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网友自曝买到“人造鸡翅” 两次下锅均烧不熟(图)--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

网友自曝买到“人造鸡翅” 两次下锅均烧不熟(图)下锅前的可疑鸡翅 The pot before the suspicious chicken wings
网友自曝买到“人造鸡翅” 两次下锅均烧不熟(图)烧不熟的鸡翅(网友上传)
Burn not cooked chicken wings(Users upload)


“I most like to eat chicken wings,To really have artificial chicken wings,Later all dare not to open wide belly to eat!”yesterday,a《Xiaoshan appear amazing false chicken wings》Posts in the network crazy spread。Eat or not to eat,Let a lot of chicken wings lovers entanglements unceasingly。


True false chicken wings on market sales?Many reporters draw two verification:The first,Fraud chicken wings technology high content,Basically could not man-made。The second,Question of the“False chicken wings”Probably eat glue and water into fake chicken wings。


事由:红烧鸡翅两次下锅不见熟 reason:Braise in soy sauce chicken wings two begin see familiar


yesterday,a《Xiaoshan appeared false chicken wings》The news spread quickly in the micro bo。Reporter according to the origin of the rich,Find a site that from hangzhou。The name“Happy watermelon head”Net friend on July 9, posts about oneself buy out to“False chicken wings”experience。


According to the net friend reports,Eat to problem is its mother spent wings 35 yuan money from markets to buy,Total 1 kg heavy bag of chicken wings。Heat them apart after found palate not bite,The color of the meat is transparent。I thought that haven't done,Continue until later outside are a little burnt。According to its description,The chicken wings re-blows meat or inside“Powder powder transparent shape,Chopsticks is a means to come off”。


This bag of chicken wings of doubt,The netizens use the Internet,Find their encounter with four years ago a citizens to buy hefei artificial chicken wings are very similar to the situation。He also bought off doubts his wings。so,Angry he cooked chicken wings born photos of the hair to online,Remind everybody buy chicken wings after when careful。


By yesterday when 17,The son of reply has built more than 170 buildings。And the first release the news of the micro bo has been net friend to forward the more than 400 times。time,“False chicken wings”A network popular vocabulary。


声音:“假鸡翅”引来网络“口水仗” voice:“False chicken wings”Draws network“Saliva battle”


Your front foot is fake eggs,And to a false hind wings。For food safety sensitive,For the new Internet users of the intruder“Vomit slot”。


Reporters noticed that,In return card of netizens,Evident in two:A net friend said they also faced a similar experience。And others who were insists that false chicken wings is impossible。


When contacted a hard“False chicken wings said”Hangzhou net friend“氺 do の heart”。She told reporters,By the end of last year,For the love of the husband eat to braise in soy sauce chicken wings,The family in the north of the farmers market bought a kilogram of outfit bag chicken wings,Mother burned for a long time,The husband eat first,Found not ripe,Take it back and,The result is the same。“The meat is transparent,Eat up and feel like a water。Then say family ChiBuLai had to all out。”


but,In some the placard reply,Reporter discovery also has a different voice。the“YeFeng Yang”says,This chicken wings is not is false,But has gone bad,He also bought the home to such a chicken wings,A bite firmly no longer bite in the second one。the“The card the card”Also said,Chicken wings is not false,Is the ice of the freeze and then went to bad results。


“Fake or not,After eating chicken wings or be careful it。”Some neutral, said the net friend of a rather believe its some state of mind。


业内:鸡翅造假的技术难度很高 the:Chicken wings of high technical difficulties of fraud


Previously heard of artificial eggs、Artificial pig ear,Chicken wings if also have artificial?And people have joked,If the chicken wings is false,This fraud level can take the Nobel Prize。


Suzhou JiangRun food Co., LTD is a business seven years of frozen chicken wings suppliers,Usually also to zhejiang area distribution frozen chicken wings。The general manager ZhuChuanJiang told reporters,Never heard of the emergence of false chicken wings。“Heard of false pig ear,In jiangxi there。But false chicken wings have never heard of。”


“Chicken wings have meat and bone,To concoct a high technical content。”Zhejiang justice inspection center inspectors found says,technically,Do false chicken wings technical difficulties than false eggs hard to many。Fake watch from the starting point,Chicken wings cheap,To concoct for profit also said not too general,The businessman also is not necessary to fraud。


An industry insiders told reporters,Chicken wings fraud,If is in the wings,Need two bone,But also with meat bonding,Program is very complex。“Pig ear fraud is simple,But also imitate a pig ear of grain,A closer look at will know that is false。Chicken wings false,Too difficult。”


疑似注入食用胶和水 Edible glue and water into the suspected


In order to judge whether the net friend buy fake chicken wings,Reporter tried to give the xiaoshan net friend message,But the till yesterday,Reporters have not received the net friend's reply。


So the journalist to released the photo to the wings in hangzhou special frozen chicken wings supply,And the larger hangzhou KangJin food Co., LTD related personnel。After identifying pictures,The officials say preliminary judgment not false chicken wings,May be poured into the edible glue water flooding again of chicken wings。


He is the basis for the judgments,first,At present the cost price in the wings 33.3 yuan/kg。And the price of the 35 bought the yuan/kg,From the perspective of profit is very likely to be water injection chicken wings。second,He also identify carefully on the image of birth chicken wing shape,Found the three pieces of chicken wings is full,Have the feeling of swell,A layer of ice surface for clothing(Don't usually chicken wings wrapped ice),Color is not pink。These are all water injection of chicken wings“symptoms”。


The reporter understands,Illegal traders with two general bad means for profit:A is artificial wings to put on a layer of ice garments,To increase the weight of chicken wings。Another is injection,This method of water injection than pure ice to more anonymously,Even better。


The officials think,The net friend buy xiaoshan of chicken wings is likely to be injected edible glue then injected water。“This kind of chicken wings in general in the fast-food restaurant、Remote CaiChang will have,Belongs to individual phenomenon。Some bad vendors will according to the requirements of our customers to chicken wings water injection,This early a few years more common,Is not much now。”


调查:市区卖场鸡翅情况尚好 survey:The city sells chicken wings condition is good


yesterday,The reporter interviewed tesco hangzhou city、Century lianhua、China resources such as thousands of large supermarket chain and farmers markets,Find the city of chicken wings or sell in the safety of security。


In the century lianhua peace store born birds reporters saw put in freezer area with bulk chicken wings、Bulk chicken leg, etc,The price of chicken wings in bulk for 15.99 yuan/jins,Many customers are the choose and buy。Century lianhua peace store manager on duty LuoXiaoJie told reporters,Generally the big supermarket chains are from the group of the unified purchase,Again according to the needs of distribution outlets shop。“The big supermarket chains are made by group unity to control quality,It is commonly won't exist artificial food problem。”


Vanguard supermarket to thousands of the relevant person in charge of told reporters,The supermarket sells frozen chicken wings is through the regular suppliers from shandong purchasing。Into the supermarket of the frozen chicken wings will have DongJianZhan hair of dynamic testing,Inspection qualified to enter the supermarket sales。


Reporter then came to hangzhou screen street farmers markets。A born birds store owner to reporters to show their store sell chicken wings。Chicken wings with the packing bag of from a kilogram of to sell it,Reporters examined the bags,It clearly says a manufacturer and contact way, etc。“Our products are all from normal factory that manufactures there,Does not exist artificial said Monday。”The boss is very confident said。


“We here from GouZhuang manage door of purchasing of agricultural logistics center,Chicken wings have negotiable instruments,Problems can be traced。”The farmers' market swings deputy manager ZhaoFang heard the news out false chicken wings,Yesterday in the market to knock on door chicken wings alarm,They must be formal request from channel replenish onr's stock。


支招:挑选鸡翅注意辨颜色 support:Choose chicken wings note bian color


How to choose safe to fresh chicken wings?


ZhuChuanJiang says,Consumers in the choose and buy when chicken wings,Watch the chicken wings epidermis of freshness。


In addition,The price also is one of the factors that judgment,At present the cost price in the wings 33.3 yuan/kg,And the price is low or more,Is to alert,Cheap goods is not good。


Of course,More important is to see a sales channels。He suggested that consumer had better choose regular business super and stores,Had better choose to buy with package of chicken wings,For tracking traceability。


The hot summer,Cold storage is not in place of chicken wings prone to decay phenomenon。Qualitative inspect professional personage warns consumers,Chicken wings decay can send out a a bad smell,Flesh color will becomes shallow,Pale white。If citizens of chicken wings if a store home above,Advice not to eat。

  工商部门提醒,如果消费者购买到注水或注胶鸡翅,可拨打12315向消费者申诉举报中心进行投诉。(高丽莎 实习生 胡晓 刘梦笔)

Industry and Commerce Department warned,If consumers to buy water injection or note rubber chicken wings,The number is 12315 to consumer complaints reported center and complain。(Lisa HuXiao LiuMeng pen high intern)
