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  中新网太原11月27日电 题:美籍华人助山西“同志”防艾:患者不应讳疾忌医

Taiyuan in Beijing on November 27 - problem:Chinese American help shanxi"comrade"AIDS:Patients should not pathomeiosis

  作者 范丽芳

The author FanLiFang


November 26 late,China AIDS aid foundation chairman,53 years old Chinese American black 辛堃 for 11 cities of Shanxi Province from gay men(Hereinafter referred to as"Male with")community"Companion fast inspection"volunteers,A two-day training in a hurry to leave,Go to the next city.


辛堃 uzziah was born in Hong Kong,18 years old to study abroad,After obtaining the United States citizenship,An American San Francisco state university bachelor's degree.In the 1990 s,Black 辛堃 friend for AIDS death,as"comrade"Him in great grief later,Aspire to in China"Male with"AIDS public welfare activities.

  将优质快检引进山西 Will the high quality quick inspection introduction of shanxi


Let volunteers learned fast inspection AIDS method,Reduce its in"Male with"The spread of community,Uzziah was 辛堃 the purpose of the trip,This is he free support shanxi"comrade"AIDS for five years and a plan.


In 2011,,A from China's official documents disclosure,Sexually transmitted has become China's main ways the spread of AIDS,Male behavior(MSM)Propagation rise obviously.Taiyuan city and new cases of people infected with HIV,Eighty percent of the sexually transmitted infection by the way,The male male behavior infected people close to 30%.


"Sex workers and drug researchers have a stable activity places,AIDS work easy to carry out,but‘Male with’Many hidden in the crowd,The spread of AIDS in this group more difficult to control."Black 辛堃 told reporters.


Nine years ago,Black 辛堃 with the help of my friends,Established the China AIDS aid foundation,Used to support more than 20 Chinese cities"Male with"Group to carry out AIDS activities.In 2008,,Black 辛堃 and Shanxi Province with the first male AIDS volunteers folk organization"Shanxi LanDian working group"contact,Since then have to provide small money,Carry out free"Quality fast inspection".


High quality quick check through the finger tip blood to detect the HIV virus,Follow the illicit close/fast/Quality principle,30 minutes can see the results,And promise not to ask visitors privacy,If be detected and diagnosed with AIDS patients,Volunteers will conduct psychological counseling,Let it smoothly through psychological panic period.


So far,China AIDS aid foundation has to"Shanxi LanDian working group"To provide more than 1200 copies of reagent,"We have tested the 347‘Male with’,The positive rates as high as 13%."The person in charge said log.

  艾滋病患者不应讳疾忌医 AIDS patients should not pathomeiosis


In taiyuan during training,辛堃 udinese with AIDS experts check,Visit a patient.The patients paralyzed already a long time,Many hospitals by giving up treatment,Accompanying the doctor has prescribed to patients,And encourage ninety percent wanted to stand up"After hearing these words,I see a patient's eyes lit up."Monkshood 辛堃 description.


"In the present China,Many people can't admit that their sexual orientation,Hidden in the straight world,Is a wife and son,But still have male behavior,This is unable to safeguard the quality the concealment of the sex behavior became more dangerous,To be more susceptible to HIV/AIDS."Monkshood 辛堃 hope,"Male with"Hide nothing from thy physician,Early found early treatment.


"Black 辛堃 deep into the AIDS patients parents,Real help solve some specific things.This is what we are very moved."Log says,With the help of volunteers,Many patients to know the HIV/AIDS.


This year,LanDian working group has tested the 347"Male with",The positive rates as high as 13%.In addition,Make black 辛堃 and log joy,In September of 2012,Their work got the Shanxi Province CDC support,LanDian working group began to provide detection reagent,Encourage them to expand the detection range.And because they often accompanied"Male with"Taiyuan CDC to do diagnosis,Taiyuan city CDC also for the crowd rates estimated value from a few years ago upward of 4.7% to 12.3% in 2011.


Black 辛堃 told reporters,The next step he will flee in national and each city"Male with"AIDS group,Continue to do your this has not give up career.(finish)
