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青岛首创大病救助责任医师制度 买1年药花1月钱--亲稳舆论引导监测室


青岛全国首创大病救助责任医师制度 买1年药只花1月钱 Qingdao national first serious illness rescue responsibility system of doctors to buy 1 year medicine only spend 1 monthly payment


Use of 8 kinds of special drug and one kind of special consumables,Must be through the responsibility for physicians and prescribe,To obtain a serious illness medical assistance。Reporters learned yesterday interview,Qingdao in the national first medical treatment of a serious illness rescue responsibility system of doctors,The responsibility to enjoy the doctor responsible for relevant salvage treatment personnel provide relevant medical accepts、The doctor's advice, such as prescription clinical service。


医师不盖章特药不救助 Doctors don't affix one's seal TeYao not rescue


Zhuhai's responsibility system of doctors,Generally a rescue project set up several to 10 doctors,By the municipal orgnaization of social insurance agency confirmed effective record。At present already determined the TeYao salvage、Special material rescue responsibility physicians were 82,All from tertiary hospital。


Application TeYao salvage、Special material salvage treatment of patients with qualification of ginseng,First of all should to the corresponding TeYao、Special material、Special disease physicians accept responsibility in medical diagnosis and confirm the accord with standard of clinical medicine;standard,Responsibility medical certificate issued by the signature of affix one's seal confirmed《Qingdao urban medical treatment of a serious illness salvage expert evaluation table》。Without the record confirmed clinical physicians(Non responsibility physician)The doctor's advice happen rescue drugs、Salvage consumable cost,Not rescue compensation。Relevant departments、The relevant units shall be responsible for supervision and responsibility to doctors,And according to the actual situation,Adjust responsibility physician,Publicize regularly doctors responsibility list and the change of personnel。


原吃一月现在吃一年 The original eat January now for a year

  “3.5万元这个钱不少了,但以前用来吃施达赛 (达沙替尼)这种药,只够一个月的花费。”昨天上午,青医附院血液科专家赵洪国为62岁白血病患者李女士填好疾病评估表和特药救助申请表。家住莱西的李女士患有慢性粒细胞白血病,每月都要吃一盒施达赛,每盒的价格是3.5万元,病人一年要花42万元买药,但此前医保不报销。我市出台大病医疗救助政策后,患者买这种特药的费用可救助70%,剩下的费用还能获得慈善总会的救助,“从现在的救助情况来看,符合条件的白血病患者一年的施达赛药费,只是相当于以往一个月的花费,减掉了91.7%的负担。”赵洪国说,他现在的工作是为患者做界定,只有慢性粒细胞白血病才能获得相应的救助,这样的患者每年会接诊100多例,其中新确诊的有三四十例,病种符合条件后,还必须是在药品“格列卫”治疗无效后使用施达赛药品,才能获得救助。

“35000 yuan this money a lot about it,But previously used to eat to the application (Of sand for the)This medicine,Only enough for a month of cost。”Yesterday morning,Green establishing affiliated hospital of medical experts ZhaoHongGuo onset for the 62 - year - old leukemia patients ms. Li fill out the disease evaluation sheet and TeYao rescue application form。Live in the lacy ms. Li with chronic myeloid leukemia,Every month to eat a box of the application,The magazine the price is 35000 yuan,The patient a year would have had to spend 420000 yuan to buy medicine,But after medical insurance do not submit an expense account。On the medical treatment of a serious illness after salvage policy,Patients TeYao buy this kind of the cost of salvage 70%,The rest of the expenses still can obtain charity federation's rescue,“From the current rescue situation,Meet the conditions of the leukemia patients a year of joash the expenses for medicine,Only equivalent to the cost of the past one month,Lost 91.7% of the burden。”ZhaoHongGuo said,He is now work is for patients do definition,Only chronic myeloid leukemia to obtain corresponding rescue,Such patients a year accepts more than 100 cases,The new diagnosed has cases,Disease after accords with a condition,Still must be in the drug“gleevec”Treatment is invalid after applied use of the drug,To obtain relief。


8种特药供货厂家确定 Eight TeYao supply manufacturers sure

  作为我市确定的新增民生项目青岛市城镇大病医疗救助制度的重要组成部分,这也是我市在全国首创的大病救助方式,我市已经启动8种特殊药品的救助,药品的供货厂家已经确定,分别是施达赛(治疗白血病)、凯美纳(治疗肺癌)、索坦(治疗肝癌肾癌)、赫赛汀 (治疗乳腺癌)、科望(治疗BH4缺乏症)、全可利(治疗肺动脉高压)、索马杜林(治疗肢端肥大症)、倍泰龙(治疗多发性硬化),此外还确定了特殊医疗用材DBS刺激器(用于治疗脑血管病)的供货厂家。根据协议约定,相应的9家合作公司将配合我市大病医疗救助制度的实施,就这些特药、特材品种提供国内最优惠经济待遇,每年可为我市节省救助基金支出费用至少1000余万元;另外,根据协议约定,我市从这些合作方还取得了很多具体的服务承诺与合作项目支持,如无偿帮助我市建立一所脑深部电刺激治疗中心、无偿向低保家庭参保患者提供免费用药、无偿帮助部分社区开展一些新型医疗服务项目等。(青岛早报 记者 陈珂)

As the new people's livelihood project determine the Qingdao urban medical treatment of a serious illness salvage system is an important part of,This is also the first in the country of a serious illness rescue mode,Our city has begun 8 kind of special drug relief,The supply of drug manufacturers have been confirmed,Are respectively applied to race(Treatment for leukemia)、Kiah's beauty(Treatment for lung cancer)、sutent(Treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma of kidney cancer)、Hector and statins (For breast cancer)、Families hope(Treatment of BH4 deficiency)、All but the(Therapy for pulmonary arterial hypertension)、Line MaDuLin(Treatment of acromegaly)、Times tyrone(Treatment for multiple sclerosis),In addition also determines the special medical material DBS stimulator(Used in the treatment of cerebrovascular disease)Supply manufacturers。According to the agreement,The corresponding nine cooperation company will cooperate with the medical treatment of a serious illness rescue implementation of the system,On these TeYao、Special material varieties with the most favorable economic treatment,For a year the save rescue funds expenses at least 1000 more than ten thousand yuan;In addition,According to the agreement,Zhuhai from these partner has also made a lot of specific service commitment and cooperation project support,Such as voluntary help our city to establish a deep brain electrical stimulation treatment center、Free to low income families ginseng protect patients provide free drugs、Voluntary help some community to develop some new type of medical service items。(Qingdao morning paper reporter ChenKe)
