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- China is serious iodine deficiency country,In addition to high water iodine outside the region,Most residents should be food iodate


China had made many monitoring and adjustment,The present household perturbation iodine quantity in the appropriate level,Eat iodate would not cause iodine excess


recently,Have net friend say:Thyroid carcinoma in cancer incidence of already rose from 15th place to fifth place,The main reason is caused by the eat iodized salt;China's coastal area residents often eat seafood rich in iodine,Don't need to eat iodized salt.These rumours is true?People's Daily"verification"Column the reporter interviewed the relevant departments and experts.

  疑问一:加碘盐易诱发甲状腺癌? Doubt a:Iodized salt easily induced thyroid carcinoma?

  【回应】 甲状腺癌与遗传、自身免疫性及精神因素有关;补碘的益处远大于碘过量引起的风险

[response] Thyroid carcinoma and genetic/Autoimmune and spiritual factors;Complement iodine benefits far outweigh the risk of excessive iodine caused

  “所谓甲状腺癌增多与食盐碘过量有关的说法并不准确。”卫生部疾病预防控制局国家卫生监督专员肖东楼介绍,“从全球范围看,近年来包括甲状腺癌在内的多数肿瘤都呈上升态势。甲状腺癌与食盐加碘存在某种联系的推论依据不充分, 相反,采取补碘干预可使甲状腺癌向低恶性转化的结论,已被广泛认同。”

"The so-called increased thyroid carcinoma with salt iodine excess related is not accurate."The ministry of health bureau of disease prevention and control national health supervision and specialist XiaoDong floor is introduced,"From around the world to see,In recent years include thyroid cancer, most tumors are is on the rise.Thyroid carcinoma and salt iodize exist some connection reasoning based on inadequate, instead,Take complement iodine intervention can make the thyroid carcinoma to low malignant transformation of the conclusion,Has been widely recognized."


According to"Thyroid cancer high-risk"Point of view,Shanghai first people's hospital endocrine metabolism section chief physician WuYiJie said,In the clinical really found that people with thyroid disease patients increased phenomenon."But that does not mean thyroid disease incidence rate increase."According to he introduced,Now the medical examination means advanced than ever before,Puncture technology can be found below 1 cm tumor,But in the past can only armrest touch.


"Iodine deficiency and iodine excess,May result in thyroid disease."XiaoDong floor said,Iodine excess can make the risk of hyperthyroidism rise,Also can make recessive thyroid autoimmune diseases into dominant disease.


Everyday edible iodized salt,Will bring iodine excess?Beijing union medical college hospital endocrinology professor wear for letter said:"Will tell from strict definition,Our country most people should eat iodate,Because iodate inside of iodine is the trace,Is a basic quantity.There is no evidence shows that excessive edible iodized salt and thyroid disease has a direct relationship."


WuYiJie said,overall,Our country residents perturbation iodine quantity in the appropriate level,But also don't expel individual areas of the special circumstances.and,The thyroid hormone synthesis is a dynamic equilibrium state,Occasionally overdose,A person experience natural drainage,Not in the body unrestricted accumulation.


According to expert introduction,The world health organization recommends adult daily iodine intake for 150-300 micrograms,The European Union and the United States medical research institutions that adult iodine intake can tolerance limit respectively 600 micrograms per day and 1100 micrograms.Our country iodate average iodized quantity for 30 mg/kg.According to each daily intake of salt 5-10 grams calculation,Daily iodine uptake amount is about 150-300 micrograms.Deduct cooking and human metabolic loss,Iodine intake will not higher than the recommended amount of the world health organization.


For the etiology of thyroid cancer,WuYiJie pointed out that,Can't say iodized salt induces high incidence of disease,Because the disease and genetic factors/Autoimmune and spiritual factors,Stressful work/In the long run, stress state people also belong to high-risk groups.


In fact,Experts say,Iodine deficiency is more dangerous than iodine excess.Tianjin medical university endocrine institute professor ChenZuPei said:"Iodine in the body of the main effect is to be on thyroid thyroid hormone synthesis.Iodine deficiency can lead to insufficient thyroid hormone synthesis,Cause a series of symptoms and disease,Especially for mental damage.From geological area children's intelligence test check to see,The average intelligence quotient (IQ) than the normal level is low."


"Iodine deficiency in addition to cause clinically typical iodine deficiency diseases such as endemic goiter,Still can cause indistinguishable intelligence damage."XiaoDong floor is introduced,The 2009 international control, it is shown that the council by way of a public announcement,Fill the benefits of iodine is far greater than iodine excess cause relatively small risk.

  疑问二:沿海城市居民不需要补碘? Question 2:The coastal urban residents do not need to complement iodine?


[response]Coastal area residents from kelp/Seaweed and fish get 2.1% of iodine,The dietary iodine 84.2% from iodate


"People get iodine way there are three:Drinking water/Food and air.Our country in addition to some areas water iodine content outside is very high,Most of the water iodine content is low,And from the air intake of iodine is even less."China's center for disease control endemic disease control center director SunDianJun told reporters,"By the influence of the external environment,Our country's food containing iodine quantity also in iodine deficiency universal form,Therefore need to complement iodine."

  针对网友“沿海居民日常食用的海产品中含碘量很高无需碘盐”的疑惑,陈祖培解释道:“2009年,卫生部在福建、上海、浙江、辽宁等4省(市)开展的沿海地区居民膳食碘摄入量调查结果显示,海带、紫菜、海鱼等富碘食物在沿海地区居民中的食用频率和食用量都很低。在未考虑烹调损失的情况下,膳食中的碘84.2%来自于加碘食盐,来自于各类食物的碘仅占13.1%(其中海带、紫菜和海鱼共占 2.1%)。如果食用不加碘食盐,97%以上的居民碘摄入量会低于推荐摄入量,居民碘缺乏的风险很大。”

According to the net friend"Coastal residents daily edible seafood containing high iodine volume without iodate"doubts,ChenZuPei explained:"In 2009,,The ministry of health in fujian/Shanghai/zhejiang/Liaoning and other four provinces(city)In coastal areas' dietary iodine intake according to the results of the survey,kelp/seaweed/Fish and rich iodine food in the coastal area residents of the edible frequency and low consumption.In does not consider cooking loss of cases,The dietary iodine 84.2% from iodize salt,From all kinds of food iodine accounted for only 13.1%(The kelp/Seaweed and fish accounted for 2.1%).If not edible iodize salt,More than 97% of the residents iodine intake will be lower than recommended intake,People with a high risk of iodine deficiency."


SunDianJun also think,Our country is external environment serious iodine deficiency country,Not only in the countryside,City as well."In 2009,,Coastal areas' dietary iodine intake survey found,Although after years of supplementary iodate,Shanghai and other coastal cities of pregnant women iodine nutrition or insufficient.So big cities still need to supply iodate."


"The ministry of health, published in 2010[China's salt iodize and residents iodine nutritional status of risk assessment]The results show that:Our country in addition to high water iodine outside the region,Most of the region's inhabitants iodine nutritional status in a comfortable and safe level,The coastal areas is no exception."XiaoDong floor said.


Experts introduced,Although coastal city residents need to complement iodine,But there are two kinds of people shall not eat iodate.A is a thyroid disease patients in a few people,Can follow the doctor's advice not edible or less edible iodate.The other is a living in high iodine residents of the district,Iodine intake more than the recommended several times.


Shanghai CDC is introduced,High iodine area is divided into water sex and food-borne two,Our country is first found water of high iodine goiter country.At present,In Beijing/tianjin/hebei/shanxi/Inner Mongolia/jiangsu/anhui/fujian/shandong/henan/shaanxi/Xinjiang 12 provinces(area/city)Of the 130 counties have found water iodine content exceeds bid,Threatened a population of about 31 million people.


"In high iodine regions,People eat not iodate,Not supply iodate.High iodine in drinking water area,And even may be in low iodine water."SunDianJun said.


 疑问三:碘盐标准是否“一刀切”? Question three:Iodate standard whether"One size fits all"?


[response]This year the implementation of the new standard allow provinces(area/city)On its own, decide on the salt iodine content average level


Have net friend say,Iodate standard should not unified national a standard,And complain that the market is difficult to buy no iodate.Actual situation how to?


In Beijing,The reporter interviewed salt in Beijing company designated several no iodine salt point of sale,Find plenty of no iodate for sale,But only 200 grams of loading"Beijing crystal brand"Organic no iodine snowflake salt,Price 4.5 yuan/bag,There is no limit to the number in the purchase,Also do not need to produce relevant orders or proof.In addition to designated supply network,Reporter in a lotte matt supermarket also see on iodate,Salesman said"Can buy casually".


In Shanghai,A friend gold with supermarket clerk told reporters,No iodate sales is very normal,Never occurred to snap up or out of stock phenomenon.Introduced by Shanghai health bureau,Shanghai long ago has open no iodate sales,At present the city has 1334 no iodine salt supply centre.


It is understood,From 1995, China began to implement comprehensive salt iodize policy since,For salt iodine content has made many adjustment.this,ChenZuPei said,Our country about every two to three years to nationwide iodate with the popularity of idd situation for a monitoring,And according to the change of iodate crowd adjust the concentration of iodate,So adjustment is normal.


Shanghai CDC relevant controller introduces,Idd monitoring data shows,Our country has massive land,Salt intake larger difference,In recent years diet structure is changed,Unified salt iodine content standard can't satisfy and adapt to these changes.this,The ministry of health released in September 2011/In march this year the implementation of the national food safety standards[Edible salt iodine content]Allow provinces(area/city)On its own, decide on the salt iodine content average level.


"In the past the national unity is a standard,In the serious lack of iodine,You are right to do so,Can quickly relieve the whole nation's iodine deficiency dilemma."ChenZuPei added,"but,Along with the salt iodize policy gradually implement,Will need to refine the gradually."According to he introduced,Iodine intake is suitable for depends on a number of factors,Including the concentration of iodate/Food structure/Salt intake, etc.For example,Shanghai/tianjin/Beijing residents of salt intake per person a day about 7 or 8 grams,Western north May 1023 grams,The highest provinces to 20 grams."The new standard of the province decide iodine concentration,Embodies the‘Adjust measures to local conditions/Scientific complement iodine’principle."


It is understood,The provisions of the countries all over the world iodate of iodine in each are not identical.Western Europe countries use salt iodine content for each kilogram 10 mg - 20 mg,America most countries for every kilograms 50 mg - 100 mg,The UK is 25 milligrams per kilogram.China's[Edible salt iodine content]provisions:Per kg of edible salt products iodine content of average level(With iodine element meter)For 20 mg - 30 mg,Edible salt iodine content allowed wave range(evenness)For edible salt iodine content average plus or minus 30%.


"The United States iodate coverage only 50% - 60%,But in addition to the iodate,The United States through adding iodine in milk to improve iodine intake;Australia is in bread adding iodine."WuYiJie said,"Data display,The average American urine iodine content about 20% higher than in China."
