xun's former residence visitor center tour guide in showing a free ticket.Lu xun's former residence is free not free ways,So easy to statistics and control the traffic management department. The xinhua news agency记者 赵众志 4月27日,在凤凰古城,一名农家船的船主坐在码头上等待游客。 新华社记者 赵众志 On April 27,In the ancient city of phoenix,A peasant ship owner sitting on the dock waiting for visitors. The xinhua news agency记者 赵众志 2012年10月1日,杭州西湖断桥上人流如织。 新华社记者 徐昱 On October 1, 2012,Hangzhou west lake packed on the broken bridge. The xinhua news agency记者 徐昱 4月24日,游客在绍兴鲁迅故居外的商业街上吃饭和购物。 新华社记者 徐昱 On April 24,,Tourists in shaoxing lu xun's former residence outside of the commercial street for dinner and shopping. The xinhua news agency记者 徐昱   4月27日,凤凰古城一处农家船码头,一名船主躺在船头休息。门票新政造成散客量下降,很多农家船面临无生意可作的尴尬。新华社记者 赵众志 On April 27,The ancient city of phoenix, a peasant boat dock,A shipowner was lying in the bow to have a rest.Tickets for the New Deal decreased due to the individual,Many farmers ship face no business can be awkward.The xinhua news agency记者 赵众志   4月27日,凤凰古城一处客栈挂着“今日有房”的招牌。散客的减少造成吊脚楼客栈的空房率增加。 新华社记者 赵众志 On April 27,The ancient city of phoenix hanging a hostel"Today have a room"The signs on the.Retail customers reduce the diaojiao building inn the vacancy rate of increase. The xinhua news agency记者 赵众志

收费和免费 三个景区关于“门票”的那些事

收费和免费 三个景区关于“门票”的那些事

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