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  中新网8月7日电 据卫生部网站消息,卫生部、国务院医改办等五部委日前联合印发关于做好2012年公立医院改革工作的通知。通知要求,促进公立医院优先配备、优先使用基本药物,控制医药费用不合理上涨。

Beijing August 07 dec according to the health ministry's website reported,health、Cure of the state council office, etc by five ministries jointly issued by about 2012 years to public hospital reform work notice。Notice requirements,Promote public hospital equipped with priority、Priority in use of basic drugs,Control medical costs is not reasonable to rise。


-continued to implement convenience huimin measures,Strengthen the internal management


With the patient as the center,To service oriented,Consolidate convenience huimin measures results。Continue to promote“Miyoshi YiManYi”、“Medical quality tour”And antibacterial drugs for clinical use special regulation activities。Further develop an appointment clinical activities,The national all level 3 hospitals and conditional level 2 hospitals extensively through the network、phone、Text messages in ways make an appointment,Promoting regional unified make an appointment platform construction。Optimize this service and process,implement“one-stop”Service and self-service,To provide convenient and quick examination results, inquires the service,The conditional level 3 hospital in general holidays and weekends outpatient service,Enrich outpatient service power。Effectively promoting nursing service quality,The national all level 3 hospital nursing quality service to cover more than 60% of the ward,Three level of first-class hospital realize cover partial,60% of the land(city)Level 2 class hospital at the county level and 30% of the second class hospitals provide high quality nursing services。Clinical nurse a line of the whole institutes nurses proportion is not less than 95%,Ward care than actual bed not less than 0.4:1,Workload big、Critical patients more ward to increase with the nurse。Set up and perfect the medical dispute mediation in the third party and the medical liability insurance system,Realize medical disputes at or above the county level people's mediation system complete coverage。


Clinical pathway and the information management in construction of high-quality curriculums,Improve the management of hospital scientific、fine、Professional level。All of the third class hospitals and the conditions of the second class hospitals are developing clinical path management pilot,All three level of first-class hospital and at least 40% of the level 2 of first-class hospital clinical pathway of management,Diseases are not less than each hospital number 15 and 5。Further perfect and regional information platform cohesion、With electronic medical records construction and the hospital management is to focus on the hospital information network,Explore the hospital information system and the basic medical insurance agency orgnaization and medical service connected monitoring information system。

  推进医院内部组织结构和决策机制的科学化设置。精简医院内部行政机构。强化财务、内部审计,保障医院经济运行安全有序。三级医院要按照医院财务制度的有关规定尽快设立总会计师。进一步推进后勤社会化管理。推进重大决策的科学化、民主化进程,探索建立以理事会为主要形式的决策监督机构, 建立决策、执行、监督相互分工、相互制衡的权力运行机制。

Promote the internal organization structure and decision-making mechanism of scientific Settings。Streamline the internal administrative institutions。Strengthening financial、Internal audit,Ensure safe and orderly economic operation of the hospital。Level 3 hospital to hospital financial system in accordance with the relevant provisions of the general accountant set up as soon as possible。To further promote the logistics socialization management。Promote great and decision-making more scientific、Democratization process,Explore a council as the main form of decision oversight agency, Establish decision-making、execution、Supervision division of each other、Mutual containment of power operation mechanism。


-fully mobilize enthusiasm medical staff


Perfect the internal distribution incentive mechanism。Strengthen personnel performance evaluation,Will the medical staff wage income and medical service technical level、quality、number、Cost control、ethics、The masses satisfaction assessment results such as hook,Do more gain for more pay、Optimal performance for optimal、Equal pay for equal work。Income distribution clinical medical staff to a line to tilt。Improving hospital personnel expenditure accounts for the proportion of business expenses,Improve the medical staff treatment。


Set up and perfect the resident standardization training system,Make the institutional framework and the policy system。In 2011, based on the training,Expand training scale。To continue to push forward the doctors more practice,To expand the scope。


-medical service system optimization,Cooperate mechanism


To strengthen medical service system planning regulation。provinces(area、city)To revising perfect regional health planning and regional program of the establishment of medical institutions。Each country to complete contact pilot city regional health planning and regional program of the establishment of medical institutions for the job,Clear the kinds of hospital、number、scale、layout。Per permanent population medical health care institutions to achieve the four tickets,In principle, no longer expand the scale of public hospital。Strengthen regional health planning the rigid constraints such as planning,The control center city medical resources growth,Control large medical institutions monomer scale expansion,To strictly control the construction standards、Equipped with scale and equipment。Strengthen the weak area and the weak ability construction field,Vigorously develop nursing center、Rehabilitation hospital medical institutions。Perfect service system of traditional Chinese medicine hospital。


To establish and perfect the basic public hospital and medical and health institutions division of cooperation mechanism。Strengthening public hospital medical and health institutions at the grassroots people、Technology and management support guidance。Set up through the basic medical and health institutions public hospital outpatient appointment of the green channel。


-multi-pronged,Control medical costs is not reasonable to rise


To strengthen medical service behavior and medical expenses regulatory control。The various localities should reasonably determine the target control fee,Public health administrative department at various levels are expenses and total cost ort growth rate、The day in hospital and medicine than the control management target of public hospital management accountability into goals and performance evaluation scope。To strengthen cost growth speed disease diagnosis and treatment of key control behavior。Strengthen medical insurance of medical service monitoring role。


Strengthen the internal management of cost control。Strengthen the financial management,Implementing cost accounting and control。Promote public hospital equipped with priority、Priority in use of basic drugs,Extensive use of appropriate technology。At the same level shall gradually medical institution examination、Test results recognition。Innovation service way,Through the development of ambulatory surgery、Extended care services, etc,Reduce medical expenses。
