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家长开浴霸为婴儿洗澡致其失明 大意失职遭声讨--亲稳网络舆情监控室


年轻父母们,别让你们的疏忽害了孩子一生 Young parents,Don't let your negligence hurt the child's life


宝宝洗澡总盯着浴霸 Bathe the baby always stare at bath bully


两个月后失明了 Two months after the blindness


怕感冒→洗澡做到“少、暖、短” 护眼睛→睡觉也应关上灯 Afraid of cold, take a shower do"less/warm/short" Protecting eyes to sleep should be turned off the light


Weather compares a day one day cold,To bathe the baby,Afraid baby catch a cold,Many new when dad when mom parents open bath bully heating.yesterday,A report deceived:Xian a more than three months big baby,Because have been bath bully next bath,Eyes were serious burns,Diagnosed with macular disease degeneration blindness.


yesterday,Chongqing evening news reporter interviewed the xinqiao hospital and DaPing hospital relevant experts,Experts say,Be bath bully burn eyes of cases is very rare,But it could happen.


洗澡时一直看浴霸导致失明 When bathing have been watching bath bully lead to blindness


According to media reports,The injured children is shaanxi health people,August was born.More than one month after birth,Mother ms song see weather turns cool,The children while taking a bath,The bathroom bath bully open,An average of four or five days to wash a,Every ten to twenty minutes.But when bathing,Children have been staring at bath bully look.


In recent days,Ms song first see little guys keep rubbing their eyes,The palm in the eyes of children during shaking,The child eyes almost didn't respond.Hospital diagnosis display,Your child's eye for macular disease degeneration blindness,The cause was influenced by the strong stimulation.


浴霸发出的强光灼伤视网膜 Bath bully issued strong burn the retina


"Be bath bully burn eyes of cases is very rare,But it could happen."The facility DaPing eye hospital, deputy director of the white professor said,"Children corneal and conjunctival surface is more delicate,Very vulnerable."Bath bully emission is high-energy blue light,Can through the cornea and lens contact to the retina,And children's lens can't effective filtering harmful blue light,Excessive blue light irradiation will burn the retina,Damage visual cells,In the white spot,Damage children's vision.


In addition,The retina in the macular area is the most abundant eyes collected information/The most sensitive area.Baby macula lutea area was 4 years old before development completely,So the more vulnerable to damage."The children before bath,But first the bath bully open let a bathroom preheating,Wait until heat scrape up enough,The bath bully off again."


网友声讨父母大意完全失职 Net friend condemn parents the effect completely dereliction of duty


Chengdu of sichuan province ymwyl net friend:"And bath bully no relationship,Can only say that parents do complete dereliction of duty,The too careless.Every time we give children bath are open the bath bully.but,Every time we are in the beach umbrella.One unlucky,A person take a shower,Also observe umbrella don't burn up."


Luan net friend la_ll in anhui province:"My home child bath also open bath bully ah,Children curiosity also look,But I have to cover the,Can understand talk I will call him don't see,The child mother careless ah."


Shandong Qingdao net friend BKQSLHZ:"Parents responsibility to account for 90%,You adults yourself staring at bath bully see try,The child see unexpectedly no matter,Too do not pay attention to the."


睡觉时不关灯也会损伤眼睛 When sleeping, don't turn off the light also can damage the eyes


The facility DaPing eye hospital, deputy director of the white professor says,In the life the light source will also affect vision to the child:Such as photographic used in lighting light and photoreceptor/Hd projector beams/Demonstration laser pen and LED flashlight.


"In addition to outside light,Some seemingly gentle light will also in specific time damage to the eyes,Such as baby in sleep not to turn off the lights."White professor says,Foreign experts have 479 2 ~ 16 myopia patients study found,Under the age of two baby sleep in a light in the darkness of sleep and compared,Myopia incidence to four times higher,Sleep in the dark JinShiZhe with only 10%;Night sleep in lighting light with the JinShiZhe accounted for 34%,Sleep in indoor and strong light of the children,Nearsighted accounted for 55%.


White after professor remind,Don't let the baby in the sleeping under strong light,If sleep in window edge,Should lie between period of time to adjust the direction of children.


这样给宝宝洗澡可以防感冒 So to bathe the baby can prevent a cold


The facility xinqiao hospital pediatric experts/Deputy director LiaoWei professors warn parents,Cold bath to the child to do the following three:


Times less:It is advisable to twice a week


Baby winter bath shoulds not be too frequently,Normal frequency is twice a week,Wash too often can lead to the baby skin is too dry,Trigger itchy.


The room should warm:Available YuZhao insulation


Before bath should be adjusted bath temperature,Besides open bath bully outside,Mothers can buy special YuZhao,Or use steam air heater/Electric heater pieces and.After bathing,Should be fast dry and hold to the air conditioning room.If the baby to go out,Must be in the body residual moisture after completely dry.


Period should be short:Every time does not exceed 10 minutes

  洗澡时间不能过长,控制在10分钟以内,先不脱衣服给宝宝洗头,擦干头后再洗澡,洗完后最好给宝宝喝点水或奶,补充水分和能量。孩子吃奶时会出汗,也可预防感冒。(记者 程洪川)

Take a shower time not too long,Control in less than 10 minutes,First not to take off clothes for the baby shampoo,Wipe a semi-mohican haircut remain after the shower,After washing the best baby to have a drink of water or milk,Supplement moisture and energy.Children eat milk will sweat,Also can prevent a cold.(Reporter ChengHongChuan)


妈妈用针挑破马牙 Mother is carried with the needle broken horse tooth


宝宝患上败血症 The baby from sepsis

  重庆晚报讯 上月31日,家住永川城区的一月大女婴萌萌(化名)张嘴啼哭时,父母发现其下颚牙床中长了两颗黄白色牙齿,家中老人告知这种牙不能留,妈妈便用绣花针将两颗牙齿挑破。第二天,萌萌便开始烦躁,出现呼吸急促等症状,随即被送往医院。

Chongqing evening news (31 last month,Live in city YongChuan January big baby girl sprout sprout(alias)Mouth when crying,Parents find its lower jaw gums containing two single yellow-white teeth,Home old man told the tooth can't leave,Mother and embroidery needle will be two teeth prick.The next day,Sprout sprout began to fret,The symptom such as onset of shortness of breath,He has been taken to the hospital.


The children's hospital digestion medical examination revealed,Sprout sprout for pick tooth and infection pneumonia,And had septicemia,Always have dangerous life.yesterday,Chongqing evening news reporter from the children's hospital of critical medicine,After five days of rescue,Sprout sprout condition under control,Vital signs tends to be stable.


Children's hospital neonatal a ward director said professor wang sp,Sprout sprout jaws long teeth commonly known as the horse tooth or die,Is a new student normal physiology phenomenon,Most of the baby born in 4 ~ 6 weeks,Oral palate center line both sides and gum edge appears some yellow-white small point,Very like long out of the teeth.The horse tooth does not affect the baby milk and milk teeth development,It was born after several months will gradually fall off,Some infants for malnutrition,The horse teeth not to fall off in time,Also do not need to heal.


A lot of people think that horse tooth is disease,There are many more adult superstition horse tooth unlucky,With the needle to pick/Cloth dips in brine or rice water horse tooth abrasion.Little imagine,Neonatal oral mucosa very delicate,Rich submucosal vessels,And the whole resistance is extremely low,If is carried with the needle or clouted can cause mucosa damage,Bacteria from breakage intrusion,Cause inflammation.Serious can cause even neonatal sepsis,life-threatening.

  余加林教授提醒,倘若发现小孩长了马牙,切勿恐慌,只要注意新生儿口腔卫生即可。每次喂完奶和食物之后,再给宝宝喂一些温开水,以清洁口腔中残留的奶液和食物残渣。(重庆晚报记者 黎奎)

Professor wang sp remind,If found that children long horse tooth,Don't panic,As long as the attention to neonatal oral hygiene can.Every time after finished feeding milk and food,Give the baby feed some warm water,To clean mouth the residual liquid cream and food residue.(Chongqing evening news reporter LiKui)
