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南京官方澄清猪肉铅超标传言 系引用标准存差错--亲稳网络舆情监控室

施轩 仇惠栋

ShiXuan QiuHuiDong


南京官方澄清猪肉铅超标传言 系引用标准存差错


Sina micro bo also to this information on the"False news"processing.Micro bo screenshots


Yesterday morning,A name"Environmental protection DongLiangJie"The net friend issued a micro bo said,Nanjing agricultural university study found that nanjing the pork which lead up to 38%,The micro bo caused the net friend great attention,Also has caused the nanjing municipal party committee propaganda department official micro bo"Nanjing release"attention,Immediately report to the municipal government and the relevant departments.


Nanjing related department the first time intervention survey,Last night to the media about the results of the survey:The net friend quoted articles used in food safety standards exist error,Lead to wrong conclusions,Nanjing pork does not exist the problem of lead paint.The authors admit reference standard error,Text narrative not rigorous.

  通讯员 施轩 扬子晚报记者 仇惠栋

Reporter ShiXuan yangzi evening news reporter QiuHuiDong


南京猪肉铅含量超38%,吃了会变傻? Nanjing pork lead over 38%,Ate a dull boy?


Yesterday morning at half past seven,Sina blog a micro called"Environmental protection DongLiangJie"The net friend published a micro bo said:"Nanjing nongda animal college researcher random testing on nanjing pork,Find nanjing pork which lead up to 38%",Then he added a paragraph:"Lead paint can cause violence/Lower IQ.Lead in the food chain transfer,Pig change stupid doesn't matter,People eat much can become vicious and stupid".The net friend of authentication for rule:"The original American university of Hawaii environmental experts",Plus micro bo content for food safety,A short time this article micro bo was crazy forward.


The micro bo after release,Immediately set"Nanjing release"Micro bo management personnel's attention,And rapidly report,Cause the municipal government attaches great importance to,Many departments immediately intervention survey.


调查发现,这是一篇不规范且引用标准错误的论文 Survey found,This is a non-standard and reference standard error of the thesis


With the south nongda college of animal science and technology leadership and the original thesis guidance teachers and the author communication,This article"The paper"There are many problems.

  论文是由南京农业大学动物科技学院某教授的研究生于2011年7月25日,在南京部分超市及农贸市场购买了13份鲜猪肉,每份约100克,经其实验室购买的微波消解炉消解后,用该学院的电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS)进行测定。分析数据表明铅含量最大值为每千克0.131毫克,参照农业部2009年3月9日颁布的“铅限量标准每千克0.1毫克”,得出了 “南京部分猪肉中存在一定的铅超标现象,超标率达38.46%” 的结论。

Thesis is from nanjing agricultural university college of animal science and technology MouJiaoShou research was born in July 25, 2011,Part of the supermarket in nanjing and farmer's market bought 13 a fresh pork,Each about 100 grams,With the laboratory purchase microwave digestion furnace after digestion,The college of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer(icp-ms)Were determined.Analyzed data show that the maximum levels for each kilogram 0.131 mg,With reference to the ministry of agriculture on March 9, 2009 promulgated"Lead the limited standards of 0.1 milligram per kg",obtained "Nanjing part in pork there are some lead paint phenomenon,Which reaches 38.46%" conclusion.


but,The paper there are three big problem.


One is the research papers of pork lead detection laboratory not authoritative.The laboratory is nanjing agricultural university college of animal science and technology of animal product quality testing laboratory,Not through the national quality authentication institutions,At the same time,When the sampling,No according to the national sampling to standardize the implementation sampling.

  二是研究论文结果判定依据引用不当。该研究采样13份,铅含量最高值每千克0.13毫克,作者判定结果是错误地引用了 绿色食品“肉及肉制品”标准,即猪肉铅含量低于每千克0.1毫克。而按照GB 2707-2005国家鲜畜肉卫生标准,猪肉铅含量不得超过每千克0.2毫克,应为合格。

The second is the decision basis for the research papers quote inappropriate.The study of sampling 13,High levels of 0.13 milligram per kg,The author decision results was wrong to reference the green food"Meat and meat products"standard,Namely pork with less than 0.1 milligrams per kilogram.And according to GB 2707-2005 national fresh livestock meat hygiene standards,Pork lead must not exceed 0.2 mg per kilogram,Should be qualified.


The third is the authors in sampling are not normative,Sample size too little,Not by the representative nanjing market pork quality status.schools/The author and the teacher are admitted,Sampling lack of standard,Reference standard error,Text narrative not rigorous."Even ignoring the testing equipment/Sampling, etc,Just the reference standard,Produce a mile mistakes.Because the student acquisition of pork is the market of ordinary pork,Standard completely accords with the standard of national pollution-free pork,But the author but with the‘Green pork’Standard to judge,Conclusion must be wrong."Professional personage explains.


论文作者承认标准引用不当,并表示检讨 The authors admit standard reference undeserved,And said review


The relevant departments of the investigation for nanjing,The paper authors and the college all admit that the paper conclusion error.In nanjing agricultural university college of animal science and technology in this event descriptions,This paper the authors acknowledge that,"Because I am lack of a thorough knowledge of the pork quality standard,Thus draw the wrong conclusions.Correct conclusion should be‘Nanjing the check pork all accord with the standard of non-pollution pork,61.54% conform to the standard of green pork’."At the same time,The parties admitted improper reference,And the research appeared in not rigorous review said.


南京将立即再次组织专项监督检测 Nanjing will immediately once again organization special supervision and detection


The unproved micro bo caused the citizens in nanjing pork safety concern.yesterday,City agriculture commission on the clarification,Nanjing market pork accord with national pollution-free pork standard.In line with the citizens to food safety highly responsible spirit,Nanjing recently immediately organize the relevant departments to carry out marketing pork special supervision and detection.


少数“名微”未经求证转发,理性网民质疑 minority"Name micro"Forward without verification,Rational netizens question


Nanjing municipal party committee propaganda department relevant personage says,Although this is an existence many wrong paper,But at four in the afternoon,Micro bo forward volume has more than 2000 times,Review article also more than 500,With nearly 4.5 million fans network celebrity xue barbarian also carries on the forward.but,The micro bo also causes many rational netizens especially possess professional knowledge of Internet users questioned.Domestic famous science BBS"Scientific squirrel will"members"Pine cloud centerless"In the first time pointed out that this article use safety standards existing problems,And that the paper quoted standard error,misrepresentation:"This paper lead the maximum is 0.13 mg per kilogram,According to the provisions of the state‘Pollution-free pork’Standards are not overweight.This paper think that overweight because reference standard is 0.1 mg per kilogram,I don't know what is the reference standard."
