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90后女子因胸部太丰满 不堪他人目光4次寻短见--亲稳舆论引导监测室
E罩杯女子不堪他人目光 E cover cup is women's eyes others
做缩胸手术成B罩杯 Do a breast reduction into B cup
In order to have plentiful full chest,Many women choose breast enhancement,But 18 years old up to chest E's cup JiangXiaoJie,But yesterday for mental pressure is too big,Decide to do surgery shrinks the chest。
This year at the age of 21 JiangXiaoJie for chest too plump,Often draw others eye and strange about,Therefore she appeared psychological problems,4 times make commit suicide behavior。3 years,With her family to all over the country for help psychological doctor,It took ten before and after more than ten thousand yuan,But the effect is not obvious。3 days ago,JiangXiaoJie came to south hospital plastic families,Hope to do a breast reduction。The experts HuangLei tell her,Shrink breast will be removed part of the breast tissue,Will influence subsequent lactation function,Advised her to give up the operation,Psychological treatment to give priority to。
yesterday,Think twice JiangXiaoJie of again came to the hospital,Finally decided to do the operation,To completely out of the psychological burden。Considering the special situation of the JiangXiaoJie,The doctor did for her surgery,According to the requirements of her breasts will shrink to B cup。
该院心理咨询室副教授肖劲松提醒,一部分青春期的孩子会出现身体发育与同龄人不同的情况,这是正常现象。但是这个阶段的孩子在意别人的目光,容易导致心理问题,因此家长不应避讳此事,要给孩子打好心理预防针,教他们正确看待这些问题。(楚天都市报 记者罗茜 通讯员高翔)
The counseling program, an associate professor XiaoJinSong remind,Part of the adolescent child will appear body development with peers different situations,This is normal phenomenon。But this phase of the child care about other people's attention,Easy to cause psychological problems,So parents should not be avoided it,To give children a good psychological shot,Teach them to the correct view these problems。(Hunan day metropolis daily reporter in rosie correspondent)
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