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调查显示:宁波2.94%老年人患重度抑郁(图)老年抑郁症发病率不断递增,空巢老人急需社会和家人更多关注 Old people is constantly increasing incidence of depression,Empty nester are in urgent need of social and family more attention


今天是世界精神卫生日 Today is world mental health day


宁波心理卫生协会调查了2834名60岁以上老人,结果显示 Ningbo mental health association on a survey of 2834 old people over 60 years old,Results show that


宁波2.94%老年人患重度抑郁 Ningbo 2.94% old people suffer from severe depression


today(On October 10,)Is world mental health day,This year the domestic world mental health day focus on the old mental health problems.


yesterday,Ningbo mental health association issued news said,According to the latest survey of ningbo city,Elderly severe depression rate has reached 2.94%,And according to the epidemiological reports,Late-life depression annual incidence with age increase with the increase of the.


The survey also showed,Old widowed etc negative sex thing is the old depression culprit.


宁波老人重度抑郁患病率2.94% Ningbo old man severe depression rates 2.94%


According to introducing,This investigation were selected the ningbo urban and rural 14 community of 2834 people,Residents age are greater than or equal to sixty years old,Severe depression and the incidence was 2.94%.Among them the proportion of women is obviously higher than that of the male.


Expert analysis,For the elderly in the special period of life,retirement/Relatives and friends died/Health deterioration negative life events appear constantly,For the elderly cause serious psychological SangShiGan,Such as the lack of effective the self-adjustment ability,Depressive mood can not get counseling,Lead to depression mood generation.


老年丧偶是导致抑郁的最重要原因 Old widowed lead to depression is the most important reason


Research shows that,Negative life events/Social support/Physiological function/Economic income/Physical exercise/Merger chronic disease/Widowed and seven factors for senile depression are the main factors.


This year 70 - year - old aunt Chen,His wife has been dead for nearly half a year.This time,The tea rice don't think she,Am unable to sleep at night.The children had been thought mother grief mood of human nature,But slowly they found,Mother more and more silent,Often no word all day.


Aunt Chen became thinner,The children looked at heartache,And she sent to the kangning hospital senile diseases section,After a period of treatment,Aunt Chen only expressed indignation in the heart.


She told the doctor said,His wife is her in this life the biggest rely on,Now he walked,Feel yourself in his no,A person alive boring,As well go well.


To aunt Chen treatment hospital psychiatric ZhengCheng should the doctor told reporters,Aunt Chen of very typical cases.Old age to lose his wife have cone the heart pain,According to research,Widowed old man has accounted for 28.2% of loneliness,Is about three times as much as the old man have accidentally,Loneliness and depression in older people is one of the most important reasons.


空巢老人一听要去养老院,喝下了农药 Empty nester a listen to want to go to a nursing home,Drank pesticide


Low social support will also aggravate the occurrence of the elder depression.Zheng the doctor gave reporters pointed to another example.


This year 86 - year - old master cheng children work is very good,At ordinary times,He told friends and relatives talked about children,Special have face.but,The children have a bit let range master is not very satisfactory,They are all very busy,A month are rare accompany him out for a visit.


In February this year,Master cheng climb the stairs without careful a fall.More than four months after,Master cheng broken leg good enough,Children to discuss with him,He lives in a person not safety,Nobody home,As moved to a nearby nursing homes,A double cease day will go to visit him.


Master cheng developed an abandoned feeling,Down all day.In September,He a drinking pesticide,Trying to end his own life.


Thanks to their children found,Timely rescue,He didn't pick up back to a life.

  郑医生说,老年人退休后,生活范围缩小,家庭的支持对他们尤为重要。研究显示,独居的空巢老人和与家人同住的老人相比,因难以获得必要的生活照顾和良好的心理支持,更容易导致不良情绪的发生。(通讯员 曾蔚 记者 周皓亮)

Zheng said the doctor,Elderly retired,To cut down the scope of the life,Family support to them is particularly important.Research shows that,Solitary empty nester and live with their families than the old man,Because of hard to obtain the necessary life care and good psychological support,More likely to lead to the occurrence of undesirable mood.(Reporter correspondent CengWei ZhouHaoLiang)
