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医药行业潜规则曝光 药店为省钱租“药师证”--亲稳网络舆情监测室


Hanging on the wall drugstore pharmacist professional qualification,But the store did no such person.such"Testimony of witness separation"situation,Most appear in some small monomer in the pharmacy.Reporters from Sunday's third session of fujian one plus one pharmacy alliance"Joint promote pharmacy major health transformation"Peak BBS about,Due to the current professional pharmacist demand huge gap,Some pharmacy by"Rent card"business,Became public"Latent rules".


[暗访] [and]


有挂药师证但没药师 Have hang pharmacists card but no medicine


yesterday,Reporters to visit nice and hui/Guoda pharmacy/Heron yan big pharmacy etc brand chain pharmacy found,The professional medicine documents and personnel are more complete.but,Brand chain pharmacy relative perfect,Some street small pharmacy was not the case.


Last Saturday/Sunday,Reporters visited sakaguchi Ephraim/Lotus and the former Po area found,Part of the small monomer pharmacy existence"Card in person is not"situation.In the lotus outside sakaguchi managed a nearby pharmacy,The reporter sees,The store scale about ten square,On the wall there hangs a store[Professional pharmacist qualification],But on the card medicine not in the store,Only a young waitress was reading a book.Reporters claimed that they catch a cold have a fever,Want to find pharmacists consult refills,Staff said:"The pharmacist at ordinary times very busy,A month to come to a store,Located at ordinary times,Were I in charge."


In another is located in the former Po monomer in the pharmacy,Reporter to friends for suffering from asthma,Want to consulting pharmacists.Receive reporters said assistant pharmacists is not,And take medicine directly from the counter,Said general condition they all can be solved,Don't pharmacists.


[调查] [investigation]


“人证分离”是行业潜规则 "Testimony of witness separation"Industry is latent rules


"At present,Xiamen part of the monomer small pharmacy,Does exist‘Testimony of witness separation’situation,But the situation in previous years compared,Has bigger difference."Retail pharmacy business school in fujian province/Xiamen wonderful bond marketing management consulting co., LTD. Training competent Mr Zhang told reporters,generally,Brand chain pharmacy less exist such circumstance,May be some monomer pharmacy,Especially the island of small pharmacy,There will be more such situation.


According to the Chinese medicine materials association deputy secretary-general generation air is introduced,According to the relevant provisions,In every pharmacy has opened when the qualification,Must be equipped with a professional medicine.But in fact,But there are many pharmacy love to play"hide-and-seek"."‘Testimony of witness separation’Is the industry's latent rules,Very common,Some even certificates are not,Also zhengda bright poked a pharmacy."And said to.


According to the fujian guoda pharmacy chain co., LTD., door tube marketing related parties,By the end of last year,Xiamen were pharmacy thousands of home."Xiamen pharmacy more,For the professional pharmacist demand is bigger also,Some pharmacy for less than,directly‘Rent card’."


[揭秘] [revelation]


药店为省钱爱“租证” Pharmacy love to save money"Rent card"


Why is there so much"Testimony of witness separation"situation,And these documents is from where?"The first is the market gap is so big.Relevant departments have done a survey,At present,The national occupational medicine of the gap of about 600000 people to 900000 people."Generation of navigation told reporters,According to[The national drug safety"1025"planning],This year,The legal person or the responsible person of the enterprise should be licensed pharmacists,At the same time shall guarantee that in the sales prescription drugs or class a non-prescription drugs when,At least one licensed pharmacists on-the-job on-the-job.


Demand has market.Poly DE hall pharmaceutical co., LTD. Relevant personage told reporters,The current,Rent a[Professional pharmacist qualification],The price is 800 yuan a month to 1000 dollars,And please a professional medicine,A month will need to spend 3000 yuan."Some small pharmacy because of fears that the high cost,And fierce competition,So in contrast,Simply choose‘Rent card’the."

  记者了解到,按《药品流通监督管理办法》规定,当执业药师或者其他依法经资格认定的药学技术人员不在岗时,处方药和甲类非处方药的药品零售企业应当挂牌告知,停止销售处方药和甲类非处方药。如果部分药店没有驻店药师,却通过租用他人的药师证悬挂,涉及申报虚假材料,情节严重的药监部门可直接吊销其经营药品的资格,并在规定期限内禁止进入药品经营领域。(海西晨报 记者 叶子申)

The reporter understands,According to the[The supervision and management measures to the circulation of medicines]provisions,When practising pharmacists or other it shall be qualified pharmaceutical technical personnel when not on-the-job,A class of prescription and over-the-counter drug retail enterprise shall inform listed,Stop selling prescription drugs and class a non-prescription drugs.If part of the pharmacy no resident pharmacists,But through the rent others' pharmacists card suspension,Involved in false declaration material,If the circumstances are serious also department can be directly revoke its business qualification of drugs,And within the time limit as prescribed drugs prohibited from entering the business field.(Morning paper reporter hercynian YeZiShen)
