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夫妻离婚原因越来越“个人化” 10句话最易惹纠纷--亲稳网络舆情监测室


上半年全市结婚16.21万对、离婚5.29万对最易起矛盾的4种家庭 In the city of 162100 in the first half of marriage、52900 the most easily to divorce the contradiction of four kinds of family


最易惹纠纷的10句话 对比看看,你有没有 The most easily provoked dispute 10 words contrast to see see,Have you ever


yesterday,From the municipal marriage registration center figures show,In the first half of this year,The city's 162100 pairs to get married、52920 couples a divorce。The number of divorces and compared with the same period last year,Fluctuation is not big。But marriage expert analysis,Divorce reason more complicated,More and more“personal”。


离婚人数波动不大 The number of divorces fluctuation is not big


Chongqing evening news reporters in the first half of this year compared to last year、In the second half of last year marriage data。It has been a year and a half,The number of marriage and divorce movement is not big。City officials think about marriage registration center,From the data looks,Nearly two years chongqing people marriage and divorce are more hasten is rational。


吉日扎堆结婚少了 Good day gather together marry less


Chongqing people take marriage attitude more cautious,from“day”Get married on the data also can see out。On August 8, 2008,The city's 7130 pairs to get married。9 September 2009,Marry number to 7450。


February 14, 2009 and May 20,A public and even with tents to the marriage registration office in line all night yuzhong district。The head of the marriage registration center said,Since last year, gather together marry man is less。February 14, 5480 to get married,More than 2009 of the nearly young。This year“520”But also fell sharply,Get married for only 897。


离婚原因越来越细微 Divorce reason more and more subtle


Couples have feelings for with a divorce,Someone because of a third person jumping into a divorce,Someone because of hasty marriage and separation......previous,The couple will divorce in marriage registration office fill in the cause of their divorce。however,Now more and more difficult to statistical reason for divorce proceedings,Because divorce couple in the telling of reason,Is no longer a simple sentence“Feelings not”,Reason more subtle、More complex,More personal。“Some say that is because old woman daughter-in-law relation with,Some say it's just suddenly without the feeling of love,Reason is multifarious,Behind all have a story。”A marriage registration researchers said。


Considering such changes,Now when handle a divorce,Marriage registration office no longer simply statistical reason for divorce proceedings。For example,Jiulongpo district marriage registration office set a divorce buffer room,Let both sides alone。Marriage and family consultants and they talk,Idea listen to both sides,Help diagnosis marriage status,See if there are any remedy。In this way they can inhibit impulse divorce,Divorce than simply fill in reason more effective、More warmth。


听听孩子的声音 Listen to the voices of children


如果父母相互指责、逃避或者冷漠 “他们这样相处,我会感到很难过” If the parents blamed each other、Escape or cold “They get along so,I feel very sad”


父母将双手伸向对方,家庭和谐 “我想,我应该站到他们中间” Parents will both hands to each other,Family harmony “I want to,I should stand among them”


recently,The municipal women's summer family education lecture flow at school,Chongqing school principal female talent LiAnNa explains family communication skills。


In the lecture,LiAnNa let everybody to simulate the most prone to four quarrel family type:Accused type、Please type、avoidant、Cold type。Temporary the children of the family after see said:“If the parents are they get along the way,I feel very sad”。And when see both parents will reach each other's hands the harmony of the scene,The child said:“I want to,I should stand among them”。And then they smile happily of himself stood in their midst,Still naughty ground put out my hands to make the parents and two who gestures。


Harmonious family is the best model of marriage,Both sides of husband and wife equal status,Often communication and empathy,Able to accept each other's strengths and weaknesses and appreciate each other。


LiAnNa said,Many couples know have contradiction between two people,But don't know how to solve。Contrast the most easily up four contradictions family type,Look at your contradictions belong to type。


The family of the most vulnerable of the disputes 10 words,Do you blurt out。If the argument you say so,The other half is what feeling?


指责型 你对我不好 Accused type in your bad for me


Red light language:“How do you make money so little!”、“You bad for me!”、“You so too timid!”


Red light family:There is often accused of contradiction after 80、Family conditions are good、Parents' favorite one-child husband and wife。


Red light character:Such people often self awareness is strong,So sure of yourself、Not too easy to consider the other person's feelings,Not understanding and tolerance。Accused type contradiction is often shown as only the weaknesses of the other eye,Which pot does not open mention which pot。


Red light feeling(ZhaoWen:male、40 years old、freelancers):If I meet,I'll feel that they are not mature enough,Not understand me,But I'll tolerance,Because such each other mature won't say such things。


解决方式:降低期望值 换位思考 solution:Reduce the perspective-taking expectations


The root of the accused is often the opposite party has the high expectations,To solve the contradiction and first to lower expectations,Don't think of each other can meet all the requirements of you,Can you care about the shortcomings of change immediately。In addition,To pay attention to the perspective-taking,Think about their own problems。


讨好型 求求你不要离开我 Please type beg you don't leave me


Red light language:“I'm to blame do well!”、“Please don't leave me!”


Red light family:This kind of contradiction usually in the party economic or social status are much higher than the other side of the family,No voice of the other party schmooze。


Red light character:A party who often character of inferiority,No self circle,Long-term in each other as the center,Losing yourself。And strong party will be more look down upon weaker party,Weaker party long-term disapproval,Depression is very,contradictory。


Red light feeling(ChenHanLou:female、32 years old、Foreign capital bank customer manager):If the other party when the conflict is make to say such a thing,I think he is very vexed,Is not manly,More look down upon him。In the mind to think:How could I had sees in him?


解决方式:活出自我价值 相互认可 solution:To live out the self value mutual recognition


Weaker party should live out self value,Have their own career and circle,Let the other side to her。And strong party should recognize each other's ability,Recognition of the contribution of each family,Learn to praise each other。


逃避型 这家我呆不下去了 Escape from the I stay not go down type


Red light language:“I can't stand it thoroughly!”、“The house I stay up!”、“This day not lead!”


Red light family:Avoidant contradictions generally appear in the cultural level or social low level family,One party can't stand the other party's nagging or abuse,Choose to run away from home or other looking for an affair。


Red light character:In conflicts like to escape is usually the person disposition of cowardice、timid,Meet things can't face actively,And the negative way of escape。


Red light feeling(DengFan:male、33 years old、Media professionals):I'm the most boring is this way,Every time want to communicate and then go,“You exactly which times go is true,What time is false?”Long time will be very tired。


解决方式: solution:

  互相沟通 逃避不是办法 夫妻双方要意识到任何问题需要在家庭内解决,离家出走或寻找第三者都不仅不利于解决问题,反而深化矛盾。夫妻俩在产生矛盾之后应该先互相沟通,离开不能解决任何问题。

Communication is not the proper way to escape from both sides of husband and wife to realize that any problems need to be resolved within the family,Run away or looking for a third party are not conducive to solve the problem,But deepen contradiction。Both the husband and wife in a contradiction each other after should first communication,Leave doesn't solve any problems。


冷漠型 你少管,不关你的事 You ShaoGuan type indifference,It's none of your business


Red light language:“You ShaoGuan!”、“It's none of your business!”


Red light family:Cold type generally appear in intellectual family or social level higher family,Both sides are independent life ability,In the other side has a mistake is not willing to put forward their ideas,With indifference to show not cut attitude。LiAnNa said,Cold type is actually cold violence,Is one of the most dangerous marriage relationship,Are the hardest to defuse conflict。


Red light character:Character is often aloof,Look down on others,And there are certain“Spirit cleanliness”。


Red light feeling(DengXiaoJuan:female、34 years old、The school teachers):If meet this kind of cold violence,I'll be more fancy,Produce more contradiction。


解决方式:愿热吵不要冷脸相对 solution:May hot noisy don't cold face relatively


“Would rather hot noisy don't cold face relatively。”One party to the other party shall have the opinion,Should tell each other,Should not take cold way to make each other to guess,Such contradictions will only accumulate more deep,The last to the point of not to stay。


孩子3岁 3 years old children


就知道你在干什么 Knew you doing


Chongqing school principal female talent LiAnNa said,Divorce to the biggest influence in children。Experiments show that the child from the age of three on the clear know parents doing,The parents bad behavior,For they will have a bad influence。


LiAnNa once for a woman and a psychological consultation,The relationship between mother and daughter is very bad,Daughter often mother scolded for no reason。LiAnNa said,After in-depth talk about her,In the age of five daughters,Parents fight in the face of the mother after his daughter will be a strange man brought it home and seemed very close,And this all be daughter see in the eye。“Daughter from then on the mother resent the consciousness,Always don't like her mother,And my mother but thought her daughter still small doesn't know any better,Was completely unaware of the。”


离婚前 Before a divorce


告诉孩子4件事 Tell children 4 thing


Parents divorced cause damage to the child has ShuJianBuXian。You and your child about parents divorce,LiAnNa four Suggestions are given。


1、The children must be as part of a family,What happened in the family,Children have the right to know。In the divorce one month before the child of parents to divorce told news more appropriate,This child have the time to adjust to adjust。


2、Many naughty or bad grades children in their parents' divorce very remorse,Think that parents divorce is the fault of their own。so,Husband and wife before a divorce must tell children divorce is not the fault of the child,After her parents divorced will still love him。


3、In front of the children don't blame is the fault of the other party,Let children produce hate feeling。

  4、让孩子清楚父母离婚后他(她)跟着谁,住在哪儿,他(她)的东西放在哪儿,父母什么时候去看他(她)等细节问题,让孩子有安全感。(记者 田晓 谈露洁 见习记者 李琅 实习生 梁亚男)

4、Let the child clear after her parents divorced him(she)Who followed,Live where,he(she)Things in,When parents go to see him(she)Details such as,Let children have safe feeling。(Reporter TianXiao talk about dew clean trainee reporter li lakefront YaNan intern beam)
