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加快转型发展 提升产品质量 To speed up the transformation development upgrade the quality of products


中国乳业 步履铿锵再前行(科学发展 成就辉煌) China's dairy industry walk clang on again(The scientific development brilliant achievements)


"5 30 points,Vehicle open;5 45 points,Into the highway;6 12 points,Vehicle suddenly come to a halt,Please focus on..."This is not a military exercise,Open the is not cash truck,But the Ely group's shipping milk car.At present,Ely group in the national more than 2000 cars to milk the car all installed this video monitoring positioning system,All-weather uninterrupted online.


Ely group of dairy products quality control,It is China's dairy industry in recent years, take the quality as the lifeline/To speed up the transformation and upgrading of a miniature of the action.In 2008 SanLu babies and infants powdered milk event since,Countries attach great importance to the development of dairy industry,Have issued a series of policies and measures,Help dairy farmer and enterprise tide over the difficulties,To promote the recovery and revitalization of the dairy industry.More than three years to,Dairy industry in China to improve quality,Quality and safety of dairy products, to effectively ensure.


"At present domestic dairy products/The quality and safety of infant formula milk powder is the best period in history,Consumer can be at ease buy."China's dairy industry association chairman SongKun that hill.

  奶源管理:提升规模,规范奶站 Mange management:Ascending scale,Standard milk station


In early September,Reporter TuZuoQi Hohhot in Inner Mongolia yili group of modern animal husbandry science and technology demonstration park to see,Here has realized automatic milking,In the dairy cow cleaned by machine automatic milking,The milk of extrusion directly into the store milk tank,After cooling by shipping milk car directly to the Erie production factory.


According to the staff DuanJunFeng is introduced,Company for milking process has clear requirements,Cows in milking before for cow body clean,Each head of cattle have their own disinfection paper towel,Run out and discard,The first three extrusion the milk don't,And then, from machine milking,After squeeze will be medicated bath,Then equipment cleaning and record.


Mange is the foundation for the development of the dairy industry,Our country dairy market many significant quality security incident mange all originated from."Only pay special attention to mange the source,Dairy products quality and safety situation can be a fundamental change,This has become the industry consensus."Ely group chief executive ZhangJianQiu said.


however,Easier said than done.,Source problem,Solve up than imagined difficult.Our country original mange status mainly by keeping free-roaming farmers and milk station model is given priority to,This mode of hidden security hidden danger.Promote the centralization of the cow/Mass breeding has become transformation dairy industry development mode/Guarantee of quality and safety of dairy products the inevitable choice.From 2007 to 2011,Erie in mange construction investment amounted to 7.4 billion yuan.At present,Erie across the country have self-built/Construction and cooperation pasture 1300 seat,Mange supply in the ratio of the centralization/Scale breeding farm was 85%.


In order to support dairy farming scale,Since 2008,Countries each year allocate special funds,Used to support dairy standardization farm and community construction,Focus on hydropower road/disposal/Epidemic prevention/Milking facilities and hours campuses.in base and so on.By the end of 2011,The central government has invested 1.7 billion yuan,Accumulative total subsidy 2474 cows farms(village).The country's 100 heads above dairy farming scale the proportion of more than 33%,A 2008 increased by 13.5%,Dairy standardization scale cultivation level improved significantly.


According to the ministry of agriculture relevant controller introduces,In 2008 SanLu infant milk powder incident,The department of agriculture comprehensive development milk station rectifications,Through the self-examination/Province between each check/Key spot check, etc,Continuously strengthen the milk station license management,Resolutely unqualified milk station,Clean up the illegal acquisition HeiWoDian operations,Standard fresh milk production purchase transport market order.At the same time,To vigorously push forward the milk station standardization construction and management,The existing 13000 milk station,2008 fewer than 6890,Milk station facilities/Health conditions/Testing methods obviously improved,Business management level greatly improve.

  过程控制:全程自动,封闭管理 Process control:Full automatic,Closed management


"In the past we can't control the position of the milk vehicle."Ely group original milk division staff van fight back when situations very regrets:"When we take is the people at the car/People standing at/man-to-man‘At three’Model to ensure the safety of dairy products,But such measures insist for a long time very difficult."


In this case,Especially SanLu infant milk powder incident,Ely group start introducing GPS system,Purpose is to strengthen the original milk transport process control,This also has a new type of work - GPS playback member,Special view each car to factory shipping milk car running track/When parking milk tank condition,Check whether there is doubt in the course of carriage,Have to purchase raw milk"One ticket veto"power.


Shipping milk the GPS system just Erie full closed management part of the system.ZhangJianQiu introduced,Erie ISO9001 quality management system as the main line,Established a comprehensive quality management system,Integrate the ISO22000 food safety management system/ISO14001 environmental management system and OHSAS18000 occupational health and safety management system,formed"Four mark a"Comprehensive management system operation mechanism,Take the lead in passed HACCP(Hazard analysis and critical control point)The authentication.


In Ely group of the original milk laboratory/Products laboratory and pathogenic bacteria in the laboratory,The reporter sees liquid chromatograph/Microplate reader/Antibiotics detector and other high-end testing equipment."In the past to the Chinese dairy industry caused great loss of melamine,Now 30 minutes can be detected results,The overall detection time shortened half than in the past."Erie relevant person in charge said.


In recent years,Erie accumulative total investment 500 million yuan,Configuration of various precision testing instrument 1100 sets,Monitoring capacity has reached the international advanced level.From the original acquisition of milk to manufactured products,The need to complete the examination index amounted to 899 items,Only in the original milk link,Erie will achieve 117 items inspection standard,Greatly exceed national standards specified number.Only by milk powder as an example,The factory will check project 64 items,Also includes risk monitoring project a total of 108 items,The 54 survey by Erie to detection,Another 54 sponsored by the Shanghai SGS testing,Through the double security to ensure safe and reliable products.


In the enterprise on the basis of their own efforts,Countries have gradually increased regulation of dairy industry.2009 start,The department of agriculture four consecutive years of implementation of the fresh milk quality security monitoring plan,By the end of 2011,Accumulated check fresh milk sample 56000 batches,Melamine values all conform to the state provisions management limited value,Leather hydrolyzed protein was not detected/Base class materials prohibited additives;The national quality inspection system in 2011 completed the dairy products enterprise production license review work,The nation's 1176 dairy products production enterprise only 701 through the audit get production license,A large number of poor production conditions/Quality and safety guarantee ability low dairy products production enterprise be eliminated,Mortality 40.4%.

  全程追溯:巡更监控,责任到人 Full back:Patrolling monitoring,Responsibility to the people


In Ely group ChiLeChuan high-quality goods mange the modernization of the base in the pasture,The reporter sees,Each head of cattle ears have a pair of earrings."The earrings equivalent to cows id card,It can complete record Erie cows every day body health/Dietary ratio/milking.Through the electronic earrings record of information,For each cow offer customized scientific catering.When the original milk occurrence quality problem,To realize more quickly‘Responsibility to cattle’."On site working staff DuanJunFeng told reporters.


In recent years,Erie trace back to the ongoing system perfect and upgrade.In 2011,,"The original milk logistics transportation process control platform"online.At present,Erie all the products on the market has achieved comprehensive traceability.All the milk Erie packing top,Besides with the production date and the shelf life,There are a bunch of bar code label,Consumers can find this box of milk production material,Such as come from which the factory/Which shop even which a cow,Cows feed and the related numerical."This kind of back mechanism to ensure that the product production every link in strictly under the supervision of,To the public for each production to the supervision of the details."ZhangJianQiu said.


Mengniu group promotion use the fingerprint patrol more technology,Equivalent to the production line of the original milk quality security with the"bodyguards".At present,Hoodwinks the cow the production operation center"Patrolling + monitoring system"Cover the production of each link,The whole monitoring milk production management process,All the staff in the fingerprint and work progress by was recorded,Do detailed can be checked.


The dairy industry in Inner Mongolia region launched"Rest assured powder from the start of Inner Mongolia"action,has"Full back"In the quality track go further:All the words"Rest assured powder"The products have a 16 bit identity authentication code,Its raw materials/production/logistics/Inspection, etc. Various kinds of information are already uploaded to qualitative inspect branch"Rest assured powder"Unified supervision platform,Convenient for the customer inquires the.

  “从产品原料的选用、生产过程的加工、合格产品的放行到产品终端的销售、消费者的整体售后,都能100%地做到产品溯源,便于各环节的监控,保证了产品的安全性,做到让广大消费者更放心。”内蒙古质监局局长张铁网表示。(记者 贺勇 冯华)

"Products from raw material selection/The production process of processing/Qualified product release to product terminal sales/Consumer whole after-sales,Can 100% do product traceability,Each link to the monitoring,Ensure that the products of safety,Make the vast number of consumers more at ease."Inner Mongolia pledges inspect bureau chief ZhangTie network said.(Reporter HeYong FengHua)
