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  对话人:卫生部党组书记 张 茅 本报记者 白剑峰

Lady who was:Health BuDangZu secretary zhang bud our reporter BaiJianFeng


  人民健康水平怎么提高 How to improve the level of people's health


reporter:Eighteen big report puts forward"Improve the people's health level",The specific connotation and target is what?


zhang:"Improve the people's health level"Mainly includes the following several aspects:One is to have more perfect medical security system,Everyone has the basic medical insurance,By individual/social/Government jointly raise the medical insurance fund,The masses can submit an expense account to see a doctor,Can respect disease.The second is to have more perfect medical service system,A medical institution layout is reasonable,Both traditional Chinese and western medicine,People born after the disease can be conveniently/Quickly to the hospital,Can KanDeShang disease;At the same time,To have good medical and health personnel team and medical equipment,Can see well disease.3 it is to want to have more accessible public health service system,Through the health education/Vaccinated or other infectious diseases prevention and control measures,Prevention to reduce or delay the occurrence of diseases.Four is to have more fair a system for ensuring drug supply system,To reform and perfect food and drug safety supervision system mechanism,Guarantee food security,Make more people can get cheap and effective drugs,Get better treatment.The fifth is to have more efficient industry regulation system,To strengthen the safety and quality management,Control medical expense rise rapidly,Stop hospital blind expansion,Governance medicine purchase and sale of commercial bribery field,Maintain the health of the people rights.


By 2020 target is the basic covering both urban and rural residents in the basic medical and health system,Realize everyone will have access to basic medical and health services,To realize the people BingYouSuoYi.The world health organization will average life expectancy/The maternal mortality rate and infant mortality rate as a measure of a country health comprehensive effect and residents health level of important index.According to relevant state planning requirements,To 2015 years life expectancy in China in 2010 to improve on the basis of 1 year old,By 2020 the maternal mortality rate and infant mortality rate to drop respectively to 20/10/10 ‰.


 病有所医如何实现 How to realize the BingYouSuoYi


reporter:Our country has woven the world's largest universal coverage network,The next goal is to what?


zhang:The next goal is simple said"Expanding surface"and"DiBiao".On the one hand further extended coverage.By 2015 three basic medical insurance participating insurance rate based on 2010 increased by three percent,Achieve 98% above,Efforts to achieve should defend insurance.On the other hand, improve the support capacity.To 2015 basic medical insurance policy range hospital expense ratio gradually increased to 75%,Highest pay limitation to also want to improve the synchronization.At the same time,Actively carry out a serious illness insurance for urban and rural residents,Do well with the medical salvage system of cohesion,Effectively improve the security level and great disease,To reduce become financially-difficult/The occurrence of the phenomenon of poverty due to illness.


reporter:How to perfect the new agriculture close system?Migrant workers different medical insurance can be realized?


zhang:We will continue to improve the system of new farming together to make effort from several aspects,One is to increase subsidies standards,By 2015 financial aid to standard per capita in 360 yuan of above,Hospitalization expense proportion will also increase.The second is to promote the reform of payment,Implementation of the press disease to pay/According to the bed, pay/According to the head pay/The total advance payment, etc,A medical institution for standard service behavior and control medical cost unreasonable rise.Three is to improve the management level of service,Vigorously promote the new agriculture together"card",Promote medical expenses immediate settlement;Encouraging the use of new agriculture close fund to buy commercial medical insurance,Explore the commercial insurance company involved in handling new farming together.The fourth is to expand the scope of protection and great disease,Priority will be high incidence/Treatment technology mature/Cost controlled major disease diseases included in the scope of protection,Obviously increase proportion to submit an expense account.


Peasant workers in the flow between urban and rural areas,Are faced with both cross system/The problem of the transfer of medical insurance relations across the region,Also may face different medical settlement problem.On the one hand will strengthen three basic medical insurance policy between cohesion,Do different system and the area between the transfer of medical insurance relationship succeeded.On the other hand will accelerate the health information construction,Realize different medical information and medical insurance fund of the national network.At present,The national and local are construction of new farming together information system,Built in the area is preliminary already realize the data interconnection and interflow.


reporter:Establish and great disease protection and rescue mechanism concrete measures what?


zhang:Establish and great disease protection and rescue mechanism mainly measures is established"Three way security".The first security for conventional security,That is three basic medical insurance according to the relevant policies in routine to submit an expense account;The second way to guarantee security of a serious illness,That is after conventional submit an expense account,For rural children leukemia/Congenital heart disease and other 20 kinds of major disease first by the new agriculture close according to not less than 70% of the compensation,After the compensation for personal self pay more than a serious illness insurance compensation standard part,Again by a serious illness insurance according to not less than 50% of the compensation;For other major disease,In conventional after submit an expense account to individual responsibility medical treatment cost of compliance,From a serious illness insurance according to not less than 50% of the compensation.The third way security for medical assistance,That is, through the above two channels after submit an expense account,Belong to civil administration rescue object,According to medical assistance policy to give aid to submit an expense account.


 看病难、看病贵如何解决 See a doctor difficult/The doctor your how to solve


reporter:Public hospital reform what difficulties at or above the county level?Cancel to medicine complement medical can be realized?


zhang:At present,Public hospital reform difficulties at or above the county level are mainly embodied in:"In medicine for medical"Mechanism has not yet completely break,Personnel distribution system is not rational,To improve hospital management level,Hospital performance evaluation is still not perfect,To mobilize the enthusiasm of the medical staff effective measures are not completely reach the designated position, etc.


Cancel the drug addition is completely break"In medicine for medical"The mechanism of a breakthrough.At present,There are more than 600 national county and Beijing/Shenzhen and other pilot city of public hospital is to cancel the drug addition of exploration,At the same time perfect compensation mechanism,The hospital to reduce income mainly through increasing financial aid efforts/Adjustment of medical service prices/Implementation of the medical insurance payment system reform the way such as compensation.


reporter:Essential drugs system how to consolidate?When to cover the city big hospitals?


zhang:Through the first three years of hard work,Essential drugs system in basic medical and health institutions and government realized the full coverage,But also is facing a scope of implementation not widespread/Directory variety is not complete/Production and security problems,Also need to further implement and consolidated.It is according to the actual use of all basic drugs,Further improve the basic drug catalogue,Appropriate increase chronic disease/Major disease and children drug varieties;The second is to continue to adhere to the province as a unit centralized purchasing online,Carry out and recruit mining/Quantity price hook/Double envelope system/Centralized payment/The whole monitoring and purchasing policy;The third is orderly propulsion village clinic implementation of essential drugs system,Guide and encourage other medical institutions preferred use basic drugs;Four is to improve basic drug production and supply support capacity,For some small amount of clinical necessary basic drug implement bidding sentinel production.


The national essential drug list includes two parts,Respectively is basic medical and health institutions equipped with the use of and other medical institutions are equipped with the use of.In 2009, issued the first edition of essential drugs list is basic medical and health institutions equipped with the use of,At the same time request other all kinds of medical institutions will to scale use basic drugs.Now we are to study and formulate applies to all medical institutions of essential drugs list,After the release of a directory,Will the second class above medical institutions to use drugs with basic put forward specific requirements.
