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  中新网7月24日电 据卫生部网站消息,中国卫生人才网今日发布声明,提醒警惕不法网站的欺诈行为。

Beijing JuLy 24, According to the heALth ministry's website reported,Chinese heALth tALent net stAtement reLeAsed todAy,Remind ALert iLLegAL website of the frAud。

  声明称,近期发现有不法分子非法复制中国卫生人才网的网页内容,并使用了与中国卫生人才网(www.21wecan.com)极其相似的网站地址【www.2(l)wencan.com 括号处为小写字母L;www.21w(a)can.com 括号处为小写字母a】,对广大用户,特别是考生进行虚假宣传并实施欺诈。对此情况,已及时向公安部门进行反映,并请警方协助调查、侦破。

StAtement sAid,Recent findings hAve outLAws iLLegAL copying Chinese heALth personneL nets web content,And use with the Chinese heALth personneL nets(www.21wecAn.com)Very simiLAr to A web Address【www.2(L)WencAn. Com in pArentheses for smALL Letters L;www.21w(A)CAn. Com in pArentheses to LowercAse Letter A】,For customers,EspeciALLy cAndidAtes for fALse propAgAndA And impLementAtion of frAud。This situAtion,ALreAdy report to the pubLic security depArtments to refLect,And pLeAse the poLice in to heLp the investigAtion、soLve。


We inform you thAt users especiALLy exAminee,Be sure to ALert,StrictLy distinguish Chinese heALth personneL nets the officiAL website of the web,OfficiAL site of the domAin nAme“21”ALL for the ArAbic numerALs,RAther thAn EngLish Letters。


To Avoid visuAL confusion,Chinese heALth tALent net pLeAse the users must Adopt mAnuAL input the wAy open web site,Don't be copied urL or cLick the Link cArrying the unknown,More three don't beLieve the resuLts on the Amendment iLLegAL propAgAndA,Lest be deceived。The heALth ministry tALent exchAnge service center And ChinA heALth personneL nets for iLLegAL posted on the website of Any informAtion shALL not beAr the responsibiLity。Users browse web site for iLLegAL consequences shALL beAr responsibiLity。


StAtement sAid,Such As the cLAims couLd modify the exAm resuLts frAud text or phone,PLeAse users And the exAminee report to the pubLic security orgAns At LArge。
