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北京将逐步缩减医院窗口挂号源 引导患者预约看病--亲稳网络舆情监控室


北京将逐步缩减医院窗口挂号 Beijing will gradually reduce the hospital window registered source


年底前所有二级综合医院实现预约挂号 By the end of the year all secondary general hospital realize make an appointment


The tertiary hospital,Before the end of this year,This city all secondary general hospital will be fully integrated into the unified make an appointment platform。yesterday,Reporters from the Beijing municipal health bureau learned that,To change the present secondary hospital number source make an appointment“Encounter cold”situation,Guide the patients to make an appointment to see a doctor,The city will gradually tightening window number source,Increase the booking number source proportion。


The reporter learns,Since last July, the unity of the Beijing make an appointment since commissioning,So far,A total of 120 hospitals access unified platform。


City health bureau said,At present, secondary hospital source reservation rate is not high,Even ZhuanGuHao,Booking rate is less than twenty percent。therefore,The city will by increasing the booking number source,Reduce window number source way,Guide the patients medical services actively participate in an appointment,Encourage the first diagnosis booking ordinary number and specialized number。This year is expected before the end of the year,The secondary general hospital will all access unified platform,the,All two tertiary general hospital of ordinary number and ZhuanGuHao,Can be fixed by 114 and online booking registered platform make an appointment。


数说 chatter


19.431 million


The municipal bureau of health, the latest statistics show,So far this year the end of July,Accumulated more than 2.981 million people in the united platform registered。All online hospital into the unified platform number source amounted to 19.431 million。


4.373 million


Accumulated booking successful 4.373 million,Total booking rate 23%。Make an appointment successful break an appointment rate by 10% before has dropped to 4% to 5%。




Tertiary hospital see a doctor appointment rate of 40%,Return visit booking rate of 60% - 70%,The maternity and department of stomatology return visit an appointment ratio were above 90%,Community referral booking rate above 95%。


追访 After visit


二级医院预约率不足10% Secondary hospital booking rate less than 10%


The municipal bureau of health, officials say,With more and more secondary hospital to make an appointment platform,Make an appointment unified platform overall number source booking rate was secondary hospital“down”the。At present,The secondary hospital overall booking rate less than 10%,And ZhuanGuHao source reservation rate is only 17.1%。


The municipal bureau of health, analysis think,Secondary hospital booking in the cold,Reflect citizen has not formed“The doctor to make an appointment”Health habits,Most to secondary hospital mass selection window random registered。At the same time,This means that the,Populace to reflect“Registered difficult”“It is difficult to find a number”Focus on the part of the famous tertiary hospital key departments by the ZhuanGuHao。


现状 status


医药分开专家号“降温” Medicine ZhuanGuHao separately“cooling”


On July 1,,Beijing friendship hospital medical separate start pilot,Cancel the registration fee and drug after bonus,Caters to the medical service pricing for 42 yuan to 100 dollars,According to doctors title charge different prices different levels of medical service charge。Although medical insurance patients every time can submit an expense account 40 yuan,But foreign land for patients,Visits need to pay in full the highest 100 yuan of medical service charge。


Medical service of charge really played for ZhuanGuHao“cooling”role。Department of health said,The medical service of one of the aims is to guide the reasonable medical patients,Rather than a serious illness disorders are looking for experts,At present results have early。


专家支招 Experts move


强势专科可横向选择 The strong specialized subject can transverse choice

  卫生部门相关人员介绍,三级医院专家号源的抢手是因为患者过分依赖其品牌导致的,实际上,二级医院内也不乏专家,在三级医院一号难求的情况下,二级医院还有许多剩余的专家号可挂。以擅长心血管疾病的阜外医院为例,其号源最早也要等到9周后,而京城其他医院也不乏擅长此类专科的专家,如安贞医院和华信医院等的心脏科都属于重点科室,但预约却相对容易得多。(记者 李秋萌)

The health department introduced related personnel,Tertiary hospital ZhuanGuHao source popular because patients depend on the result of brand,In fact,Secondary hospital inside there is no lack of experts,In tertiary hospital is hard to find a number of cases,Secondary hospitals and many of the remaining ZhuanGuHao can hang。With good fortune recourse international cardiovascular disease hospital as an example,The source, the earliest also want to wait until nine weeks,But the other hospital there are good at this kind of specialized subject of experts,Such as the anzhen hospital and the hospital of huaxin heart belong to key departments,But an appointment is relatively easier。(Reporter LiQiuMeng)
