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京三医院试点医药分开 取消药品加成诊疗费挂号费--亲稳舆论引导监测室

京三医院试点医药分开 取消药品加成诊疗费挂号费

  新京报讯 (记者蒋彦鑫)继友谊医院、朝阳医院试点“医药分开”后,从12月1日起,同仁医院、积水潭医院、天坛医院将成为第三批试点单位。

The Beijing news - (Reporter JiangYanXin)The friendship hospital/Chaoyang hospital pilot"Medicine separate"after,From December 1,,Tongren hospital/Ji shui tan hospital/The temple of heaven hospital will become the third batch of pilot unit.


According to the medical reform to do relevant controller introduces,Three hospitals of pilot scheme and the former two batches of the same,That is 15% of the drug addition to cancel/fee/Registration fee,Add 42 to 100 yuan of medical service charge,The medical insurance rating to submit an expense account 40 yuan.

  三家医院均为大专科、小综合 Three hospitals are big college/Small comprehensive


yesterday,Beijing do medical held a news conference to announce,On December 1,,colleagues/The temple of heaven/Ji shui tan hospital will be implemented and sunrise/Friendship hospital the same pilot scheme,That is to cancel the original 15% of drug addition,The purchase price, drug sales;Cancel the current outpatient 5 yuan/7 yuan/9 yuan/14 yuan registration fee/fee,According to doctors rank set up 42 yuan/60 yuan/80 yuan/100 yuan of outpatient service medical service charge,Medical insurance patients each time can submit an expense account 40 yuan.


Why these three hospitals selected?City hospital authority chief seal countries born says,The three hospitals is discipline characteristic outstanding comprehensive hospital,Belong to large specialized subject/Small comprehensive,Medical personnel have certain similarity.The three hospitals in the experience of the pilot,Can for future specialized subject hospital pilot lay the foundation.


 试点后日增2130个号源 After the pilot growing 2130 number source


Seal countries born said,Three hospitals, 3712 beds,In 2011 MenZhenLiang 4.83 million person-time,111000 people in hospital.


Pilot medicine after separately,Three hospitals will increase home visit physician 134,the,Daily average number source increase by 1280,ZhuanGuHao source increase by 850.


Such as tongren hospital,Eye ordinary number by original daily 500,Increased to 725;ZhuanGuHao overall increase number source 22%."Because of low drugs than itself,The price of drugs compression space will be smaller."Seal countries student said,Therefore the hospital after the pilot in addition to control the medical behavior,Will be in the upper and lower time of medical service,Solve difficulties in getting/Registered the difficult question.At the same time,Also can be in wider range evaluation medicine separate effect and measurable.


■ 热点 S hot

  药品取消加成患者检查费不会增 Drug cancel addition patients inspection fee will not increase


And friendship hospital and compared to chaoyang hospital,The three characteristics of the hospital is medicine of relatively low,Is the drug income accounted for the proportion of total revenue hospital at around 40%.


Patients have worried about,As drug addition to cancel,Excessive examination will be increased.


Beijing medical director do HanXiaoFang said,Patients need not excessive worry.Due to the hospital total pay system,No matter inspection fee or expenses for medicine,In the medical insurance amount.The hospital if overspend is to oneself bear part of the.And the lower overall cost,On hospital speaking is increasing factors.Therefore the hospital will be the rising cost of active control,Will reasonably controlling medical expense.


"The past is common people spend more money,The hospital will earn more money.After the reform,The hospital can only earn service charge."HanXiaoFang said.


In addition,Reduce material price,And lower drug prices are also important,This is also an important way to reduce the burden of patients.


医保总量控制不影响病人看病 Medical insurance of total amount control does not affect the patient to see a doctor


According to someone on the net after the exposure,Due to the medical insurance amount exceeds bid,The hospital has refused the patient's condition,City do cure the sources said,From the current see,Health care and medical expenses do appear a certain growth.But Beijing medical insurance amount advanced medical institutions and home,The overall cost growth and control conditions are good.


Beijing people club bureau deputy inspector JiangJiYuan said,The current medical insurance of the hospital total quantity control,For medical institutions have index,But the index after flowers or to give the.Index to spend each have reason,Partly because of the increased hospital personnel exceeds bid,Others because management is not in place,A kind of circumstance,On hospital has rectification measures.But these all belong to the internal management,People go to a doctor to has no influence.At the same time,The biggest problem is put some waste/Unreasonable medical expenditure control.

  ■ 新举措

S new measures


 天坛医院 The temple of heaven hospital

  中西医禁跨科开药 The cross section of traditional Chinese and western medicine to prescribe medicine


In order to facilitate the doctor writing,The hospital development the form type clinic electronic medical records,According to the different symptoms and disease category,Design the different medical records template.To avoid the traditional medical record pattern written many insufficiencies,As with scribbled/Diagnosis finds/Diagnosis and treatment of the issue such as difference of traceability.


According to introducing,The pilot took the lead in the neurology department,Launch clinic electronic medical records,And further in general surgery/Division of mammary gland of/urology/orthopaedic/Respiratory medicine/Urology department/The section office such as onset promotion.


At the same time, the hospital has also formulated agreement prescription,Evidence-based medicine is based,According to the domestic and foreign disease diagnosis and treatment guidelines and the reality of hospital,At a fixed combination existing common standard prescription.


Outpatient service electronic medical records and agreement after a prescription,The hospital can through the information system to realize medical quality monitoring and link control.Cannot achieve"With three"Requirements of the medical records or prescription,Will enter medical records comment on and prescription comment on program,Find out problems hospital will give the corresponding punishment,Or will be cancelled ChuFangQuan.


A branch prescribe principle,Western medicine department shall not cross section prescribe.For example,neurosurgery/Neurology department/surgery/medical/Department of gynaecology and obstetrics/pediatric/Traditional Chinese medicine department/Dermatological department/eye/Otolaryngology, the use of traditional Chinese medicine,Only in traditional Chinese medicine department prescribe(Individual departments part of the traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine cold class except OTC);Traditional Chinese medicine department can't draw injection and western medicine(Western medicine cold kind of OTC and 10 kinds of chronic disease commonly used except western medicine).


 同仁医院 Tongren hospital

  热门科室增加号源 Popular department increase number source


Tongren hospital increase key discipline famous expert outpatient service home visit frequency,Eye ordinary number by original daily 500 number increased to 725,ZhuanGuHao overall increased by 22%.


The eye center in response to a summer peak and the establishment of the evening outpatient service continue,Realize normalization.


The amount of more than 400 yuan to every day and all antimicrobial prescription comments;Monthly sales amount/Sales volume ranking top 20 drugs for dynamic monitoring and early warning long,To exceed constant use of the drug prescription sampling comment on;The amount of drug partial top ten physicians prescription, make a special campaign to comment on.


 积水潭医院 Ji shui tan hospital

  药费超标将发警示 Expenses for medicine overweight will issue a warning


Set up department second all drug expenses warning mechanism,To second all drug expenses exceed bid department will through the written/Text messages and other forms a warning,Urge the department of sales amount of top ten drug monitoring,And form feedback mechanism.Reform by the leading group take management measures,And report to hospital pharmacy management and pharmacotherapeutics committee,The relevant to restrict the use of drugs or from drug directory to eliminate.


More than 400 yuan to the amount of single prescription and use of antimicrobial drug prescription all comments,The expert group to discuss the rational use of drugs,For the unqualified prescription according to rational drug use related management provisions of punishment.


Specific provision can not open the western medicine of traditional Chinese medicine,Western medicine can only open two kinds of traditional Chinese medicine,Can't open herbs.


Emergency patients may not draw proprietary Chinese medicine,Draw Chinese medicine injection need to pass traditional Chinese medicine department consultation.

  本组稿件采写/新京报记者 蒋彦鑫

The manuscript collection &composition/Beijing news reporter JiangYanXin
