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热点事件拷问大病救助 官方出台新政补政策短板--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  中新网8月31日电 (邓永胜)大病保险实际报销比例不低于50%、不额外增加参保者缴费负担、加强对商业保险机构承办大病保险监管、解决因病致贫、因病返贫问题……在全民医保体系逐步建立、医改向纵深挺进之际,国家发改委、卫生部等六部委日前公布《关于开展城乡居民大病保险工作的指导意见》。这一新政力求补齐医保政策短板,让老百姓真正实现病有所医。

Beijing, aug. 31 (DengYongSheng)A serious illness insurance actual expense proportion is less than 50%、No additional participants pay cost burden、Strengthen the commercial insurance institutions undertaking serious illness insurance regulation、Solve become financially-difficult、Poverty due to illness problem...In the medical insurance system gradually established、To deep the reform into,The national development and reform commission、The ministry of health announced six ministries and commissions such as《About urban and rural residents to carry out a serious illness insurance work guiding opinions》。The New Deal for medical insurance policy together to short plate,Let people really multi-form。


热点新闻事件拷问大病医保缺陷 Hot news events torture a serious illness medical insurance defect


A serious illness security is the measure of a country the important symbol of the levels of medical security。China national basic medical insurance has been covering both urban and rural areas,But serious illness security system is not perfect,The medical treatment of a serious illness expense burden is heavier,Become financially-difficult、The problem of poverty due to illness and risk is relatively conspicuous。And the recent continuous break appear hot news event, let this defect unceasingly highlighting。


Her husband to save disease wife SiKe official seal fraud、Buy pesticide and help mother euthanasia、Granny glean and collect scraps for the son's death also medical debt...Several seemingly isolated from one another hot news events,But more because“Embarrassed heavy medical expenses”And the。After the media after the widely reported,China's current medical insurance policy defects,Especially the medical treatment of a serious illness salvage this“Short plate”Had been to the opinion in the teeth of the storm。


The controversial“SiKe official seal to save his wife”case,Hero LiaoDan wife DuJinLing have neither Beijing hukou,And in Beijing have not of the medical insurance,was“logical”In a serious illness in Beijing medical insurance door。


In the multiple resort to proper channel after inconclusive,Eager to save his wife LiaoDan chose a touch the way of criminal law。He SiKe chapter hospital fees,Four years for 400 times for his wife free dialysis opportunity,Involving a value 172000 yuan。


Suspicion of fraud,Will face criminal penalties,Such an offender along with disease wife is in the media but get public one-sided sympathy。Many netizens think,It is a serious illness salvage the lack of medical insurance system and the loopholes,Make the desperate LiaoDan choice“Rush in where angels fear to tread”。At the same time in punishing offenders,We should review the serious illness salvage system defects。。


According to the reality,The on the introduction of the New Deal a serious illness medical insurance put forward,To reasonably determine the serious illness insurance compensation policy,The actual payment proportion is less than 50%;According to the medical treatment charge high and low section make payment proportion,In principle, the higher proportion of medical expenses paid higher。


The national development and reform commission deputy director、Cure of the state council office director SunZhiGang said,To carry out a serious illness insurance,To urban and rural residents suffering from serious illness happen high medical treatment charge gives to submit an expense account,Purpose is to solve the populace to reflect the strong“Become financially-difficult、Poverty due to illness”problems,Make most people won't because disease in queer street。


官方多次表态力求补齐政策短板 The official said many times to polishing policy short plate


The current,China“1025”Into the deep reform forward。Actively explore establish guarantee mechanism of a serious illness、Make the basic medical insurance system has improved constantly become important one annulus。Since this year,Chinese officials said many times,Strive to patch together a serious illness medical insurance that a short plate,Continuously improve support capacity,To solve a serious illness patients special difficulties and trouble back at home。


This year's《The government work report》Put forward,To be fully opened the uremia, eight kind of serious illness security,The lung and 12 kind of serious illness into the security and salvage the scope。


《The government work report》And points out that,Establish a serious illness security system,Must pay attention to innovation mechanism,The basic medical insurance and commercial insurance combined,connected,Function complementary。


At the same time,To improve the basic medical insurance、Serious illness insurance、Medical assistance、Charity relief and business supplementary insurance of cohesion,To explore more formation of multi-level form of a serious illness security system,Continuously improve support capacity。


then,The state council has rolled out《“1025”During the deepening reform of the drug an medical management planning and implementation plan》。The mentioned,To speed up the perfect the medical insurance system,Continue to strengthen government support,Gradually improve medical insurance for urban residents and new farming together the government subsidies standards,To speed up the reform of the medical insurance payment,Actively explore establish guarantee mechanism of a serious illness,Make the basic medical insurance system continuous improvement。


For rural children's serious illness security,China's rural children serious illness medical insurance public welfare fund July start。The project through the polytropic force raise insurance funds,The public welfare fund、Insurance company、Local governments cooperation way,To raise funds society,For pilot areas school-age children to buy commercial medical insurance,Do not set disease to compensate limit,The local children free and obtain the highest 200000 yuan settlement,Both children can reduce the burden of the family,Won't give the local financial increase pressure,Effectively solve the rural children serious illness security。


July 19,The standing committee of CCCPC political bureau、Vice premier of the state council、The state council deepening medical health system reform in the state council leading group leader li keqiang deepening medical health system reform leading group eleventh plenary meeting stressed,Should be determined to put a serious illness medical insurance into the universal coverage,Expand the basic medical insurance function extension,This benefit from the system built on the prison、Weave tight social safety net,To solve a serious illness patients special difficulties and trouble back at home,Give them hope、Bring warm。


Media commentary pointed out,The serious illness medical insurance into the universal coverage range,Extension and the function of the basic medical insurance,From the system on active close social safety net,Solve the special difficulties in patients with a serious illness,Is the people look forward very much,And the government should do one's duty


大病医保新政启程 仍面临诸多挑战 A serious illness medical insurance New Deal set out on a journey still faces many challenges


China issued a serious illness medical insurance the New Deal,To perfect the medical insurance system、Solve become financially-difficult、Poverty due to illness problem all has the positive sense。But in a serious illness to establish and perfect the safeguard mechanism on the road,There are still many challenges for solution。


The first is the problem of funds。An ageing society of China,Medical burden will be more and more heavy。The medical insurance the New Deal has been clear about the source of fund,From the medical insurance for urban residents fund、New farmers joint funds a certain proportional or line as a serious illness insurance funds。


To solve the serious illness patients group of practical difficulties,Need a lot of medical insurance fund support。Only for medical insurance reservoir continuous injection“Running water”,To avoid the medical insurance fund cannot make ends meet。


The current,By urban and rural binary segmentation、The household registration system and population flow restricted by many factors,Many would not bear different medical and submit an expense account trival people were missing in the outside of medical insurance system。


At the same time,Medical resources all over the present situation of unbalanced distribution,Also make a serious illness treatment often become“Different treatment”,A lot of serious illness patients medical expense proportion therefore sells at a discount greatly。And this kind of unbalanced,In the short term is difficult to change。


At this time,The universal coverage to universal coverage integration transformation slogan be vividly portrayed。In the long term to medical system reform of the Beijing university guanghua school of management economics professor LiuGuoEn looks,Establish universal health care integration,Solve different medical and remote settlement and is not a difficult task,Can through the electronic information means,Online trading and settlement,Online shopping is payment platform,Medical insurance to submit an expense account also can build online payment operation platform。


In addition,In the medical insurance policy continuously advancing process,Medical insurance system of urban and rural areas、Group segmentation and management and handling partition fragmentized problems also appeared unceasingly。


The expert points out,Eliminate medical insurance fragmentized,To realize the integration of urban and rural medical insurance of the real difficulty lies in various departments between interests game:New farmers joint belongs to the ministry of agriculture management,Urban medical insurance by club department is responsible for,Regional economic development caused by the unbalanced turn into the ground and roll out between liquor interests。If you want to change,Need to national policy big strength regulation。(finish)
