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December 1st is world AIDS day 25,This year's theme is"action,to‘zero’Towards AIDS".The public's willingness to participate in prevention and control of HIV/AIDS?Society should for people infected with HIV and the patient how to create the environment?Last week,China youth newspaper adjustable center through the problem DiaoZhaWang guest/Public opinion China and sohu network to conduct a survey(7048 people participate in)display,81.4% of the people said,If there are people infected with HIV and patient,I can not discrimination and is willing to and they keep their normal communication.74.7% of the people think that society should for people infected with HIV and patients to create a without discrimination environment.


Respondents from 31 provinces(Autonomous region/Municipality directly under the),After 90 12.0%,After 80 48.7%,After 70 27.5%.

  65.3%的人反对医院拒诊艾滋病感染者和病人 65.3% of the people against the hospital rejected people infected with HIV and patient


Henan pingdingshan city citizens sun lili,Recently often surf the Internet to see the news about AIDS.She felt,The state of the HIV/AIDS knowledge publicity increased year by year,But the phenomenon of discrimination against people with HIV still exist.She has a distant relative,A few years ago unfortunately infected with HIV,Have been eating countries to provide free drug control condition.And the general idea is"They never put their family home".His children and no infection,But it's hard to find a job in the local,Can migrate to find work.


Beijing youan hospital, doctor/AIDS experts check,In accepting the China youth daily reporters,Now many people to a knowledge of the disease,A lot of people do not yet know AIDS has become a controllable can prevent chronic diseases,Still people infected with HIV and the patient has a certain fears.In addition,Some people with AIDS moral discrimination is still serious,Idea change is difficult to.


Investigation shows that,Only 46.8% said they understand AIDS prevention knowledge.49.9% of the people think that AIDS can be treated control,20.6% of the people opposite attitude,29.5% of the people said"Not say".


As a 17 year history of hiv-infected people infected with HIV,China AIDS virus carriers league secretariat coordinator MengLin feel,In recent years people infected with HIV and the patient's survival condition has been much improved,But still face a lot of trouble,The first is medical discrimination.


"Sick have no place to see"Is MengLin touch the deepest problems.He has a small renal arterial sclerosis,Because of AIDS to the designated hospital of infectious diseases diagnosis and treatment level is limited,He had to go to a Beijing general hospital inspection,When I heard that he is people infected with HIV,Even do colour to exceed requirements have been rejected,The doctor's reason is"Protect most people"."Color dopplar ultrasound without trauma do not infect,The doctor will not give do,Not to mention for surgery."


Investigation shows that,For some hospital refused to treat other people infected with HIV disease,65.3% of the people disapprove,think"The hospital should make,No reason to refuse to".23.1% of the people think"The hospital also have difficulties,Can't criticize".


Beijing fortune recourse international cardiovascular disease hospital cardiovascular surgery of doctor of vice director of SunHongTao think,The law gives people infected with HIV and patients with others the right to equal treatment.The hospital and the doctor refused to treat AIDS is wrong.but,Medical personnel are people too,Will have fear.AIDS people intentionally hide illness caused by medical personnel"Occupational exposure"Should also shall be investigated for responsibility.The most important thing now is to the national level legislation system,Not only will give patients a doctor and to protect medical staff.


To solve the people infected with HIV and the patient to see a doctor difficult,Safety Suggestions:The first,The existing the infectious disease hospital to comprehensive hospital reform,Encourage conditional infectious diseases hospital and general hospital merger;The second,Encourage general hospital of infectious disease treated people infected with HIV and patient,Alleviate the pressure of the infectious disease hospital;The third,Give private institutions treatment policy and space,Ease the government pressure.

  73.6%的人支持艾滋病纳入大病医保 73.6% of the people support AIDS into a serious illness medical insurance


Public institutions with the wisdom of Beijing HanChao coordinator,Be responsible for gay people could intervene,Through the issuance of condoms/Psychological consultation means such as HIV/AIDS prevention.He found,Some had no safety behavior of the people do not want to participate in AIDS testing,Because of fear of found positive privacy after exposure,Accept to can not stand around the person's discrimination and indifference.Is not a few"hidden"People infected with HIV,No doubt increased the risk of the spread of AIDS.


Investigation shows that,74.7% of the people think that society should for HIV/AIDS patients and HIV create an environment without discrimination.62.8% of them approve"Does not discriminate against the people infected with HIV,Are the greatest protection".


"People infected with HIV and patient most desire is not special care,But fair treatment."Safety said,Discrimination will cause the social isolation,Bring resentment and revenge,Sooner or later, we will suffer.so,We want to give them a comfortable environment,Let them like normal person in the society.Diagnosis and treatment of AIDS will gradually turn to routinization medical,The HIV/AIDS as a common infectious disease patients to look at.


Investigation shows that,73.6% of the people support will AIDS into a serious illness medical insurance.


MengLin think,To create people infected with HIV and patients do not discriminated environment,The government should first cleaned completely discriminatory regulations.Such as civil servants employed medical standards and the provisions of article 18"AIDS unqualified",This is not only for people infected with HIV shut the door of a civil servant,And a consequence is caused,Many institutions and enterprises also issued similar provisions,Seriously hindered the infected person's career choice.In fact,A large number of infections can be competent for all kinds of work,As for the community to create wealth and value.


Ordinary people can do some prevention and control of HIV/AIDS?Through the sohu network survey,84.5% of the people first"Take self preventive measures";82.3% of people choose"Master the basic knowledge of HIV/AIDS";74.6% of people choose"Protect yourself and your family".Then there's the:Don't transfer unconfirmed information(51.1%);Do volunteer HIV/AIDS prevention and control(27.1%)etc.


SunHongTao pointed out that,AIDS is now from the so-called drug/Gay and high-risk groups to the general population propagation.Everyone be on one's promotion,To prevent the spread of AIDS is important one annulus.AIDS propaganda not only by the day,When AIDS in people heart become"Can prevent controlled is not terrible"when,Social discrimination will change much.


Investigation shows that,If there are people infected with HIV,81.4% of the people that I can not discrimination and is willing to keep normal communication.


Doing AIDS prevention volunteers of Beijing's residents XieQingQing hope,To further strengthen the prevention and control of AIDS folk organization management,From real people infected with HIV and the patient's needs to work on.She had to"I have a home in Hong Kong"activities,Some Hong Kong family put people infected with HIV and the patient's children to their home,Let his children and they play together,This made her very touched.She always remember,A because HIV infection had erythema of the little boy,Pull up his hand rapture to Hong Kong metro scene,In the child's eyes,Full of hope for the future.WangCongCong 
