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(声明:刊用《中国新闻周刊》稿件务经书面授权) (statement:reproduced[China news weekly]For the manuscript written authorization)


Under the increasing levels of medical insurance fund pays pressure,At present domestic have Shanghai/Beijing and other cities in the medical institutions,To expand the pilot trial amount payment system.but,In order to avoid the total advance in hospital shuffle the critically ill patient/Medical service quality and other adverse consequences,Whether Beijing or Shanghai,All the necessary improvement


This reporter/ChenJiYing


What kind of medical insurance payment in the promotion of the problem,Beijing seems to have found the answer.


[China news weekly]Recently more than from Beijing medical WeiShengJie people have learned,2011 years has been valued by disease diagnosis related group(DRG)Pay system,The pilot progress has been slow,At present,Beijing is pushing another pay the total model - prepaid system.At present,The domestic medical insurance payment,Generally divided into prepaid system and pay system after two,The former item pay,Look how many disease,Pay much money,The vast majority of regions to take this model,While the latter paid including single disease,DRG,Amount prepaid, etc,The control fee the most effective/The hospital is the biggest risks total prepaid system.


Beijing human and social security bureau deputy inspector JiangJiYuan September this year the people's university of China the first Beijing held public hospital reform practice peak conference revealed that the Beijing's the policy change:The total advance system will in 2010 four 3 armour hospital on the basis of the pilot,In 2012 it expanded to 33 home,Including under the/forces/And the area county secondary hospital.insider,Beijing may be in 2013 will expand the trial to all the second/Tertiary hospital.


Under the increasing levels of medical insurance fund pays pressure,At present domestic have Shanghai/Beijing and other cities in the medical institutions,To expand the pilot trial amount payment system.but,In order to avoid the total advance in hospital shuffle the critically ill patient/Medical service quality and other adverse consequences,At the same time in order to alleviate the reform of medical institution for doubt,Reduce reform resistance,Whether Beijing or Shanghai,All the necessary improvement.


In the early 2012 national health work meeting,The ministry of health minister Outlines said,We need to vigorously push forward payment system reform,Sure adapt to different level medical institutions/Different types of payment service,The total advance with/Press disease to/According to the service unit/According to the people the first payment alternative item pay.


总额预付渐成京沪主流 The total advance gradually into the beijing-shanghai mainstream


Beijing earlier than the total promotion in advance system is Shanghai.In many medical WeiShengJie people it seems,This is mainly because the Shanghai medical insurance fund control cost pressure is bigger.


In 2001,,Shanghai took the lead in the country to built basic medical insurance system for urban employees,the,The medical insurance fund spending growth is more than 30%,Medical insurance department control cost pressure increase abruptly.Since then,From 2002 to 2007,The Shanghai medical insurance as a whole account in successive years close not to branch,Five years,Health gap accumulated has reached 2 billion yuan.


Shanghai first launched in 2002 the total advance of pilot.But a large-scale promotion is in 2009,At that time the Shanghai first in community health service center all realize total medical advance,Soon and will pilot expanded to yan chai hospital/Huashan hospital/Shanghai first people's hospital this three tertiary hospital,In 2010 the scope and further expand to 10 tertiary hospitals and all the city's public secondary hospital;In 2011,,Shanghai city all tertiary hospital were included in the total advance pilot.


In Shanghai version of the total advance mode,"Total budget/Monthly advance/Balance privately/Risk sharing"Be sure to the four cardinal principles.


Shanghai edition amount payment system is the most significant characteristic"Double total control"mechanism.The model control method is one of the,Medical institutions to excess part undertake proportion of increase,The former share proportion from the initial 10% gradually raise to 40%.According to the calculation,Ask the allocation proportion to forty percent,Hospital risk overspending can basic be contained.At the same time,Health care providers in the control on the basis of total cost,Add the drug cost growth control index,The hospital drug expenses shall, in principle, control a year-on-year increase of 7%,The exceeded part does not grant to pay.


2010 Shanghai city and home tertiary hospital medical cost $33.1 billion in total,Year-on-year growth of 15%,Year-on-year growth slowing a third last year.this,The city's ten years the medical insurance cost rapid rising momentum for the first time also has been contained.By the first half of this year,Shanghai amount prepaid pilot hospital to declare the medical insurance cost,Nod medical establishment of the proportion of total cost,Has risen to forty percent,The total advance system has become the main body of Shanghai medical insurance payment.


The medical insurance fund gap phenomenon is not Shanghai unique.In early August, 2012,Guangzhou human resources and social security bureau announced,Along with the medical insurance treatment standard constantly raised and the increase of medical consumer demand,Guangzhou medical insurance fund pays pressure increasing,In 2009,,Guangzhou medical insurance fund first appeared gap,In 2010,,The shortfall of 130 million yuan.


At present,Beijing has not yet spread the news of the gap between the medical insurance fund,but,JiangJiYuan revealed,In 2010 and 2011,Beijing medical insurance fund of the increase of more than 35%,In the long run,Beijing's medical insurance fund faces enormous pressure control fee.


The second half of 2011 began,Beijing friendship hospital started in/Tongren hospital four hospitals, such as the total advance pilot.but,And Shanghai different,To the end of 2011,Beijing 4 hospitals all appear the phenomenon of excess.


Beijing tongren hospital dean WuJiXiang in early September tell[China news weekly],In 2011,,The hospital total launched in advance,The cost of the total advance of tongren hospital one third of her income.The 2011 Beijing tongren hospital in excess of line 4 hospitals ranked third,Excess of more than 700,Excess amplitude at around 4.3%.

  伍冀湘预计,2012年北京同仁医院可能会继续超额。2012年1到6月,该院总额预算已经用去了全年计划额度的 47%左右,但是由于“下半年的工作量一般都要增加,年底可能还是要超额。”北京友谊医院执行院长辛有清透露,截止2012年7月31日,北京友谊医院总额预付已经用去全年计划额度的56%,“后半年可能压力会更大”,同样面临超额压力。

WuJiXiang is expected to,The 2012 Beijing tongren hospital may continue to excess.2012 years 1 to 6 months,The hospital total budget have used to about 47% of the amount of annual plan,But because"In the second half of the workload is generally going to increase,The end of the year may still want to excess."Beijing friendship hospital executive director of symplectic has clear revealed,By July 31, 2012,Beijing friendship hospital amount prepaid have used to 56% of the amount of annual plan,"Late may pressure will be greater",The same face excess pressure.


WuJiXiang think,Control cost pressure should be paid by the government/The hospital and social common bear.


but,JiangJiYuan revealed,Although the four pilot hospital medical insurance expenses in 2011 increased by 14%,All appear excess,But obviously lower than the tertiary general hospital in the same period of the 28% increase.


DRG缓行 DRG amble


In addition to the total advance,Beijing also has a hospital in pilot another payment method:DRG paying.


In October 2011,There are six hospitals of Beijing the DRG of pilot,Relative to the domestic most hospitals implement total budget,DRG is considered to be more delicate payment system design.Because of Beijing medical insurance fund control cost pressure ratio Shanghai small,therefore,The personage inside course of study often put Beijing by the DRG model and total in advance as the main body of the Shanghai model for comparison/research.


The so-called by the disease diagnosis related pay packet,The first reference of the patient's age/Disease diagnosis, and other factors,Will the disease points into several diagnosis group;then,The hospital and insurance institutions through the negotiation reasonably determine the various disease diagnosis group of pay rate,Insurance institutions according to the agreement to pay the standard of hospital.


but,In Beijing after total push in advance,The DRG pilot progress has been slow.


On September 20th,Beijing a participated in the DRG pilot scheme design source told[China news weekly],"At present pilot case just reached ten thousand,When in the end of march,Six pilot hospital‘surplus’The proportion of 18%,At present has dropped to 15%,"We had that formulated by the reasonable limit".


According to the original plan,Six hospital DRG pilot will from the initial 108 disease group kind of promotion to 605 disease group,but,"6 hospitals pilot continues,But it is difficult to further pushed away,Health care not banking on this."People familiar with the matter say.


JiangJiYuan also in the occasions that,In the total advance vigorous promotion at the same time,For the DRG paying reform pilot,At present are summarized periodically,"The next step to safely ahead".Beijing human and social security bureau deputy inspector JiangJiYuan tell[China news weekly],Implementation of DRG,Need a lot of manpower support and powerful technology environment.


however,People familiar with the matter seems in,Safely ahead very likely means,Pilot propulsion will not be as previously thought that fast.


Beijing university people's hospital affiliated(Hereinafter referred to as the people's hospital of Peking University)In the end of march of this year WangSha accept[China news weekly]interview,DRG is a fine living.Peking University people's hospital for pilot's preparation over three years,Very tedious,For example,First of all need to regulate disease diagnosis and medical record home page,Establish intelligent auxiliary system;Establish learning clinical pathway management application system;Establish the medical quality evaluation and monitoring system;Establishment and department your balance decoupling of the key performance index evaluation system, etc.Peking University people's hospital spent three years time,Failed three times,Finally completed the clinical pathway management application system construction.


In addition,In DRG pilot after push,The hospital is confronted with control cost pressure.therefore,How to promote the medical staff at the front change the habit of excessive diagnosis and treatment,Become the necessary measures.


At present,Peking University people's hospital method is,The departments of your balance and medical personnel bonus decoupling.In the traditional item charge mode,The more the more medicine project,Hospital income more,Department the more balance,Medical staff prescribe more/check/Excessive diagnosis and treatment situation repeatedly endures more than.Salary after reform,Medical staff bonuses and its medical service quantity and quality hook,Medical staff major considerations total discharge toll and the main disease patients(Critically ill patients)Discharge toll,And surgical assessment is the number of total operation and main operation(Difficult critically ill surgery)Number, etc.


Even more severe challenges from the DRG after reform,Medical insurance department for the supervisory ability of the ascending simultaneously also needs.People familiar with the above that,Implementation of the DRG need medical insurance department introduce enough medical professionals."These personnel should not only have profound medical background,Have medical knowledge, etc,Indeed for health care providers is a test.But let health care providers to expand establishment also more difficult."The above said people.


Compared with complex DRG,The calculation of total advance relatively simple way,To the oversight of the department of medical insurance ability request is relatively low.but,The cost of the total budget standard exactly how to develop,Is also the problem of medical insurance department in front.


The total advance is based on the number of ginseng/Annual average accepts the total number of people/Second all accepts cost level data, etc,Measure the total medical treatment charge pays,The medical insurance institution with a regular,Implement total amount control/Lump sum use/Overspend share payment.Its premise is one of,The relevant data relative accurate measure.


but,Because the present patients more liquidity,The hospital and patient does not exist between a stable relationship,Lead to cost accounting and accurate risk fine measurement is difficult to go,"This will lead to the total advance may be rough and ready,Not fine,"Shanghai shen-kang hospital development, deputy director of the center/Fudan university hospital institute director high XieChun said.


Part of the medical institutions to advance the total also have doubts.Beijing a 3 armour hospital deputy director has to[China news weekly]Expressed his doubts:"Most worried about is the government give had enough money to spend.In addition,The total advance seem only control fee,Don't consider the quality of medical treatment,This shouldn't be improved?"


The above 3 armour hospital deputy director of worry is not excess,In the total advance payment mode,The hospital and may balk critically ill patients,For such patients medical insurance fund cost more.In April this year,Implementation of the total sum of prepaid system of hebei baoding some hospitals,In order to avoid medical insurance"super",For some worker health care patients,Or rejection,Either request the patient at one's own expense.It is reported,Shanghai also has had the similar phenomenon.


弹性改良 Elastic improved


In the promotion of the total advance system at the same time,Beijing/Shanghai to both the total advance system made some adjustments,In order to mobilize the enthusiasm of the hospital aspects.


In Shanghai version of the reform scheme,If the hospital control FeiChengXiao significantly,At the beginning of the year the total budget didn't take out,Balance part can continue to employ by the hospital,And before is directly put under medical insurance department.


For the medical insurance payment of the excess part,Beijing also has stipulated the medical insurance fund and pilot hospital according to a certain proportion to share.Specific the allocation proportion is divided into two gears:Excess in 10% less than,Pilot hospitals pay 8%;Excess in more than 10%,Pilot hospitals pay 15%.For example,In tongren hospital as an example,Its 2011 excess proportion is 4.23%,Within 10%,Hospital bear is this excess part of 8%.


In addition,In Beijing,Considering the factors such as price,Pilot hospital in 2012 the total amount of the cost budget every year to increase,For example,Friendship hospital and tongren hospital 2012 total budget quota is about a 10% increase over last year.but,The growth of 10% is not fixed,According to the medical insurance fund financing situation factors is specific and affirmatory.


According to the Beijing tongren hospital dean WuJiXiang revealed,Considering the 2012 patients with hospital accepts the quantity and the medical service quantity increase,At present,The relevant departments in the beginning of the year to plan based on the line,The hospital to add some limit.


WuJiXiang said,At present medical institutions/Health care providers and reached a consensus,"That is as long as it is to reduce the cost of all time,The government will consider to the hospital the growth of extra workload,Because each hospital patients/This is on the increase,The natural increase in government will supply the hospital,Premise is the hospital have to second all cost control".


In Shanghai,Each year on September,Medical insurance department in hospital operation will also appear in the special situation,Use of motor to adjust the budget quota at the beginning,This, to a certain extent, ease the hospital excess risk.

  考虑部门内缺乏专业技术人员, 2008年,上海市医保部门引入了院长协商机制,事实上把医保总额的分配权从医保部门部分地移交给院长协调小组。据《健康报》披露,每年4月前后,上海医疗机构开始分切医保基金“蛋糕”,上海市医保办组织召开医院代表会议进行自主协商,第一轮先将下一年度的医院预算总额划分为三级医院和一二级医院预算总额,第二轮协商确定三级医院预算总额分配方案以及各区县医保总额分配方案,第三轮协商确定各区县内一二级医院的总额分配方案。

Considering the lack of professional and technical personnel in the department, In 2008,,The Shanghai medical insurance department introduced dean consultation mechanism,In fact the medical insurance of the total amount of the distribution of medical insurance department from part over to dean coordination group.According to[health]disclosure,April every year before and after,Shanghai medical institutions start cutting the medical insurance fund"cake",The Shanghai medical insurance organization do a hospital representative meeting independent consultation,The first round to next year's hospital total budget is divided into tertiary hospital and the hospital total 12 budget,The second round of affirmatory tertiary hospital total budget allocation scheme and the total area county medical insurance scheme,The third round of consultation to determine the county hospital district 12 total amount allocation scheme.


Although the total amount of Shanghai in advance has been comprehensively push away,Control fee effect will be revealed.but,Some medical institutions people still prefer more delicate DRG.In fudan university hospital institute director high XieChun looks,If medical insurance pay reform goal is only control fee,First can implement in the short term the total amount of work in advance is the choice of more robust,But in the long term,The total advance are more likely to lead to the doctor behavior distortion,Such as shadowboxing critically ill patients,Reduce the medical service quality, etc.


Perhaps it is aware of this,Just two at present are multiple payment means to coexist.For example,Beijing gradually formed a single disease/According to the bed/day/Quota pay/The total advance and DRG and under the control of total amount according to project a variety of forms such as pay for both the medical insurance fund payment."Shanghai mode"Is also a variety of payment of coexistence mixed payment mode.In addition to occupy the main body status of the total advance beyond mode,Shanghai also implemented a psychiatric hospital fees on a bed, pay and 17 hospital disease press disease to pay payment, etc.

  中国医疗保险研究会一位专家告诉《中国新闻周刊》,每种支付方式都各有利弊,“现在的情况下,要多试点,多总结,不可能一蹴而就”。 ★

Chinese medical insurance research an expert to tell[China news weekly],Each payment are each have advantages and disadvantages,"This situation,The pilot to,Many summary,Can't accomplish in one move". painted
