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女子因肚中有纱布腹痛近2年 当事卫生院赔偿4万--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


纱布落腹中 疼痛近两年 Gauze fall belly pain in the past two years


事发凤阳县府城镇 法院判处“粗心”卫生院赔偿病患四万多元 The excavators fengyang court sentenced the town“careless”Health hospital compensation patients forty thousand multivariate


“In the stomach,Serious time even road all could not walk。”FengYangXian deng lady was strange abdominal pain tortured in the past two years。Really can't stand of ms deng in 2010 went to the hospital to check,Found in the stomach is wrapped piece。After surgery,Let her surprise,This bag piece of unexpectedly is a small piece of gauze。Again surprised again afraid of miss deng recalled in the three hospitals have abdominal surgery。“Who should bear the responsibility?”Encounter after kick ball,Ms deng three hospitals will simply all to court。


According to fengyang court find out,On September 12, 2008,Ms deng for cancer diagnosis fallopian tube,In fengyang town health hospital hospitalization excavators,And in the hospital right fallopian tube line of tumor resection operation。After surgery,Ms deng abdominal pain has been more than,The pain that she not only cannot work also has the torment of the pain。Helpless under,Miss deng on June 10, 2010 to FengYangXian first check people's hospital treatment,The diagnosis of abdominal bag piece on the right there,In the hospital and the abdominal tumor resection。This time,She didn't know,Torture his abdominal pain in the past two years of unexpectedly is a small piece“gauze”。

  邓女士事后回想,从2000年开始,自己先后在三家医院做过腹部手术。2000年在县妇幼保健所行剖宫产手术。 2005年,在明光计生服务站再次行剖宫产手术,并行双侧输卵管结扎手术。再就是2008年在凤阳县府城镇卫生院做了输卵管肿瘤切除手术。为了讨回公道,邓女士一纸诉状,将三医院告上了法庭,要求赔偿精神抚慰金、医疗费等各项损失87176.08元。

Ms deng an afterthought,From 2000 to,His successively in three hospital abdominal surgery。2000 women and children in the county clinics do surgery cesarean section。 2005 years,In the bright light or service stations do again cesarean delivery operation,Parallel of bilateral oviduct tubes ligation operations。Then in 2008, the county government fengyang town health hospital fallopian tube of tumor resection operation。In order to get back on justice,A complaint against ms deng,Will three hospital to court,Ask for compensation for FuWeiJin spirit、Medical treatment to expend the loss of 87176.08 yuan。


trial,Three hospitals mutual shirk responsibility。Fengyang town government argues that the hospital,Ms deng in the hospital had fallopian tube of tumor resection operation,Postoperative hospital in surgical instruments on the inventory,No evidence the health hospital surgery gauze was left in the abdominal cavity improper。At the same time,Two other hospitals also argued that this matter has nothing to do with himself。


After hearing the court said that,Ms deng in September 2000、In May 2005, after the surgery,Until September 2008 to town on the right line health hospital excavators fengyang salpingectomy before,The body does not appear pain symptoms。In addition,Find the position of the internal gauze bag piece,And the town government health hospital surgery consistent position。According to FengYangXian court judge is introduced,According to the height of the evidence principle probability,That government to ms deng town health hospital internal left medical treatment fault existing gauze。The hospital also provided no evidence,To prove the gauze and ms deng in medical behavior does not exist causality。

  最终,法院判处府城镇卫生院于判决生效后十日内赔偿原告邓女士各项损失42768.38元。昨天下午,记者从凤阳县法院了解到,被告府城镇卫生院不服判决,已经上诉。案件仍须进一步审理。(安徽商报 张永坤 孙艳 欧阳徐中)

finally,The court sentenced to government health hospital in town that adjudicates become effective within 10 days after the loss compensation the plaintiff miss deng 42768.38 yuan。Yesterday afternoon,Reporters from FengYangXian court to understand,The accused government refuses to town health hospital decision,Have appealed to the。Case is still need further more trial。(Anhui business newspaper ZhangYongKun SunYan ouyang XuZhong)
