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“芭啦芭啦透脂爽”减肥产品网络销售藏骗局      丽丽展示自己购买的“芭啦芭啦透脂爽”和“专家”推荐的产品记者 徐德荣 摄      Lily show their purchase"Ba la ba la through fat shuang"and"experts"The recommended products.Reporter XuDeRong perturbation


"Only reduce fat does not water reducing,Left three ring right three ring,Heard fat in combustion,See grease through out..."Let many TV viewers now still leave impression"Ba la ba la through fat shuang"Lose weight product advertising,Two months ago when the TV screen vanished.now,Network has appeared in dozens of"Ba la ba la through fat shuang"of"Official website",Continue to peddle.


recently,More than users complaint,Says buying their own after use,Effect is not obvious.But when they according to purchase"Invalid full refund"When the agreement of ask for a refund,But had"LianHuanTao",Step by step has fallen into woven good"trap".


【遭遇】 [encounter]


体重不减反增, “专家”称体质特殊 Don't reduce weight against increase, "experts"Says physical special

  今年6月,衡阳市民王大方(化名)在电视上看到“芭啦芭啦透脂爽”的广告后, “半个月左右就能瘦10斤?”被广告中那“神奇”的效果吸引,正想减肥的他,因广告中“货到付款”、“7天无效全额退款”的定心丸,立即订购了4盒。

In June this year,Hengyang WangDaFang citizens(alias)Saw on TV"Ba la ba la through fat shuang"After the advertisement, "Half a month can thin 10 jins?"Advertising in the"magic"Effect to attract,Is he want to lose some weight,Because of advertisements"cod"/"Seven days invalid full refund"Nerves of,Immediately ordered four box.


"Put out more than ten days later,Says the weight,Find the previous 138 jins into 143 jins."WangDaFang contact immediately"experts","experts"Told his physique very"special",Body being"toxin",Effect reducing weight,Shall purchase another"Row poison".WangDaFang sumption,Immediate remittance to 1300 yuan,bought"detoxification"Three product.


"I will product daub on the belly,Always feel like a rolling oil general cauterization."Alluvial 15 year old girl lili(alias)said,Because do not want to be"torture",She decided to find"experts"refund,"can‘experts’Tell me,Said other customer use effect is very good,My 15 years old body is like a 50 years old woman's constitution,Lymphatic pipeline jam,Must in addition to buy the product,Dredge lymphoid pipeline."Lily told reporters,Up and down,His points total to three times by more than 4000 yuan,Can still do not lose weight.


【连环套】 [LianHuanTao]


透脂爽打头阵,后续产品数十种 Through fat great take the lead,Subsequent product dozens of


WangDaFang Internet search and"Ba la ba la through fat shuang"Relevant information.The results,He was surprised to find,And himself"Physical special"Customers who wished.so,He built a QunHao for 115354726 QQ group,Hope to the same people encounter communication.


Building group of a few days,There is nearly people to join in.Reporter discovery,In the group with young girl is in the majority,buy"Ba la ba la through fat shuang"Series of products for thousands of yuan,A few to two or three ten thousand yuan,The more a middle-aged woman spent more than 60000 yuan.They all said products can't make you lose weight,His being cheated.


Reporter discovery,The nearly people meet situation astonishing similarity:For the first time spend hundreds of yuan to buy"Ba la ba la through fat shuang"- a refund was told that physical special,memory"toxin"- spend thousands of yuan to buy"detoxification"Series product -- be told"Lymphatic jams"- spend thousands of yuan to buy"Dredge lymphatic"products.Integrated the products they buy,Reporter discovery"Ba la ba la through fat shuang"are"Take the lead",Subsequent product has dozens of,And to"imported"The product is in the majority,Have been dubbed the dissolve fat/Detoxification, and other name.


WangDaFang said,Group of the friends all feel"serial"fraud,Want to get back to justice rights.


【维权】 [rights]


寄件地址虚构,供货商“隐匿” Send an address fiction,suppliers"hidden"


"Want to find they ask face to face,Is what is fraud."WangDaFang told reporters,In early August began with the supplier of the operator and"experts"contact,Asked to company field to understand,In order to eliminate their"swindled"doubts,But the other party has been reluctant to inform the real address.


So WangDaFang find out to buy the products received when package,Check to send an address.Parcel Posting information display,Goods originating for guangzhou fangcun,But it did not identify detailed send an address,only"Fashion shopping"A few words.after,WangDaFang through the group of friends feedback information,Hunan changsha that a place had sent the goods,And there are"Changsha furong district silver harbour ShuiJingCheng C1 building n unit and layer number 21003"Detailed address,WangDaFang according to address looking for,"But two times to,Have failed to open the door."


调查 survey


数十家“官网”均不愿透露地址 Dozens of"'s official website"All does not wish to disclose address


The reporter understands,"Ba la ba la through fat shuang"Before in July,In the numerous national TV broadcast the advertisement.July 19,Administration of radio, film and television reported,"Ba la ba la through fat shuang"Article 33 such as TV advertising content in violation of state regulations,Were asked to shutdown.


September 10th afternoon,Reporters through a search engine input"Ba la ba la through fat great's official website",Through the rough calculation,Claim to"'s official website"/"Quality goods"Sites in more than 30.Each web site"400"Different order number.Reporters trying to dial a few telephone orders,In the said to inspected or try the product,All were the other party refused.


One of them the personnel of the service with the reporter's multiple request,Said his company in guangzhou liwan,But do not let say detailed address.Reporters will go to guangzhou field trial products,The customer service staff to answer"When you get to guangzhou,Call me the phone."11 in the morning,Reporters call again,Say already to guangzhou liwan.The personnel of the service has said there is no"The activity at the site",Can't try,Then hurry hang up the phone.


回应 response


厂家称已终止分装合作 Manufacturers say already terminated subpackage cooperation

  在生产厂家广州市蓝柯化妆品有限公司的官方网站,记者看到一条发表于2012年7月5日的“免责声明”:蓝柯化妆品公司自6月份开始,已不再为冰火透脂爽和芭啦芭啦透脂爽提供分装服务,市面上标注蓝柯化妆品公司生产的上述两种产品均为假冒产品,请消费者不要购买。(三湘都市报 记者 徐德荣)

In the manufacturer guangzhou ronker cosmetics co., LTD's official website,The reporter sees a published in 2012 July 5 day"disclaimer":Ronker cosmetics company since June began,No longer for ice hot through fat great and ba la ba la through fat great provide packaging services,Mark on market ronker cosmetics company production of the above two kinds of products are for fake products,Please the consumers not to buy.(Sanxiang urban paper XuDeRong reporters)
