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女子被虾刺死 由虾携带创伤弧菌进入血循环所致--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


Is not only a shrimp,Swimming crab/Green crab/shellfish/Fish and so on all can lead to infection.Once these seafood stabbed,Appears fever/Red wait for a phenomenon,Advice immediately to the hospital.


Cooking is live shrimp stabbed,Taiwan a housewife should therefore Marine vibrio infected and died.National Day period,a"A shrimp cause of a murder"Micro bo in the online crazy.Micro bo said,Taiwan a housewife buy live shrimp reward family,Didn't want to be alive and kicking shrimp stab one right leg,But vibrio vulnificus infection,For amputation surgery still can't stop septic shock,Finally died.


Be shrimp prick your can also dead?This is called the people love to eat seafood?Not a few net friend is questioned the matter too exaggeration,Not believable.yesterday,Our reporter interviewed experts.


"This is very extreme example,But really may have."The first hospital infection department doctor PanYe explained,Shrimp itself and no poison,The cause of death is carried by the shrimp vibrio vulnificus into blood circulation,And in them grow and breed,Thus causes sepsis.

  据悉,不仅是虾,梭子蟹、青蟹、贝壳类、海鱼等都可导致感染。海鲜常常携带创伤弧菌,有海洋“无形杀手”之称,看似骇人听闻,但吃货们也无需太过紧张。“很罕见,一般不感染。”潘业说,免疫力低下或有基础性疾病的人,才有可能发病。“酒精性肝硬化、肝病、酗酒、遗传性血色(铁)沉着病、糖尿病、风湿性关节炎、地中海型贫血、慢性肾衰、淋巴瘤等病人属于高危人群,接触海鲜时要注意。”潘业提醒市民,一旦出现发热、红肿等现象,建议马上到医院就诊。(海西晨报记者 陈淑君 见习记者 朱文浩 通讯员 高树灼)

It is reported,Is not only a shrimp,Swimming crab/Green crab/shellfish/Fish and so on all can lead to infection.Seafood often carrying vibrio vulnificus,A Marine"Invisible killer"said,Seem shocking,But the ChiHuo also need not too nervous."Very rare,Don't usually infection."PanYe said,Low immunity or basic diseases,Can be disease."Alcoholic liver cirrhosis/Liver disease/drinking/Hereditary color(iron)AD cool-headed disease/diabetes/Rheumatoid arthritis/Mediterranean anemia/Chronic renal failure/Such as lymphoma patients belongs to the high risk population,Contact the seafood should pay attention to."PanYe warns a citizen,Once appear, fever/Red wait for a phenomenon,Advice immediately to the hospital.(Morning paper reporter hercynian ChenShuJun trainee reporter correspondent ZhuWenHao tall trees burning)
