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女子吐槽极品IT男 网友称勿随便给职业贴标签--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


Gourmet IT technology male let blind date can't stand?Messy hair/Back double shoulder pack/Clothes always into your pants/Never active make a phone call/Don't love sports...


Net friend"@ out right turn me - to"October 22 sent a man about IT technology(Engaged in the information technology industry)Micro bo,Count and IT technology male to meet and get along with a period of days all kinds of weird,And such a man want to continue?


Fuzhou many IT cashman said that the micro bo to their describes the appearance of some exaggeration,But other aspects basic"Shot in the"the,But such people every industry will be,They need someone to transform.


 女网友相亲遇上沉闷IT男 Female net friend to meet depressing IT man


Some time ago,"@ out right meto"Through the relatives introduced a software park in work in the IT technology male.31,Monthly pay ten thousand yuan,The first time we meet a person look at is composed,Just want to try to talk about,Cultivate the feelings.The next day to get along with,Problems have come to."The first time I met this man,All aspects are gourmet."@ out right meto very depressed.What is a best method?


appearance:Wear black frame glasses,The hair is confused and glossy,Carry double shoulder pack,Coat also into your pants,Socks always shows a section,Neck always hung employee's card;


Never active make a phone call,Will only send text messages.Answer this question will only"well/ah/oh";Don't understand romantic,Don't indulge/Do not know how to please the girl;


door,Every day in the body with only 100 yuan in cash and a card.Meet urgent cases,Money is always did not have enough;


Don't love sports,In addition to work in the Internet at home is home,Reading novels play mobile phone,A little other activities are no...


She also found on the web a"Engineers work work plan",Directed at her description of the software engineer IT technology male,And FaWei bo for identification.She said can't imagine such a man to get married,The day of the future more depressing.


 被调查的IT男七成“中枪” Be investigated IT seventy percent male"Shot in the"


IT male what kind?Reporters examined the fuzhou 20 IT man,There are seven achieve their silent"Shot in the"the,Others say description too exaggeration,Not a stick killed all IT man.


Live in drum mountain garden of Mr. Huang said after see micro bo,Not only looks like,And he most every day with only 50 yuan in the body,Carrying double shoulder pack all day.Before marriage he is also home home every day,Curtilage unit,After marriage just had a little change.


In the east near the corner working software engineer Mr. Wang does not agree with."I would never wear clothes."Mr. Wang said,He will eat with girlfriend shopping,The weekend will also meet climb mountains or going to play badminton.


Have net friend say,In fact many industries have such person,This is only character problem,Can't give IT male labelling.

  “这样性格的人需要别人的帮助来改变。”任先生是一家软件公司的部门主任,从事IT行业8年,他说公司的员工,虽然外形上没有微博中描述的那么夸张,不过确实有一半以上的人性格内向。公司经常会组织联谊,让他们外向些。(东南快报 记者陈伟)

"This character people need the help of others to change."As Mr. A is a software company department director,Engaged in the IT industry 8 years,He said the company's employees,Although there is no shape micro bo described in so exaggeration,But do have more than half introverted.Companies often organization fellowship,Let them outgoing some.(Southeast express reporter Chen wei)
