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“换肺”女孩与病魔斗8年 曾被医生判“死刑”--亲稳网络舆情监控室

“换肺”女孩与病魔斗8年 曾被医生判“死刑”手术前,陈婷的呼吸非常困难,每天只能依靠吸氧生存 Before the operation,ChenTing breathing very difficult,Every day can only rely on oxygen survival“换肺”女孩与病魔斗8年 曾被医生判“死刑”手术后,陈婷在享受自由呼吸的快乐。 华锡奇 摄 surgery,ChenTing enjoy free breathing happiness. HuaXi singular perturbation


苏州女孩肺部纤维化曾被判“死刑” 双肺移植成功,“终于能自主呼吸” Suzhou girl pulmonary fibrosis were found"The death penalty" Double lung transplantation success,"Finally to spontaneous breathing"


与病魔斗争8年,微博留言感动网友;社会各界爱心捐款助她“重生” Disease and 8 years of struggle,Micro bo message touched net friend;The social from all walks of life love donation to help her"rebirth"

  “即使很困难很费力地呼吸,但是我好想活啊……渴望呼吸,渴望生命。”这是一名 26岁的苏州吴江姑娘陈婷在她的新浪微博上的留言。与病魔斗争了八年后,现在唯一能够延长生命的机会就是做双肺移植手术。一位年轻姑娘,无数双温暖的手,一场与死神赛跑的爱心接力——度过两个月的治疗后,陈婷于昨天下午出院。

"Even very difficult very difficulty breathing,But I really want to live......Eager breath,Eager to life."This is a 26-year-old suzhou wujiang ChenTing girl in her sina micro blog the message.The prospect for eight years struggle,Now the only way to prolong the life of opportunity is to do double lung transplantation surgery.A young girl,Innumerable double warm hand,A and death race love relay - spend two months of therapy,ChenTing in hospital yesterday afternoon.


生死一线 Life and death a line


双肺移植是唯一存活希望 Double lung transplantation is the only hope alive


"In her senior year when he found himself running run not moving,Pant out better than other people badly,At first we thought it was caused by the cold,But her symptoms and don't like the cold,Below the doctor's proposal made CT,The results showed that lung problems,The diagnosis of mixed connective tissue disease secondary pulmonary fibrosis."ChenTing father Mr. Chen talked about his daughter in some heavy.In April this year appear the phenomenon of pneumothorax,We'll send her to the suzhou institute of traditional Chinese medicine treatment."


Begin from 2005,Being diagnosed with mixed connective tissue disease and cause serious after pulmonary fibrosis,She strongly and disease struggle for nearly eight years,The doctor has been sentenced"The death penalty",There are only three months at most of the time.Now the only way to prolong the life of opportunity is do lung transplantation surgery.In April this year,She in micro blog met in wuxi people's hospital successfully accept lung transplantation surgery"blog",ChenTing know from there,Wuxi city people's hospital lung transplant very professional/Very authority.so,With a ray of hope,ChenTing through the micro bo toss found the wuxi city people's hospital of the national ChenJingYu lung transplant experts.


但肺移植也是难度最高的器官移植 But lung transplantation is also the difficulty of the highest organ transplantation


According to ChenJingYu introduced,Organ transplantation is the 20th century medical field since an epoch-making significance of modern medical technology,Renal transplantation/Liver transplantation/Bone marrow transplantation,The organ transplant operation is not new,But lung transplantation in human big organ transplantation belong to the highest difficulty level,Conquer time than liver transplantation and renal transplantation, are late,The success rate is lower.


He explained,Lung essence weak,Open cause perfusion damage than other organs are big.Plus lung in vitro preservation time is very short,Ischemia condition more than 4 hours there is the danger of destruction,More than 6 hours,Even if the transplanted into the body, can also be difficult to survive,Will endanger was transplanter's life,Therefore for surgical skills highly demanding,The success rate of the operation than liver/Kidney and heart and organ transplantation are low.


But ChenJingYu told reporters,Lung transplantation surgery also faced with two big problems:Infection and postoperative rejection.The postoperatie acute rejection or infection will endanger life.A surgery and postoperative crisis,Chronic rejection problem and in front,The main cause of chronic bronchiolitis obliterans.If the operation is a success,The patient has hope to live five to ten years,Even more long time.If the operation failure,Patients will directly facing death.therefore,Domestic hospital to carry out a lung transplant surgery need extremely strict access conditions,Wuxi city people's hospital of jiangsu province is the only one with a lung transplant surgery qualification of hospital.It is reported,Last year the national total made in 49 cases lung transplantation patients,The wuxi city people's hospital for 31 cases.


开胸换肺 Thoracotomy in lung


人工心肺机维持“气血”循环 Artificial heart-lung machine maintenance"Qi and blood"cycle


ChenJingYu told reporters,ChenTing condition is very special and complex,She is the first domestic mixed connective tissue disease secondary pulmonary fibrosis patients accept double lung transplantation cases."Her disease more than seven years was special,Fibrosis heart failure has been using large dose hormone.Lung transplantation is the last chance..."ChenJingYu in micro blog wrote.


God always missed in the ChenTing,A brain death of patients donated his double lung.August 15, when 12 at noon,ChenTing were pushed into the operating room.surgery,ChenJingYu in micro blog"reduction"The operation process:She because fibrosis with pulmonary hypertension of right heart failure,We give her the heart-lung machine ECMO auxiliary.ECMO is a kind of replace traditional cardiopulmonary extracorporeal circulation,In the spot side after the lungs,Or because the rest on one side of the pulmonary ventilation function shortage,Or because the rest on one side of the pulmonary circulation resistance is too big,Therefore need extracorporeal circulation support until new transplantation lung implant.Its principle is to body venous blood eduction in vitro,With special material after artificial heart and lung bypass oxygenation to patients' artery or vein system,A part of the heart-lung substitution,Maintain the human body organ tissue oxygenation blood supply.


先左后右,手术用了5小时 First left right after,Surgery in five hours


then,The doctors first open the ChenTing left chest,To the original left lung resection for,Implant donor left lung,Right now on pure oxygen to maintain the whole body blood circulation and air circulation,1 hour after,bronchial/The pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein anastomosis after the end.When loosen clip on the left of the pulmonary vascular clamp,Blood poured into just a for a good left lung,The left lung immediately by pale into a bright red.Then open the right chest,Hes right lung is affected to the original for resection,Implanted the donor,By just at this time on the left lung transplantation for the body all the oxygenation function,To ensure the smooth progress of the transplantation.Is 1 hour after,The smooth completion of transplantation.As for the two bronchial lung/2 root pulmonary/2 or so atrium in turn after suture,Blood poured into just a for a good lung,Pale lung instant ruddy up and began to work normally,Blood in the double lungs smooth circulation.


8 PM 45 points,Double lung transplantation for a successful end,A total of 5 hours.16 when 11 54 points,After 13 hours after mechanical ventilation,ChenTing smoothly from machine tube drawing!She is now free to breathe.


“能自主呼吸的感觉太好了” "To spontaneous breathing feeling too good"


"look,After the second day I'll walk cough up,Recovery well,You don't worry about."ChenTing in accepting lung transplants the next day,Just can't wait to in sina micro bo published this is good news."ChenTing rehabilitation,Should be able to and almost normal,Even can't see she was so severe."Only after every year regularly do anti rejection therapy,Probably every time spend 5 to 60000 yuan.ChenJingYu said,More than before lung transplantation patients after discharge,Right now the resto more good,Especially young patient rehabilitation effect better.Before a lung transplant girl,Rehabilitation can diving.


Yesterday afternoon,Reporter saw in the ward ChenTing,Sanguine ChenTing sitting in bed drinking yogurt.And in August 15 rijin before operating room,The bed ChenTing nose interpolation with oxygen tube,Body also put up various pipe,coughing,Face reddened,Was extremely uncomfortable,Can't answer any questions.ChenTing excitedly and reporters talked about day,"To spontaneous breathing feeling too good!"She nearly two months not walk,Feet just landing I didn't know how to go,Like a baby just learning to walk.Now his voice became big,Admission had no strength to speak,Now need what,Open your voice shouted"Care aunt".


浴爱重生 Bath love rebirth


渴望求生的她曾说 Desire to survive she said


“请给我一个机会,渴望呼吸,渴望生命” "Please give me a chance,Eager breath,Eager to life"


Double lung transplantation such a complex surgery,Born in ordinary families for the ChenTing speaking,Treatment costs is put in front of a problem.ChenTing's father said,"The operation cost added up to a total of about 800000 yuan."Nearly eight years of the cost of treatment,Home has been as poor as a church mouse.His wife for taking care of her,Had laid off;He work in a joint venture,A month is 2000 yuan income.

  “请给我一个机会,渴望呼吸,渴望生命。”陈婷在微博上的一番话语,让不少网友感到痛心,纷纷转发该帖。“无锡是个大爱的城市,有了这份爱,陈婷一定能闯过去。”无锡博友“Diver-卷毛”也曾是肺移植患者,知道了陈婷的情况后,在网上发帖援助,并鼓励陈婷坚持下去。“我们4天内共收到捐款15万元,光网上就捐了5万元。” 目前共收到社会各界爱心捐款20多万元。无锡市红十字会和医管中心对陈婷也很关心,一下子送来了5万元救助款。

"Please give me a chance,Eager breath,Eager to life."ChenTing in micro bo in a discourse,Let not a few net friend feel grieved,Are GaiTie forward."Wuxi is a big city of love,Have the love,ChenTing can rush in the past."Wuxi blog"Curly Diver -"Was lung transplantation patients,Know ChenTing the circumstances,Post on the Internet aid,And encourage ChenTing stick to it."We were received for four days, donated 150000 yuan RMB,The drive optical network donated 50000 yuan." At present had received the social from all walks of life love donation 20 more than ten thousand yuan.Wuxi city Red Cross and medical tube center to ChenTing also very concerned about,Suddenly brought $50000 aid.


At the same time ChenJingYu also constantly refresh micro bo:Lung transplantation can be part of jiangsu province medical insurance to submit an expense account,Please do ChenTing approved medical insurance suzhou can turn to wuxi treatment,Solve her funding difficulties.Mr. Chen said,ChenTing sick get people from all walks of life care,They came to the home of the township government to visit,Sent 20000 yuan solatium.In addition,The local social security branch ChenTing center for the special problems,Her approval to a hospital after the operation go back to my hometown to submit an expense account cost of partial medical treatment.ChenTing father also to wuxi expressed gratitude:Wuxi is a doctor"Healers great love"heart,Wuxi city and net friends also generous.


直面生死的她也说 Face to face with life and death she also said


“可把角膜捐给别的女孩,让她代我看看父母” "The corneal to other girls,Let her generation me see parents"


It is understood,ChenTing preoperative signed to suzhou the Red Cross donation of cornea donation books.She wrote in micro bo:"Serious illness to let me be unable to breathe,Live very pain,I am not afraid of death arrival,Only think to the world a trip did not leave anything.I hope my cornea donation to a and I am eager to parents hoping the flower girl,Hope she can take my eyes,Go to see my parents lost alone,With them a walk/Eat meal/Chat a day,Like I do it the same."

  手术成功后,陈婷又有了新的规划。“和父母商量了一下,病好回家后,把房子卖了,然后申请廉租房,把欠下的款还了,让父母减轻压力。待身体养好后,找份工作,好好生活。那么多热心人为我捐款,我会用公益行动来回报大家。(记者 季娜娜)

Surgery after the success,ChenTing and have a new program."And parents to discuss it,Disease good after coming home,Sell the house,Then apply for low-cost housing,Under the owe money also,Let parents reduce pressure.To keep good body after,Find a job,Live your life.So many enthusiastic donation for me,I'll use public action to return you.(Reporter JiNaNa)
