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中国6省区艾滋病疫情较严重 占报告人数75.8%--亲稳舆论引导监测室


In July 2012,World AIDS conference held in the United States,This time the theme of the congress is"together/Torsional epidemic,Towards a new era of no AIDS".


[In 2011, China AIDS epidemic estimation]display,The number of cases of HIV/AIDS in China report is rising year by year,These Numbers increase in recent years that whether the HIV/AIDS epidemic situation more and more serious,Prevention and control failure??China's center for disease control and prevention sexually transmitted disease AIDS prevention and control center director wu zun friend said,At present the report increased number of cases,More is due to the detection range caused by expanding;And the increasing number of death,Is more and"Night that"relevant.


And the latest scientific research shows,Early antiviral treatment of AIDS are good people.The new study found that how to use is very important.In addition,At present our country AIDS vaccine Ⅱ period clinical trials start,China is"No AIDS of the new era"How far is the goal?


 我国艾滋病感染人群多样化 HIV/AIDS infection in our country population diversity


Reporters from the Chinese CDC venereal disease AIDS prevention and control center released[In 2011, China AIDS epidemic estimation]Report to know,By the end of 2011,Our country live AIDS virus infection and AIDS patient is expected to 780000 people,The new hair virus infected 48000 people,Died of AIDS related disease person amount to 28000 people.


The report shows that,By the end of 2011,Live in China about 780000 HIV infections, and HIV/AIDS patients,Women accounted for 28.6%;154000 AIDS patients,The whole crowd infection rate was 0.058%.Estimates 2011 new cases of HIV infections in 48000,the,The opposite sex communication accounted for 52.2%.


Just for transmission way,In 780000 people and patients,The opposite sex communication accounted for 46.5%,The gay propagation accounted for 17.4%,Transmission by illegal drug injection accounted for 28.4%,By always paid CaiGongXie/Blood transfusion or the use of adjuvant therapies propagation accounted for 6.6%,The mother-to-child transmission accounted for 1.1%.


Wu zun friend said,In our country,Sexually transmitted has become the main way to the spread of AIDS,The proportion of continue to increase,Case report the sexually transmitted(Including gay spread and spread the opposite sex)The proportion of reporter has risen from 33.1% in 2006 to 76.3% in 2011.the,Gay transmission ratio is from 2.5% to 13%.


老年男性感染率上升 Older men infection rates rise


Wu zun friend said,From 2005 to 2010,Men over 60 new report of AIDS virus infection and the number of patients increased dramatically,In 2005,,Men of AIDS virus infection only 2.2%,By 2010,This ratio reached 8.9%;In 2005,,Men over 60 new cases are only 5.4%,To reach 11% by 2010.


Why this population proportion will rise?Expert analysis,Is mainly"idle".Many men over the age of 60 and have nothing to do retirement sexual needs,And their partner before the age of sixty sexual demand significantly,These people go out seeking stimulation and does not pay attention to"protection".In the health education,This group is"stubborn",Many people hold AIDS and 10 years the concept of incubation period,The harm of AIDS care.


6个省区疫情较严重 6 provinces more severe disease


Wu zun friend said,In our country,AIDS epidemic is still low popular trend,But parts of the serious disease.


By the end of 2011 the end of September,The national 31 provinces/Autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government have the epidemic situation report,93% of the districts and counties reported people infected with HIV or patient,Total number of report the top six respectively is yunnan/guangxi/henan/sichuan/Xinjiang and guangdong,The report of the national report the number of 75.8% of the total.


A nationwide,People infected with HIV and more than 50000 people estimate patients provinces have five,Accounts for the estimated sixty percent of the total,Under 5000 provinces have 12.


the,In 2011 alone people infected with HIV and the distribution of patients for areas,yunnan/xinjiang/guangxi/guangdong/Six provinces of sichuan and guizhou(Autonomous region)Drug injection propagation lead to infection of the sum of estimate,The population of the estimate of 87.2%.At the same time,The opposite sex communication much distribution in the HIV/AIDS epidemic serious provinces,Gay spread much distribution on the large and middle cities and floating population centralized area.


三类危险因素仍广泛存在 Three kinds of risk factors still exist widely


Wu zun friend said,HIV/AIDS prevention and control in our country is still facing the situation of severe challenges,China will continue to improve the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS work level and actual effect.By the end of 2015,To realize the AIDS new infections number decreased by 25%,AIDS case fatality rate fell by 30% target.


He said,AIDS detection data shows,Our country the HIV/AIDS epidemic risk factors still exist widely:25% of the injection drug users are still common syringe;32% of the demimondaine cannot insist on each condom use;87% of the male actors for the last 6 months and many gay sex sex partners.At the same time,Although the situation of drug injection on the brakes,But use new-type drug phenomenon more sensible pop,More sexual partners phenomenon is still in the spread.


Wu zun friend introduced,In order to make sure that early detection/Early treatment,Enable our country since last year"The weather forecast method",According to the epidemic situation,Give each district set a when found that people infected with HIV and the patient's expected digital,By the end of the year for the different evaluation.


Wu zun friend says,The next step,Our country will be in the key areas/Focus on strengthening the crowd AIDS measures,To further expand the HIV/AIDS related testing surface,To the largest extent early found that infected people and patients,Reduce the second generation communication;At the same time,Further strengthen people infected with HIV and patient timely and effective treatment in clinic,Reduce died of AIDS.Will expand the coverage of the HIV/AIDS health education,Strengthen the behavior intervention,Reduce social discrimination,Reduce the harm of HIV/AIDS.


提前抗病毒治疗至关重要 Early antiviral treatment is very important


[New England medical]Magazine published in July of 2011 articles[Early antiviral treatment to reduce the spread of AIDS]display,Early antiviral treatment makes ChanYang family AIDS infection reduced by 96%.In July this year"The 19th world AIDS conference"on,The world health organization accordingly scientific breakthrough introduced a new guidelines,More actively promote antiviral treatment work.


"The new guidelines"provisions,Don't consider infections immune status,ChanYang family/Pregnant women/The high risk population gay/drugs/The observed group,As long as it is infected people all to have to carry on antiviral treatment drug therapy.


"This we see the hope of AIDS control."Wu zun friends think,Early antiviral treatment to the patient I have benefits,With good to sex."The existing scientific research shows,The earlier the treatment is not easy to produce other intercurrent infection,Won't terminate treatment,So it is not easy to result in drug resistance,The patient is beneficial."


The so-called exposure before the prophylactic usage is a period of time,To viruses enter human body time for node,If preventive measures is the virus enters the human body after implementation,Call after exposure to prevent,If preventive measures is the virus enters the human body before implementation is called before exposure to prevent.


In a group of male-male gay studies,Participants were divided into two groups at random,A group of taking antiviral drugs,Another group of women did not medicine as control.The study found that,Taking antiviral drugs AIDS new infections than do not take antiviral drug reduced by 42%.


中国防艾疫苗打组合拳 National defence in artemisia vaccine play combination


And the high cost of AIDS drugs compared,A few needle then don't need to dozens of AIDS vaccine more economical effective.


The Chinese CDC and traditional Chinese medicine have Beijing institute of biological products by the new method,Joint development with completely independent intellectual property rights of the AIDS vaccine,The vaccine in"11th five-year plan"Period completed Ⅰ phase of clinical test,Show better security,Immunogenicity strong,Can induce subjects have resistance to the virus that causes AIDS humoral and cellular immune response,Ⅱ period test will further verify its immunogenicity,Namely, whether effective.This is the first international use copy type live virus carrier of AIDS vaccine research into the clinical test.There are 31 people first needle injection.


"Whether people infected with HIV anti-viral treatment,Or the treatment of patients with tuberculosis,Is the combination of drugs."To participate in the test of the Beijing youan hospital doctors, XiaHui said,In order to enhance the effect of immunity,The AIDS vaccine is the combined injection,This is our country"national"AIDS vaccine and foreign one of the biggest different.Subjects first vaccination 3 needle DNA vaccine,Each needle interval a month,Then according to the random grouping,In different interval time injection"vaccine",This can"Remarkable enhancement induced humoral and cellular immune response,Alone than with DNA vaccine immune have an advantage".


The our country is used"The nucleic acid vaccine and restructuring the temple of heaven vaccine combined immune AIDS vaccine",Role for"To prevent HIV infection".By HIV - 1 DNA vaccine and restructuring vaccine virus AIDS vaccine two component composition,The former in the human body building immune barrier function,The latter to the barrier are strengthened.

  试验结果显示,猴子们的身体里已经生成了抵御艾滋病病毒的有效屏障。(记者 李颖)

Test results show that,The monkeys body has been made against AIDS virus effective barrier.(Reporter kit-tai)
