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乌鲁木齐医托愈见猖獗 向安保叫嚣“你抓我呀”--亲稳网络舆情监测室


病人尚未走进医院大门即上当受骗 The patient has not walked into the hospital gate is a fraud


医托向安保人员叫嚣“你抓我呀” Cure to security personnel screamed“You catch me?”


惩罚远低于利润 乌市医托愈见猖獗 Punishment is far lower than the profit the urumqi cure to see rampant


recent,《Legal daily》Xinjiang received many patients not-for reflect,A large but came to the hospital of urumqi in xinjiang farmers ground state,For the hospital doctor process not familiar with,ZhuanGuHao face a number, it is difficult to find and add desperately seeking,Fall into the trap of the cure to design,A lot of people didn't even went into the hospital gate,Fraud is。


Recently, reporters to xinjiang urumqi, more hospital visiting survey found,Cure is rampant activity,Strike action is the cure for long-term existence legal blank and in an awkward situation。


记者亲历 Reporter experience


“演双簧”套近乎坑骗患者 “Play double-reed woodwind”Set almost KengPian patients


On August 3, 8 o 'clock in the morning,《Legal daily》The reporter comes to xinjiang medical university first affiliated hospital,Haven't walked into the outpatient service building,Have a hand to take medical record、Seemingly patients of the middle age man approached and reporters strike up a conversation。


“To see a doctor??”The man hold a henan dialect asked the reporter。


“well!”Reporter answer。


“Here's ZhuanGuHao hanging out,Hear someone a hospital from Shanghai experts in ZuoZhen,I was just about to the past...”As the man to reporters when recommendation,And with a middle-aged woman on the come over。“Is ah,I also heard,Why don't we see with the past。”


Two personal echo each other,Let reporters enjoy a splendid“Double-reed woodwind”performance。


“This is one of the commonly used gimmick cure。They use their patients are looking for experts see a doctor of psychology,To the outer court ZuoZhen by experts,Cheated out patients。”Xinjiang medical university first affiliated hospital safeguard section section chief zhang xu then in accept《Legal daily》reporters。


头目自曝 Leader's


当医托来钱快效益好 When cure to money fast efficiency good


According to the reporter understands,Not long ago,Nearly 50 years old in the ZhangDaMa to xinjiang medical university hospital first subsidiary,In the hospital near the bus stop is just met cure。


“Aunt hello,Also know me??I am your home number 14 building next to the house of old liu son。”ZhangDaMa recalls,When a guy come and strike up a conversation,She thought the other party is an acquaintance。


“He said in the hospital sees a doctor to stand in line,ZhuanGuHao would have sold out,He knew a experts happen that day in another hospital ZuoZhen,So I went with him,Open the nearly one thousand yuan medicine back。”ZhangDaMa said,Until the return to home and family about it,She just the reaction come over,Cheated the。Then ZhangDaMa to report a case。


June 14,,Xinjiang medical university first affiliated hospital safeguard section caught this name by the specialist cure,Didn't expect a seemingly simple man or a cure leader。According to a cure has a history,In his small Simon to do business,Together with friends in urumqi south lake a hospital contracted for general,Take a month of 10% to 13% of the total profit。His hand a total of nine cure,Four people in xinjiang medical university first affiliated hospital,The rest of the traditional Chinese medicine hospital in autonomous regions,Responsible for the patient to pull of the contract department to go to a doctor。For insurance for the purpose of,General diddle every time is no more than 2000 yuan。


“When cure to money faster,This month benefit is not good,I took 3200 yuan。good,I once took 5500 yuan。”A history of his own behavior confessed,He said the organization has strict interests chain and rules,Who's“workers”Out of the question,Or a patient demand a refund,Who will go to the responsible for handling。


保安披露 Security disclosure


医院年受理69起医托行骗案 Hospital received 69 years since the con cure case


In order to strike cure to,Xinjiang medical university first affiliated hospital safeguard section specially set up by the specialist,12 players responsible and cure to battle。The specialist to reporters by captain liu Yang gave,Cure hired by some of small and medium-sized private general hospital。Responsible for the people in the news agent in big hospitals around looking for country accent、Plain clothes of elderly patients,Then observe the records of its hands、Inspection report,From the above knowledge of the patient's name and other information,Then tell in front of the hospital in a position or cure,Let his with friends、Distant relatives、The identity of the patients to somebody,Or simply the consulting room waiting at the door,To the outer court ZuoZhen by experts,Cheated out patients。


“Received after the report,We can only make fake citizens in the guard's room to wait,Wait until cure to appear again,He squeezed the,Ask its return expenses for medicine。In general,Was the scene of will receive as much return catch cure to medicines,But will continue to cheat。”Liu Yang gave said。


Liu Yang gave to reporters from the authorities to provide materials and ask record,Reporter discovery more cases,One of the largest medical expenses back up to 9000 yuan。But there are also deceived patients waiting more than a month also didn't wait to cure。


According to introducing,Only 2011 years,Xinjiang medical university first affiliated hospital of the cure to accepted 69 cases of fraud,But only recover the economic loss of 18000 RMB。In this data back,More gullible people eat the grievances,Even some patients also doesn't know to take medicine。


“换面孔” “In face”


医托与打击队伍“躲猫猫” Cure and hitting team“peek-a-boo”


According to the accent into school,To delimit for area;Precision organization,Unified command......These wander in xinjiang urumqi city each big hospital cure,Not only in the outpatient hall hospital hidden、examination、B ultrasonic room and go to a doctor in the crowd,With all sorts of means away patients,Make some the patient's condition is delayed,RenCaiLiangKong;To remind patients don't be fooled medical personnel are co-opted or intimidation。


Faced with such unbridled beguiled the cure patients,Various hospitals all feel helpless and weak,Only to prevent and cure to conspiracy。


recently,The reporter has to xinjiang uygur autonomous region people's hospital、Xinjiang medical university first affiliated hospital、Xinjiang medical university hospital affiliated tumor、Xinjiang autonomous region hospital of traditional Chinese medicine、Urumqi field investigations and children's hospital survey found,Almost all hospital in urumqi to larger exist to varying degrees cure phenomenon。


The reporter understands,Almost every hospital has a security guard catch the cure,“sometimes,Half a month will catch more than 10”。but,Every time NiuSong cure to nearby caught police station,Police station because did not make the punishment law basis,Only on education to cure,Within 24 hours will have to let people。Was put out,some“Old faces”Cure will appear again in hospital。Such as the security again intervention of him“business”,Even saying:“You catch me?,Let me also to。”Urumqi children's hospital MaXueZhi defend section chief said。


In a few,Xinjiang medical university first affiliated hospital safeguard section experienced the specialist team found a cure is to give patients“Next set of”,He came near and remind patients。Can seek the patients can not understand:“Pass you what things!”This let cure more rampant and arrogant。At this time,Don't know where rush out five or six name strong man,They will be surrounded by the specialist team,coerce、abuse、provocation、pushing,Requirements put cure,For uniform specialist hospital players without any fear。


Introduced zhang xu said:“Recently we received from the up two complaints cure、Patients of fraud case to look,We found that the cure is organized、A division of labor of,They ground information、followed、Come forward to strike up a conversation、guide、Such as ambitious and cooperate with each other。Cure to development has organized、scale,They a clear division of,Ti is also in renovation。”


“Know they are cure,But take them have no way。In the hospital in,Can only catch the current,Then hustle them。In front of the hospital or near the bus stop,We don't own the scope of jurisdiction,We have no way out。”Xinjiang autonomous region people's hospital、Xinjiang medical university hospital affiliated tumor to the reporter security guard who recognizes the helplessness of the hospital。


According to the reporter understands,Urumqi more hospitals to the relevant departments to reflect many times rampant in the cure,And established the concentration of cure to strike team。But with the special control of action against cure to unfold,Wandering in the hospital in long-term cure to reduce,But outside the hospital is another sort of vision。The original,Cunning cure to play“peek-a-boo”,Every day they wander in front of the hospital two side,Looking for“prey”,Persuasion trick more and more,From the con“The ground”to“underground”,And a week or two for a batch of new faces,To bring new problem blow,Fake patient is shown。


治本之策 Permanent cure


根除医托需法律保障 To eradicate cure to legal protection


“We didn't perform,There are no any a law can cure to disposal,The cure to what is widespread。Even if a cure to master the evidence,Also not immediately implement catch,The public security organs must first report,Upon the approval to catch a person,Such often delay time。”Zhang xu helplessly to journalists said。“long,Because the blank of laws and regulations,Does not have the same charges,To cure to blow in a very embarrassing situation。”


Zhang xu said,So far,The basis for the cure to punish is still in December 1998 the health ministry、Issued by the ministry of public security joint《Rectify about illegal medical institutions、To crack down on the illegal activities cure to notice》。The notice only said,Cure is illegal activities,As a cure for the seizure of the con illegal workers,According to the regulation,By the public security organ in the detention of a 15 th、200 yuan shall be imposed。That is,Cure biggest punishment is 15, a fine of 200 yuan and detention。The punishment,Far below to cure to bring profits。so,More and more people see cure for“public”,Some even family battle。


Urumqi health policy FaGuiChu a controller also said,Existing law and regulation there are holes,Cure to have hit departments jointly renovation。In addition,Uneven distribution of medical resources,Also let cure to drill the loophole。


Xinjiang normal university law of theology that Chen,Governance cure traps phenomenon,The key is to eradicate the parasitic on the soil,Cut off and cure to“Black clinic”Of interest between chain,Let them lose attached to each other。This requires establishing social linkage mechanism,Set various power and resources,Adhere to the、Governance and,multi-pronged,Make the land without foundation。


Xinjiang lawyers association, vice President of ZhangWeiMin August 5 in accept《Legal daily》The reporter said in an interview,Related law enforcement increased the investigation dynamics but the effect is not satisfactory,Investigate its reason or current laws and regulations to cure to investigate and deal with no specific provisions,Law enforcement personnel have desire, not a deterrent。Related law enforcement will not only to cure to justice,And for those who hire illegal collusion medical institution、The illegal ACTS of small clinics,According to law and be resolutely。Not only to increase the cure to be enforced,Gives the severe economic and security punishment,Cut off“Black clinic”Business sources;And to employ professional soliciting cure to make an act of unfair competition,Serious deal with according to law。This needs the hospital、health、Industry and commerce、The public security departments to action,Comprehensive treatment,To purify the medical service environment。(The reporter from pan wu)
