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  中新网10月23日电(记者 邓永胜)中国正步入“深度老龄化”社会,实现老有所养、病有所医是需要全社会共同勉励解决的问题。近年来,各级政府不断出台新的政策措施,力求为老年人看病就医提供便利。然而,时至当下,老年人看病仍面临诸多困难亟待破解。

Beijing on October 23 report(Reporter DengYongSheng)China is entering"Depth aging"social,To realize to old-age care/BingYouSuoYi is to encourage the whole society to solve the problem.In recent years,Governments at all levels continuously introduce new policies and measures,Strive to provide convenience for old people go to a doctor to see a doctor.however,At present,The old doctor still faces many difficulties to be cracked.

  老人就医现状调查:出行困难手续繁琐 无奈望而却步 The old man medical investigation:Travel difficult procedure tedious but flinch


By the end of 2011,China 60 years old and above aging population reached 185 million,13.7% of the total population,China is entering"Depth aging"social.Old age group is an important medical and health resources consumption object.Along with the aging of population at every step close in on,See a doctor difficult to become the Chinese elderly main distress.


Old old people,Physical difference,Disease more,Diagnosis and treatment of high difficulty,Community hospital and small clinic fear go out on a limb,The at a respectful distance.however,To the hospital,Need to ride in line,Check the capture to expend.Old people to stand,Can't wait,Be unable to stand,


Multifarious procedures would be huge burden,So have to"flinch".


In the socialization endowment mechanism has not been perfected yet today,For the countryside empty nester and towns lost only old man living alone in group, etc,This difficulty is more highlights,"Old people who live alone and no one found"News reports common occurance.


For the countryside empty nest for the old man,The elder alone medical condition is relatively backward country,The lack of children's care and love comfort."Out a lock,Door a lamp",Is their life normal.Even after the illness,In most cases also have to face it alone,Plus the limitations of economic conditions and habitual thrift,"Ailment pulls,Serious illness have"Phenomenon is very common.


For the town lost alone for the old man,Situation is not optimistic."Lost only"A heavy blow has made its physically hurt,But along with get old,And they had to bear alone disease torture."No country for old"Become their most realistic situation,Even if the parties from social care,Is still difficult to heal,Eliminate worry.


Many people suggest,Related departments should actively provide convenience for the elderly/low/Effective medical and health services,Establish or transformation alteration designed for old people service senile diseases hospital,Ensure that the elderly LaoYouSuoYi,And the old medical institutions to give appropriate subsidies,Used for relief difficult family expenses old people go to a doctor.


For empty nester and lost only old man these special group,In addition to the physical level outside the preferential measure,The whole society should give more spiritual full care and love,Help them to call the lonely/Heal wounds,In comfort in their old age.


老人优待政策被指标准过高 免费看病必须活到90岁? The old man preferential policy is refers to the high standard free a doctor must live to be 90 years old?


recently,Beijing bureau of civil affairs director WuShiMin said,Beijing to social welfare"Expanding surface/additional/DiBiao/integration",To speed up the establishment of a moderate pratt &whitney the livelihood of the people the welfare system.Medical insurance pays part full reimbursement policy,From the current 95 is expected to more than one full year of life,Expanded to 90 years old and above the crowd.


Around this new policy,In the outside world there are many more than the citation,Also appear a few different voice,Embodied in"Age standard is too high"The disputes on the.Questioned man thinks,More than 90 - year - old old number is just a small part of the old people,The policy of the symbolic meaning is greater than the substantial meaning.


More netizens question:Since come so much good service,Why cannot ascend,Make services more can face the public??Can make more enjoy good preferential policies,The 95 - year - old age reduced to 85 or 80 years is bad?


But also have a point of view points out,At present Beijing 80 years old and above the old man has 350000,At the present stage called for all old people free medical care do impractical.


Data shows,China's 83 people over the age of only accounted for 1% of the national.So it,At present the national even 1% of the people are not enjoy free medical care,And 90 years or more free is limited to the capital Beijing,Visible free medical care"Way streched endless ahead".


In fact,According to the previous media reports,Some other areas previously also has issued such old people see a doctor preferential policy,And the free medical treatment"threshold"Usually set to 90 years old.


endowment/Medical capital is often taken for granted.The doctor is then free to old people happiness and dignity of the feedback and respect.Critics say,Was unsupported by reason,For 90 years or more free to see a doctor,Can give a person a kind of can only far view feeling.but,A years,Beijing free the threshold of the doctor reduces the 5 years old,May be optimistic that the:90 years has come,80 years old still be far behind?Policy is to promote the national will never seem to be achieved?

  老年人看病频遇“神医”袭扰 权益保护亟待各方重视 The old doctor in frequency"doctor"Harassment to pay more attention to protection of the rights and the parties

  老太遭遇“神医”骗局4万余元现金被换成草纸、六旬老太听信“神医”被骗21万元、5人结伙扮“神医”行骗 7名老人为消灾被骗13万……近年来,一些“神医”假借看病之名诈骗老年人钱财的新闻屡屡见诸报端。

With old"doctor"Fraud of more than 40000 yuan in cash for toilet paper/Old distinction of hearing"doctor"Swindled 210000 yuan/Five people cahoots dress up as"doctor"Fraud and old man for disaster swindled 130000...In recent years,some"doctor"Under the guise of a doctor in the name of the old money fraud news repeatedly in the central hunan province.


Old people usually have poor health/Disease more/The characteristics of alertness is not high,This for some lawless fraud provides away,Many old people in most of savings by this kind of deception"flicker"Drain after;therefore,The protection of the legal rights andinterests which needs to be aroused attention.


As for their children,Serious to perform their duty,Let the old man in the sick properly take care of,No matter from family ethical or on the legal theory,All is not shirk responsibility.


however,With China's social population aging aggravating and population mobility acceleration,And life custom change,China for several thousand years and continue down a few generations the traditional family mode has vanished.


According to the ministry of civil affairs,China is now 169 million 60 years of age or older in,40% have a child not at nearby or childless"Empty nest"life.It is estimated that by 2030,Aging population nearly 300 million,And empty nester family proportional or will reach 90%,This means that there will be more than two hundred million empty nester.


At the same time,In the era of only children,Many families have to face"Inverted pyramid shape"Endowment dilemma.Young couples,Not only to support both parents,Also parents to support their parents,Less ask gusts will be responsible for the old man,Many even want to take care of QiBaWei old man,Often attend,This also for"doctor"Display the deception provides stage.


this,Media analysis,Countries on the one hand to constantly improve socialization endowment mechanism,At the same time,Have the responsibility to provide funds/Staff support,That old man hospital more hasten is convenient,To the old propaganda necessary medical knowledge,Avoid deceived.In addition,But also in the specialized fraud the illegal ACTS of the elderly a clampdown.


SangYuJing most beautiful,Room heavy yat sen villa.Let the old old is in,Old have"medical",Not only is the obligation of the children,And the government as well as the whole society's responsibility.(finish)
