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  编者按 Editor's note


This is a not well known groups,They take care of a group of special patient - psychiatric patients,And thus suffered great stress and psychological pressure.Every day they are faced with unpredictable emergencies,A slap in the face/beating/Hurt...There are even social injustice/Don't understand eyes.


Our reporter walked into the first specialized subject hospital in Harbin,This is a special treated patients with psychiatric hospital,Based on medical personnel interview there,Reporter felt their life can not bear the heavy.


That country has been aware of the problem,On October 26,,The National People's Congress standing committee passed[Mental health law of the People's Republic of China(draft)],The move marks in the whole society in our country for the force/To carry out mental health work direction and a step forward.


Mental health care workers to it,This is perhaps the best power forward.

  “不是所有人都能理解精神病科医护人员的工作” "Not everyone can understand psychiatric medical staffs"


"I don't place,Let me finish line?"In the middle of August this year,In a field by the Harbin city federation of trade unions at the worker in the speech contest,From Harbin first specialized subject hospital player SunJing gentle speech more than the prescribed for 5 minutes,When the compere told she don't end shall be deducted from the 10 points,The girl on stage suddenly began to cry.


Now recall the day of the game,SunJing gentle some bad meaning:"I went to purpose is not to get what place,But hope more people to understand/Understand psychiatry of health care workers."


It is this for the time for she won warm applause,And help her in subtract under the condition of 10 points won the third prize of the game.


"I think,Not everyone can understand psychiatric medical staffs."In the face of the reporter,SunJing gentle said.


26 years old SunJing gentle in 2007, he graduated from the da hinggan mountains vocational college,After graduation she through the business unit test,Become Harbin first specialized subject hospital a nurse.


And the other students to go to hospital went down ward different,SunJing gentle after work the first thing is to accept three months of business training."Our training first content that is how to use constraint zone."SunJing gentle said,Psychiatric patients and normal different patients,Because the cause of the disease,Some of them will self-mutilation or hurt others.Meet the restless severe patients,We must use constraint take them in fixed bed.


In addition to learn to use constraint zone,SunJing gentle to learn there are many.


"Training the teacher told us,When he,Be sure to count scissors and tourniquet,Less a all not line.To psychotic send medicine,Also insisting on‘Three to’- to the bedside/To mouth/To stomach.Some patients think you have no disease,Give him medicine he also not delicious,Or throw away,Or hide.This time you will coax him/Cheat him.For example and he kept talking,Look at the medicine is hidden in under the tongue,Tell him drink more water to the skin well,Let him drink more water to ensure that the medicine to enter in the stomach."SunJing gentle said,These are her in school did not learn,Is in comprehensive hospital nurse doesn't need to do.


In order to achieve the objective of,SunJing gentle in the work coax/cheat/advised,Have no need not,One day down don't know how many words to say more,and,Some patients don't listen to or don't understand her words,Say nasty,It will be a patient a slap in the face/spat.once,She give a mania patients with bound constraint when,Wrist was aware of the patient bite blood dc.


Even so,She also can never temper to the patient,Only complaint will exist in the stomach.


"To tell you the truth,I have tired of time,But in the presence of patients and their relatives on a face,Have to with smile.Psychotic sometimes especially sensitive,You look/Look wrong are easy to stimulate them."SunJing gentle said she got home often don't want to say a word,Sometimes to her mother-in-law dinner she also don't talk.Not with the old man on bad terms,But bad mood let her talk and then want to quarrel,She is afraid old man angry.But back to his home,She often will follow husband to a meal of high decibel"Make trouble without a cause".


"Can't,I need a catharsis."SunJing gentle said.


And her husband sometimes joke complained:"I think you treat patients than the treat me better."

  剔骨尖刀扎出的伤疤 Eviscerate stickers pierced the scar


now,No matter how hot the weather in summer,QiReXuan in front of mother can't strip to the waist,Always wear a vest.Every time to change the vest,He would go to the mother couldn't see place to change - in his left rib place,There is a don't want to let mother saw the scars,That's been a patient with knife knife pierced the injury.


"In 2003,There is a patient in the home the disease.Families can't him,Run to the hospital kneeling on the ground for cinema sent for him fetch.I took a new college students go to meet him,When I go I found the door of a basin shish kebab iron bit,Then I think not,Go with me that college students should go to sliding door,Be my ye came back,But just then the door opened,They did not wait for my reaction to come over,A boning knife will strike into my left rib the."


In others it seems,QiReXuan peritoneal has not been stabbing is very lucky of misfortune,Pick up back to a life.But in QiReXuan looks,The most fortunately he put that up sliding door of college students give ye back."If he go up still don't know."


Or the patient,Soon after another hospital doctor to take him to the hospital time,On the spot killed the doctor.


Until now,QiReXuan don't dare tell the old man about his injury at home.


"Dry this line,Sometimes even look for objects are difficult."QiReXuan said.


In QiReXuan university just graduated,A lot of people are to he introduced object.But a heard that he is a 'mad doctor,Some girl is not to tell he met.later,Broker said he is specialized subject hospital doctor."Time long,People always ask you are‘Which college’Doctor ah,It is not from the."Said after the truth,QiReXuan found,The next time the date, they silently.


"To these just a little bit better,People hear that I am a psychiatric specialized doctor no longer hiding."QiReXuan said,With the nation's attention and people's conception and the change,Mad doctors, nurses no longer that discriminated against.

  “国家会越来越重视精神科工作的” "Countries pay more and more attention to the psychiatric work"


"Your family name is white,You are a mental hospital doctor,I know you.You are a nice person,Today I don't scold you."


"You mistook the,I don't name is white."


In fact, her name is white,Her name is BaiYuXia,2004 the first college from Harbin city hospital radiology retired.


BaiDaFu more than once said to reporters:"And my colleagues than,I pressure is the smallest,I am in the radiology it is of our hospital‘heaven’."


In 2003,,It is in this is called"heaven"place,When BaiDaFu to pose for patients,Was about to back to the operating room operation,Be patient with a shooting with cassette smashed red-handed.


"At the time I what all don't know,After wake up face was full of blood."BaiDaFu said,She woke up the first thing is to sit down on the ground a meal into tears - like 30 years ago.


The Spring Festival in 1973,Just to work one year to take the newspaper BaiYuXia mail room,Suddenly heard someone shout patients ran.She turn head a see,A higher than her a head of many female patient head on running.BaiYuXia even want to didn't want to blunt go up to embrace the patients,Results the patients in is a written fist.


"When suddenly hit me in the chest,I have nearly a minute didn't come up gas.Gas didn't come up,My tears down first."BaiYuXia recalls,She was also a meal to sit down on the ground crying.After crying and found,The bottom underneath the ice sat all changed.


Years of work experience let BaiYuXia have a"quirk",Can't stand other people behind her go.


"Once I into the ward,A patient from jumping off the door I pressure drop to the ground,Ride to my body knock on my head.so,I especially afraid of others behind me."BaiYuXia said,Then she was long a"Mind's eye",Open ward door ask a sound anyone.But this is also have no guarantee time,a,She just open ward door,Haven't ask,A female patients from behind the door rush out gave her a big mouth.


In 2004,,Because the cause of the body,BaiYuXia early retirement from the hospital,This thought since then don't have became a thing,But I didn't know it is,Then she buy a new house actually lived near two once of the patients.One day,When she hold grandson downstairs when group,A patient recognized her and asked her if she name is white,She hurriedly deny.Another time when in shopping,A patient while chanting"BaiDaFu"Side ran to her,Frighten her to find a corner to hide.


Retirement years,BaiYuXia often think of the past when work appeared:In 1971 just graduate was assigned to the hospital,To report for duty that day looking at a yard full of psychotic patients can't in the door,She stood at the gate for more than two hours;For the first time into the ward,She was shocked to the heart throb;Every time when the handing-over head counting,Butterflies are like war;Value the night shift after the second day morning after hand-over,The whole people almost collapsed on the ground...


But BaiYuXia most memorable or first day on the job,The hospital put full red flag,Note posted on the wall"Welcome 1971 sessions of graduates to our work"Big slogan.The day,Cinema also specially held a welcome ceremony 37 name the new graduates.


"That day,A teacher is very passionately say to us:‘The students,Please believe,We will have a good,Countries pay more and more attention to our psychiatric work’."BaiYuXia said,This sentence,She remembers all his life.But until now,She didn't feel 30 years ago in a little bit of good hope to achieve.


In this year's October 26,After 27 years of brewing/Running in,The National People's Congress standing committee passed[Mental health law of the People's Republic of China(draft)],The provision,The whole society shall respect the mental health workers.At the same time,Should strengthen the mental health staff occupational protection,Improve the mental health workers salary standard,In accordance with the relevant provisions and give appropriate allowance;Mental health workers both for injury/disability/death,Its inductrial injury treatment and pension according to the relevant provisions of the state.

  白玉霞认为,这样的法规出台,是对她几十年辛苦付出的最大认可。 张世光

BaiYuXia think,Such laws and regulations,She was in decades of hard work pay the biggest recognition. ZhangShiGuang
