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  中新网8月29日电 据国家食品药品监督管理局网站消息,近日,食品药品监督管理部门通过保健食品专项监督检查和抽验,在“明福牌清赘胶囊”等产品检出化学药物成分,经核实上述产品为假冒保健食品。

Beijing on August 29, according to the state food and drug administration website news,recently,The food and drug supervision and administration department through the health food special supervision and inspection and sample,in“MingFu brand clear proud capsule”And other products in the check out chemical drug ingredients,Verified the above products as the fake health food。


The food and drug administration required provinces(area、city)The food and drug supervision and administration according to law, strengthen the supervision and inspection of the jurisdiction of health food market,Found the above products,Take control measures according to law;The above products for the production and business operation of the enterprise,Have been investigated and severely in accordance with the;Criminal suspects,Timely transferred to public security organs。


State food and drug administration to remind consumers not to buy the products,Once found illegal products,Promptly report to the local food and drug supervision and administration departments to report。Consumers can login state food and drug administration official website inquires the health food licensing information。


attached:Fake health food list



序号 Serial number 标示产品名称 Mark product name 被抽样单位名称 By sampling unit name 标示生产单位 Marking production unit 标示批准文号 Marking approval number 标示规格 Mark specifications 检验结果 Test results 标示批号 Marking the batch number 备注 note 1 1排油基 通城县医药公司时青堂药店 广州健达生物技术有限公司、美国(香港)基因生物医学科技有限公司 卫进食健字(1999)第0221号 10g/包 检出酚酞、西布曲明 查无企业注册信息 Exhaust oil flux city county pharmaceutical company green hall pharmacy guangzhou health of biological technology co., LTD、The United States(Hong Kong)Gene biomedical technology co., LTD. Health food health word(1999)No. 0221 10 g/bag detection phenolphthalein、Sibutramine check no enterprise registration information2 2保和堂牌睡得香 一正保健品商行 美国奥诺国际医药集团监制;深圳保和堂医药生物技术有限公司出品 国食健字G20050028 0.5g/粒 处方有褪黑素成分但未检出褪黑素 20110320 查无企业注册信息 Insurance and hall card sleeping soundly a positive health products businesses the us Olympic's international medical group producer;Shenzhen bohol hall medical biological technology co., LTD. Product countries food health word G20050028 0.5 g/granule prescription have melatonin composition but not detection melatonin 20110320 check no enterprise registration information3 3鑫吉安牌参茸丸 秦皇岛民乐医药贸易有限公司港城大街第一药店 西安东南生物科技有限公司 国食健字G20040877 0.68g/粒 检出西地那非 20110110 企业已注销 Xin gian brand ginseng antler pill qinhuangdao folk music medicine trade co., LTD. City street first pharmacy xian southeast biological technology co., LTD. Countries food health word G20040877 0.68 g/particle detection sildenafil 20110110 enterprise already cancellation4 4幸福来牌睡康宁胶囊(安成) 永嘉县瓯北镇新瓯大药房 出品商:广州霖奇保健品科技有限公司;授权商:福建省幸福生物科技有限公司;生产商:广东美丽康保健品有限公司 卫食健字(2002)第0198号 350mg/粒 处方有褪黑素成分但未检出褪黑素 100924 企业声称未生产该批次产品 Happiness to brand sleep corning capsule(AnCheng) OuBeiZhen yongjia county new ou big pharmacy producers:Guangzhou lam odd health food technology co., LTD;Authorized business:Fujian happiness biological technology co., LTD;producers:Guangdong beautiful health health care products co., LTD. No.534(2002)No. 0198 350 mg/granule prescription have melatonin composition but not detection melatonin 100924 enterprise claims not to produce the batch products5 5明福牌清赘胶囊(包装上标有“青春线”) 南京开心大药房有限公司 广州广济堂医药保健品有限公司 卫食健字(2002)第0408号 0.3g/粒 检出酚酞、西布曲明 20110201 查无企业注册信息 明福牌清赘胶囊 汉中市第二药材公司医药商贸大厦 广东广济堂医药保健品有限公司 0.3g/粒 检出酚酞、西布曲明 20110201 明福牌清赘胶囊 永康市大众大药房 广州丽之源保健食品有限公司、广州市明福生物科技有限公司 0.3g/粒 检出酚酞、西布曲明 L201002028 企业声称未生产该批次产品 明福牌清赘胶囊(包装上标有“左旋肉碱”) 兰陵市云龙大药房连锁有限公司通和连锁店 广州市明福生物科技有限公司、广州市嘉懿康医药科技有限公司 0.3g/粒 检出酚酞、咖啡因 110402 明福牌清赘胶囊 柳河县益和堂大药房 广州市明福生物科技有限公司 300mg/粒 检出酚酞、西布曲明 2011032302 明福牌清赘胶囊(包装上标有“绿瘦”) 集安市新药特药商店 广州嘉懿康医药科技有限公司、广州市明福生物科技有限公司 300mg/粒 检出酚酞、咖啡因 110302 明福牌清赘胶囊 孝感市城区佑民药房 广州丽之源保健食品有限公司、广州市明福生物科技有限公司 0.3g/粒 检出酚酞、西布曲明 2011030807 明福牌清赘胶囊(包装上标有左旋肉碱) 孝感天盛大药房有限公司 广州市明福生物科技有限公司 0.5g/粒 检出酚酞 20110409 明福牌清赘胶囊(包装上为“苦瓜明福牌清赘减肥胶囊”) 东骏大药房香格里拉店坛城连锁店 广州市明福生物科技有限公司 0.45g/粒 检出酚酞、咖啡因、西布曲明 110317 明福牌清赘胶囊 仙桃市商城药店 广州丽之源保健食品有限公司、广州市明福生物科技有限公司 0.3g/粒 检出酚酞、西布曲明 2011030807 明福牌清赘胶囊(包装上标有“美丽瘦”) 沧州市盛康保健品有限公司 广州金致堂生物科技有限公司、广州市明福生物科技有限公司 350mg/粒 检出酚酞、咖啡因、西布曲明 20091201 MingFu brand clear proud capsule(Package marked with“Youth line”) Nanjing happy big pharmacy co., LTD., guangzhou wide economic hall medical health products co., LTD. No.534(2002)No. 0408 0.3 g/particle detection phenolphthalein、Sibutramine 20110201 check no enterprise registration information MingFu brand clear proud capsule grassland second medicinal materials company pharmaceutical trade building guangdong wide economic hall medical health products co., LTD., 0.3 g/particle detection phenolphthalein、Sibutramine 20110201 MingFu brand clear proud capsule yongkang public big pharmacy guangzhou li source of health care food co., LTD、Guangzhou MingFu biological technology co., LTD. 0.3 g/particle detection phenolphthalein、Sibutramine L201002028 enterprise claims not to produce the batch products MingFu brand clear proud capsule(Package marked with“l-carnitine”) Lanling city yunlong big pharmacy chain co., LTD., pass and chain guangzhou MingFu biological technology co., LTD、Guangzhou jia Yi kang pharmaceutical technology co., LTD. 0.3 g/particle detection phenolphthalein、Caffeine 110402 MingFu brand clear proud capsule LiuHeXian profit and hall large pharmacy guangzhou MingFu biological technology co., LTD. 300 mg/particle detection phenolphthalein、Sibutramine 2011032302 MingFu brand clear proud capsule(Package marked with“Green thin”) JiAnShi new drug TeYao shop guangzhou jia Yi kang pharmaceutical technology co., LTD、Guangzhou MingFu biological technology co., LTD. 300 mg/particle detection phenolphthalein、Caffeine 110302 MingFu brand clear proud capsule on XiaoGanShi city people pharmacy guangzhou li source of health care food co., LTD、Guangzhou MingFu biological technology co., LTD. 0.3 g/particle detection phenolphthalein、Sibutramine 2011030807 MingFu brand clear proud capsule(Packaging marked with l-carnitine) Xiaogan day big pharmacy co., LTD., guangzhou MingFu biological technology co., LTD. 0.5 g/particle detection phenolphthalein 20110409 MingFu brand clear proud capsule(Packaging for“Bitter melon MingFu brand clear proud weight loss capsules”) East jun big pharmacy shangri-la shop temple city chain guangzhou MingFu biological technology co., LTD. 0.45 g/particle detection phenolphthalein、caffeine、Sibutramine 110317 MingFu brand clear proud capsule city mall pharmacy guangzhou li source of health care food co., LTD、Guangzhou MingFu biological technology co., LTD. 0.3 g/particle detection phenolphthalein、Sibutramine 2011030807 MingFu brand clear proud capsule(Package marked with“Beautiful thin”) Cangzhou ChengKang health care products co., LTD., guangzhou JinZhiTang biological technology co., LTD、Guangzhou MingFu biological technology co., LTD. 350 mg/particle detection phenolphthalein、caffeine、Sibutramine 200912016 6中葆牌苹唐胶囊 咸阳仁和大药房 中山益盛生物制药有限公司 国食健字G20041139 0.35g/粒 检出格列本脲、格列美脲、盐酸吡格列酮、盐酸苯乙双胍 110301 企业声称未生产该批次产品 中葆牌苹唐胶囊 商洛市商州区北新街党琴药店 检出盐酸苯乙双胍、盐酸吡格列酮、格列本脲、格列美脲 110301 中葆牌苹唐胶囊 延安市宝塔区康佳药店 检出盐酸苯乙双胍、盐酸吡格列酮、格列本脲 101101 Remains of the card cavity tang capsule xianyang kernel and big pharmacy zhongshan profit cheng biological pharmaceutical co., LTD. Countries food health word G20041139 0.35 g/grain inspection revolutionary column the urea、Lattice column beauty urea、Hydrochloric acid pioglitazone、Hydrochloric acid phenformin 110301 enterprise claims not to produce the batch products remains brand cavity tang capsule paper western city area beixin street party harp pharmacy detection hydrochloric acid phenformin、Hydrochloric acid pioglitazone、glyburide、Lattice column beauty urea 110301 remains brand cavity tang capsule YanAnShi BaoDaOu konka pharmacy detection hydrochloric acid phenformin、Hydrochloric acid pioglitazone、Glyburide 1011017 7诺瑞特牌参杞胶囊  秦皇岛市仙海药店有限公司 陕西天龙生物科技有限责任公司 国食健字G20050956 0.4g/粒 胶囊1检出西地那非;胶囊2检出西地那非、他达拉非 20100801 企业声称未生产该批次产品 North rhett brand and qi capsule  Qinhuangdao fairy sea pharmacy co., LTD., shaanxi, biological science and technology limited liability company countries food health word G20050956 0.4 g/capsules 1 detection sildenafil;Capsule 2 detection sildenafil、Tadalafil 20100801 enterprise claims not to produce the batch products8 8丽美姿牌益康双参胶囊 孝感市孝南中药材公司金福堂大药房 陕西高科药业有限公司 国食健字G20070027 0.5g/粒 检出他达拉非 20121014 企业声称未生产该批次产品 Limei appearance brand YiKang double ginseng capsule XiaoGanShi filial piety south Chinese herbal medicine company JinFuTang big pharmacy shaanxi gaoke pharmaceutical co., LTD. Countries food health word G20070027 0.5 g/particle detection tadalafil 20121014 enterprise claims not to produce the batch products9 9强生牌金鹿丸 烟台华医堂大药房有限责任公司汽车站大药房 西安贝力健生物科技有限公司 卫食健字(2002)第0576号 0.4g/丸 检出硫代艾地那非 20110224 企业声称未生产该批次产品 Johnson &johnson brand for the golden stag pill yantai China medical hall large pharmacy co., LTD. The bus stop xian bei force health biological technology co., LTD. No.534(2002)No. 0576 0.4 g/pill detection sulfur generation ai to the non 20110224 enterprise claims not to produce the batch products10 10正吉牌沙棘葛根茶 杨军(个体销售) 西安鹤鸣医药科技有限公司委托生产、陕西正吉药业有限公司出品 国食健字G20080033 2g/袋 检出盐酸苯乙双胍 101201 企业声称未生产该批次产品 Is ji brand seabuckthorn kudzu root tea studios(Individual sales) Xian the medicine science and technology co., LTD., entrust production、Shaanxi is auspicious pharmaceutical co., LTD. Product countries food health word G20080033 2 g/bag detection hydrochloric acid phenformin 101201 enterprise claims not to produce the batch products11 11金领牌金领减肥冲剂 辽源市龙山区赵姐化妆品商店 咸阳欧美亚减肥制品厂 卫食健字(2001)第0028号 10g/包 检出西布曲明 20100802、20110402 企业声称未生产该批次产品 金领牌金领减肥冲剂 衡水恒康泰保健品经营部 广州广济堂医药保健品有限公司 8g/包 检出西布曲明 110502 查无企业注册信息 Jinling card (-) kingleader infusion of reducing weight Ming ZhaoJie yongsan cosmetics store xianyang European &american &asia weight loss products factory no.534(2001)No. 0028 10 g/bag detection sibutramine 20100802、20110402 enterprise claims not to produce the batch product jinling card (-) kingleader infusion of reducing weight hengshui constant peace health products business department of guangzhou wide economic hall medical health products co., LTD., 8 g/bag detection sibutramine 110502 check no enterprise registration information12 12贝兴牌左旋肉碱茶多酚胶囊 通化保民祥老百姓医药连锁有限公司 (中美合资)广东长兴科技保健品有限公司、广州金维宣生物科技有限公司出品 国食健字G20080575 0.35g/粒 检出西布曲明 20110303 企业声称未生产该批次产品 贝兴牌左旋肉碱茶多酚胶囊 咸阳市秦都区和瑞堂大药房 广东长兴科技保健品有限公司 300mg/粒 检出西布曲明 20110301 贝兴牌左旋肉碱茶多酚胶囊 衡水鸿兆祥贸易有限公司 (中美合资)广东长兴科技保健品有限公司 0.35g/粒 检出西布曲明 20110303 Bei xing brand l-carnitine tea polyphenol capsule tonghua protecting the people cheung people medicine chain co., LTD (Sino-us joint venture)Guangdong changxing science and technology health care products co., LTD、Guangzhou JinWeiXuan biological technology co., LTD. Product countries food health word G20080575 0.35 g/particle detection sibutramine 20110303 enterprise claims not to produce the batch product bei xing brand l-carnitine tea polyphenol capsule XianYangShi QinDouOu and red hall large pharmacy guangdong changxing science and technology health care products co., LTD. 300 mg/particle detection sibutramine 20110301 bei xing brand l-carnitine tea polyphenol capsule hengshui hon trillion auspicious trade co., LTD (Sino-us joint venture)Guangdong changxing science and technology health care products co., LTD., 0.35 g/particle detection sibutramine 20110303


