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外籍华人所捐助听器被质疑 是否适用看个体情况--亲稳网络舆情监控室


On October 22,,Xinhua international news immediately announce the official micro bo"New international"Send a micro bo,Says Australia Chinese philanthropist WeiJiCheng to plan China hearing disability donate 100000 only hearing aid.


But after a few days,The hearing impaired institutions volunteers WeiJiCheng gave was questioned for hearing AIDS"Damage children's garbage".

  企业家魏基成热衷慈善 Entrepreneurs WeiJiCheng keen to charity


"He in Australia enterprises do well,During these years in China do so much charity work."


In Chinese enterprise home,WeiJiCheng is not widely known.


The report from Beijing many times,Can understand the WeiJiCheng is one of Australia's ABC paper towel co., LTD., chairman of the board of directors,Ancestral home guangdong jieyang city.In 1985 by the Hong Kong immigration Australia,The ABC company founded in Australia 100 strong among the large suppliers,Ranked a 47.


Several years ago,WeiJi achievement in guangdong/jiangxi/Hunan in charitable activities.The donation hearing aid is due"Many hearing disorder in children can't normal school/employment,Even lose the chance to communicate with people,Want to help these children out of the shadow of the heart,Help them to hear the voice of the beautiful."


This year on September 6,,WeiJiCheng came to Beijing,To 7 · 21 the affected people/Deaf disabled/Difficult group donated 11000 jacket/10000 sets of hearing AIDS and 6000 vice presbyopic glasses,Beijing overseas Chinese affairs office of the GengChaoDong accompanied by the five days.Talk about to WeiJiCheng impression,GengChaoDong said"People sure no problem,Very 彽 adjustable."


"He in Australia's enterprise really do well,And in recent years in his around China do so much charity work,Not only focus on deaf group,People like cataract/Education fields he have attention,Is a very low-key."


In GengChaoDong five days in accompanied,Know to do charity not only WeiJiCheng a person,"He has now formed a team,Many entrepreneurs/Volunteers are in together with him to do.As far as I know,Hearing AIDS is a team in a Taiwanese enterprise products."


But according to a report,WeiJi into September in hunan donated by hearing AIDS in Taiwan is engaged in hearing aid production industry WeiJiCheng impressed by Mr. Wu's heart after,Sell at a low price to WeiJiCheng used for donation.

  聋儿家长的失落 For the loss of parents


"The key is the hearing aid was not at all suitable for children,Listening is not only not repair,But also by the more damage."


22"New international"Micro bo a issued,For China net and China for the founder of the parents' meeting hong hao fierce and a group of hearing-impaired children parents very excited.


"Many parents go around spreading,But then slowly to feel a bit too the answers."Hong hao fierce said.


He further analysis,"We do this public welfare organization full-time 7 years,Whether hospital/Group for,Or manufacturers are familiar with.So large a donation,Sure need a perfect system to complete,Such as social survey/Medical institutions such as the check with management team and hearing medical team common intervention,But we didn't at any place heard related news."For exploratory false or true,Hong hao fierce to WeiJiCheng sent an E-mail.


"Micro bo left only an email address,No phone."Hong hao fierce said.


On October 26,,Hong hao fierce received reply,In his view the answer is accident is not accidental.


"Very formatting reply,This paper introduces the appended drawings to donate the hearing AIDS."See the introduction of a hearing aid,Hong hao fierce think before the suspect was confirmed.


"Is early be eliminated the sort of simulation hearing aid,On the domestic similar products price 158 yuan."But this is not the key to the problem,"The key is the hearing aid was not at all suitable for children,Now a lot of adult with deaf when I was a child is the kind of hearing aid,They are victims,Listening is not only not repair,But also by the more damage."Hong hao fierce said.


"Popularly says,Simulation hearing aid like a sound box,What sound can give you put heavily,But now the children generally use digital hearing aid like mixer,The need for amplification part of amplification,Do not need not to tube,So the children in the hearing of the damaged part can get repair,And healthy part will not be affected,But if you have been amplified,With that part of don't repair part is a kind of hurt."Hong hao fierce explain.


Due to reply email did not mention products manufacturer and model,So can't from the administration's check to have this batch of hearing aid legal examination and approval.Hong hao fierce question is,"Australia's hearing aid technology is developed,Will this kind of domestic production are eliminated low-end products?This batch of hearing AIDS what came out of the production?Not clear."


After received the email,Hong hao fierce and many parents for very disappointed,China web site for the volunteers/Yi ah listening to language volunteers club President called micro bo"Mork gg"In the online issued the blame for his hearing AIDS"garbage"post.


Parents also collective stopped forwarding this article micro bo.


October 31,Reporters on the matter WeiJiCheng to send E-mail to understand,But at the time of termination,Has not yet won back.

  各方说法:是否适用看个体情况 That all parties:It is a look at individual situation


"Digital hearing aid must be good,But not absolutely said simulation hearing aid is completely can't use."


Simulation hearing aid is as fierce hong hao said,Children listening can cause damage?


China rehabilitation research centre for hearing clinic staff when accepting a reporter when the telephone interview is introduced,From audiology ways,Traditional analog hearing AIDS are mostly linear amplification,Namely to light/in/Heavy all voice for the same amplification,And digital hearing aid is wide dynamic compression line,Namely can do small voice amplification/Loudly compression,According to each person is different hearing loss corresponding make up,Help listening disabilities hear voice.


"Digital hearing aid must be good,But not absolutely said simulation hearing aid is completely can't use,To specific user carry on the detailed inspection,Because the individual situation."The staff is cautiously.


This staff also said,On the market at present simulation hearing aid basic already belongs to the marginal product,"Market share nearly less than ten percent."


Tongren hospital research clinical audiology doctor ZhangHuaZe metaphorically says:"Steamed bread can eat,But bread better and better,but,Also cannot say steamed bread can't eat."


Simulation hearing aid will bring to the child's hearing damage?Zhang hua said:"I know this thing,But don't want to make any comments."


And GengChaoDong is think"Is unlikely to".


Although not sure the donated 100000 hearing-aid is he had come into contact with Taiwan enterprise production,But when contact with the product,GengChaoDong think very advanced.


"I learned that the hearing aid technology is currently the world's most advanced,rechargeable/Taiwan patent/Continental production,But not in China sales,But export to Europe and Japan,If you want to show that children use accurate fit,No experts of the specific verification,Don't know,But it is regular products."


For this kind of export to Europe and Japan's hearing aid price,GengJin east said is not clear.

  受捐者:儿童使用效果一般 ShouJuanZhe:Children usually use effect


"To tell you the truth,Children use the effect also is just so so."


Changsha listening to the rain for rehabilitation center(Hereinafter referred to as the rehabilitation center)Is the earliest WeiJiCheng donations for hearing aid organisations,According to the rehabilitation center CengYanFang teacher introduced,Children with this kind of hearing aid effect general.


September 3,Changsha listening to the rain for rehabilitation center won the WeiJiCheng donated 150 sets of hearing aid,Including suitable for mild hearing impairment and severe hearing impairment two types.


Get after hearing AIDS,Rehabilitation center began to the social needs of the public issue.CengYanFang said,"To tell you the truth,Children use the effect also is just so so,So most of the hearing AIDS are an adult or older hearing impairment of people with,Some old people feel very good effect,Straight quart‘great’!"


Rehabilitation center to send out of the 130 or so in the hearing AIDS,Only less than 10 is in children.


"Don't know where is made,The words are in English,Should not be made in China,Is Australia's?"CengYanFang said.


Beijing one does not wish to disclose the name of the parents say:"Simulation hearing aid to the child's hearing can't realize effective compensation,Simple amplification the sound is not suitable for them,Will appear small voice still couldn't hear loud earthquake uncomfortable situation,Serious word can aggravate the hearing loss.This thought foreign donations may some higher content of science and technology,Now look at,Even if I go to,We also can't give children use,Or their children to buy digital it."

  关爱聋儿项目不足 Care for lack of project


Every year China has three to forty thousand newborn children,Caring for public welfare strength is not enough.


China is now more than 2000 deaf,About 900000 of them for hearing-impaired children,Every year there will be three to forty thousand newborn children.For this group is,At present efforts to solve the dilemma of public power is not enough.


At present domestic large-scale attention for project is China disabled persons' federations and hearing rehabilitation project.


This project in 2011 to 2012,For the 4000 accord with surgical indications of hearing disability children implement artificial cochlear implant surgery,And subsidy operation/Rehabilitation training funds.For 4500 meet the conditions of the hearing disability children free to wear hearing AIDS and rehabilitation training subsidy funds.The project to 2013-2015,The two digital respectively for 4289 cases of surgery and 4500 only hearing aid.


In addition,Some local governments are also do small range of love for the project.


"ZhongCanLian project to free of hearing AIDS is 5000 yuan to 10000 yuan or so,But after all seats are limited,The heard about entrepreneurs donation,A lot of hearing-impaired children parents hoping to get better hearing aid,Didn't expect the result is such."Always hope to promote social forces attention for the cause of love finds fierce said.


"We don't want to have no evidence to doubt WeiJiCheng sir's heart,But want to say is,Do charity also want to do science."Hong hao fierce said.


Our reporter HuangYingNan
