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媒体称生孩子成难迈的坎 政府相关部门缺乏重视--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  一声啼哭 A loud cry

  多少周折(编辑视线·生孩子如何不再难①)赵蓓蓓 Many setbacks(Edit the line of sight · children how to no longer difficult (1))ZhaoBeiBei


nowadays,Children became a difficult KanEr MPH.Even if"born"To solve the problem well,What about the survival and development?Why the circle of life?


Children never is big business,The baby's a loud cry for the family to bring much joy and hope.But nowadays,Children became a difficult KanEr MPH,Many young mom and dad,In order to the sound of crying,It will take many setbacks/How much added trouble ah!


Apart from the difficulty of women bear children/In October the hardships/The production process of pain and risk/Feeding the baby's toil,Can have/Is born/How life has become a fertility couple and their families a big problem.To go out for migrant workers,a"ZhunShengZheng",It's hard to;Husband and wife to city for,Find a good hospital to keep pregnant women,Too hard;For remote mountainous area in pregnant women,Find a delivery person,Doubly difficult...Especially to the so-called lucky year such as this year(The year of the dragon),Want to LongZiLong female ZaDuiEr couples have children is a phenomenon that the problem of children more highlights.In recent years,I have come into contact with children couple,Speak of the matter,Mostly a bitter.From this letter published readers also can see,The children all have difficulty,Each has its own troubles,Each have each complaint.


What caused the children difficult?How to let children no longer difficult?Is this a series of reports of concern.


Birth is life event,It is also the national event,Especially for our lack of relative resources/The world population/Aging problem increasingly serious countries.Family planning is the basic state policy of our country,But how to plan/How to manage,We have too many short place.Such as,To deal with ZhunShengZheng service,There is too much detail problem caused by artificial barriers,So that many migrant workers out of rush process can become suffering;Again for instance,city/Rural high quality medical resources,It is far from meeting the needs of the family;In the face of 80 after into the reality of the baby boom,The corresponding medical services to poor obviously.Now many city hospital building continuous expansion renovation,But the department of gynaecology and obstetrics have development/Maternity doctor have increase still want to make a question mark.What is clear is,In recent years,For the children of difficult dilemma,Relevant government departments lack of due attention.a,The national population state family planning commission issued a circular,Do ZhunShengZheng for simplified procedures,Convenient flow of couples rush.Hope that the move can carry out as soon as possible.


Cradle is the natural law,Also is the life events/Event the livelihood of the people.Birth to individual/family/Society and human"Sustainable development"The importance is self-evident.Even if"born"To solve the problem well,What about the survival and development?Why the circle of life?

  生孩子如何不再难 Children how to not difficult

  辗转山西、辽宁、北京、河北,手续齐全,可是  挺着大肚子办不下准生证 Toss shanxi/liaoning/Beijing/hebei,Complete formalities,But a big ZhunShengZheng do not


I am the northeast person,2002 years working in Beijing,In 2004, bought a house,Got married in 2007,Live very happy.Before, I think,No Beijing hukou will not affect our life in Beijing.But the evidence of the later,I was wrong.


In march of 2012,His wife is pregnant,My family are all very happy.The next day I took his wife to go home nearby 306 hospital filing/Do related inspection.Hospital told us,To keep out ZhunShengZheng and community hospitals to open a health certificate.I think this is the provisions of the state,Then do it.Since then began a long and painful process card.


His wife home in Shanxi Province,2005 for the work to registered permanent residence to SanHeShi yan jiao economic and technological development zone in hebei province(Hereinafter referred to as the "yan jiao).My registered permanent residence in liaoning province.


We first came to my wife yan jiao of seat of registered permanent residence,Find the community residents' committees,We want to do ZhunShengZheng illustrates the situation.Neighborhood committee staff told us,You must open an ancestral home"Levels of government with official seal of birth prove".I don't know what is"Levels of government",Consult to staff,Workers shall not be answered.So I came home to find on the Internet,Generally found out,"Levels of government"Is the residents' committees/Area or department/City JiShengBan.


Since yan jiao neighborhood committee to prepare these proof,We'll go away.So we were back to a certificate of shanxi and liaoning.Or home good,Soon open the proof.However, we take these prove once again to yan jiao neighborhood committee to deal with the ZhunShengZheng,Yan jiao neighborhood committee staff and tell us,You also need to open"Reside a dwelling place of birth prove".So we went back to Beijing,To our residence community residents' committees that open.But the community residents' committees to answer is,They don't know the situation,Can not open the proof,If not let them open can,Must let the woman of seat of registered permanent residence(Yan jiao)First open fertility prove.collapse!This is a dead cycle ah!So I went to yan jiao neighborhood committee,And they communication this thing.But their attitude is very tough,Say this is a matter of principle,Once an accident who is responsible for!I said I'm responsible for,Out of the question to pull me out shoot anything...


now,Beijing community residents' committees and the residents' committees yan jiao in each other each other out first birth prove as a prerequisite,Otherwise we have no proof.I don't understand,I related complete formalities,There is a job in Beijing,A housing,A continuous tax documents,The provisions of the state must all the materials we all have,But is ZhunShengZheng could not open.


From our home to nearly 80 kilometers of yan jiao distance.For this ZhunShengZheng,I took my pregnant wife toing and froing round 6 times,Every time their disappointment.His wife carsickness,But have to go to,Because the neighborhood committee staff told us,This is"The provisions of the state".


The child to be born,But ZhunShengZheng haven't done.We just want to give birth to a child,And it is firstborn,Why so difficult?

  北京 吴 耐

Beijing wu resistance to

  无人告知何时手术,产妇被晾4个小时 No one told when surgery,Maternal four hours by air

  医生是否看惯了生老病死 If the doctor used the cradle


early,His wife for delivery in zhengzhou city and in a very famous gynecology hospital.For various considerations,We decided to use natural childbirth way to meet the baby's birth.In the labor room,After a morning prenatal multiple severe pain,Exhaustion of body and mind wife finally into the delivery room.Wait outside the I took it for granted that will soon be able to meet the new life coming,But doctor received a telephone call from within the delivery room,Said the wife is there inside the uterus myoma,Can't normal natural childbirth,Let me decide is caesarean birth or continue to natural childbirth.


Considering the pain to the wife brings great pain and continue to natural childbirth has risks that may be caused by,I immediately asked the doctor to cesarean section,And ask the doctor operated on immediately.But at the moment, attending physician at a snail's pace from out of the delivery room,From the duty room out a pad of risks to book,"Very patient"To explain to me caesarean operation may lead to legal risks and asked me to sign.Think of his wife's pain,I am burning with impatience ranging introduction she signed,Begged her operation immediately,And promised voluntary risk.


May be dissatisfied with the I interrupted her introduction,Doctor didn't told me if I performed immediately go out the door,Don't know the.In the subsequent four hours,No one to tell my operation what time does it start,No medical personnel to lie in the delivery room is pain torment wife take any nursing measures.4 hours of labor pains is how difficult to bear,As a man I can't understand,But to see his wife alone in the delivery room suffering,Even because too pain and cried when by medical staff scolded,My in the mind of the hospital is born out of discontent.


Perhaps because medical staff every day to see spoil the cradle,So they will be heard because of pain cry when his wife did not take any health care measures,But said"Don't shout,Shout what is useless,We see more";Maybe it is because the patient much less the doctor,Surgery to stand in line,We don't need to wait for four hours;Perhaps is a doctor at present only used to inform the operation risk and requires that patients signed for relief,Not used to relieve patients families anxious mood for operation arrangement detail told;Maybe...


But later said the wife,Not just because you didn't find acquaintances give a red envelope,otherwise,I'll be so much sin?I have no language.

  河南省高级人民法院 关晓海

Henan province higher people's court GuanXiaoHai

  外出打工者因难以办准生证、进行妇检而生的烦恼 Go out for migrant workers to do ZhunShengZheng/Women are born troubles inspection

  孩子快上学了还是“黑户” The children go to school or fast"HeiHu"


eked,Poor heart all the parents.Apart from children in October is not easy,Also don't say the long road difficult to raise,Is a proof of the identity of the registered permanent residence also foot can make her misery.


I have a rural friends,Due to the couple in the field work for a long time,Can't go home in time to participate in the local women inspection,Can't deal with ZhunShengZheng,Nature also enjoy less than hospital delivery and other related preferential policies.The child was born,They get back to their hometown hukou,The local police station to their JiShengBan proof issued by it.Find JiShengBan,Was told not to ZhunShengZheng procedures will be fine.And advise in succession,Don't seem to go normal channel easier.But find acquaintances Joe relationship always cannot leave using transaction,This really made this kind of phenomenon can't bear to see friends in a dilemma.In the age of the child fast to go to school,Is still a"HeiHu".

  浙江永嘉县瓯北镇 廖辉军

Yongjia county, zhejiang province OuBeiZhen LiaoHuiJun

  村里没有接生员,乡镇卫生院医疗条件有限 The village no hand washing by birth attendants,Township health center co., LTD., medical conditions

  偏远山区生孩子真难 Remote mountainous area children really difficult


Children difficult phenomenon,In some remote backward country seems particularly outstanding.


nowadays,Village old"Benefits convenience"The wise woman less or even vanished.besides,For rural health conditions and safety condition consideration,The government also not allowed to deliver a baby birth attendants,Even the experience and rich village hand washing by birth attendants cannot for women in birth.And without children"Birth certificate"Is very sad family planning this shut,Can't to the local police station to apply for a residence permit for the child,So the rural women's children,At least until the township health center to.but,The doctor poor medical/Good and bad are intermingled medical conditions of village and township health center,Let many pregnant women family don't rest assured.so,Some children in the village life mostly further into the county hospital,Economic conditions good family,And to advance to the provinces and cities of level to go to the hospital to be born.And economic conditions of the poor family,Mostly to"and"Just hurry GuChe or call"120"Went to the hospital to.Some mothers often all bumpy half way will delivery.


In the city children in the hospital,If it is natural labor,Spend less,If it is caesarean,Should pay the cost of buying,Including medical treatment/The family to accommodation/And transportation, etc,Count up to 56000 yuan even tens of thousands of yuan.This for a rural families is heavy economic burden.


Should be as soon as possible to solve the remote rural children difficult question,To deliver perfect service system and technical service facilities,Such as,Establish a deliver services,Select the flow of the professional service team, etc,Form safety/health/Fast comprehensive service network.

  山东济南市长清区 马洪利

Shandong jinan changqing MaHongLi area

  要过事业关、人生风险关、医疗关、费用关等 Want a career off/Life FengXianGuan/Medical shut/Cost levels and

  生孩子的代价太大了 Children's price is too big


I have a"80"Colleagues after,Is an only daughter,Her husband is an only son.A couple birth to a son,Read a grade primary school.Of work,We often talk about the child's things.


I encouraged her to born two foetuses,But she answered:"We both belong to only children,Born with two foetuses policy;But I discuss with Mr. After,Not going to the regeneration."


She said,Now give birth to a child is not easy,Have two children"Pressure shandong",Because give birth to the child to six way off:A career is close.Professional women have children in more than 30 years old,It is the cause of the golden period,Usually for child delay time of half an year work,It will not only affect the unit work schedule,Also influence their own progress.The second is FengXianGuan life.Pregnant women after,Not only to bear huge physiological reaction,And in the course of pregnancy will face a lot of risks,Especially in the process of children,Are women must cross the ShengSiGuan.The third is medical shut.In order to mother and child health and peace,After pregnancy to the hospital checks seven eight times,Children in term before,To find an acquaintance Joe relationship hospital.The fourth is cost close.Children need to spend a large sum of cost,Checks seven eight times have to spend 1000 yuan;Production cost more,If eutocia,The above 3 armour hospital hospitalization expenses of 6000-8000 yuan;If the cesarean section,Hospitalization and treatment 12000-15000 yuan,To take the general working class nearly half a year salary.5 it is rush off.Want to have children,Must first do ZhunShengZheng,Do ZhunShengZheng complicated formalities,Need to issue the permit,Then both parties should to the hospital medical;The child was born after the account to the police station,And the proof issued by the unit,The family planning branch seal/Issued by the hospital after the ring proof,The child can settle.Do these documents if not smooth,Back and forth over,time-consuming,Make children out,Too troublesome.The sixth is education close.Children from 3 years old in kindergarten began,Education pressure increase.One is the fund pressure.A little better kindergarten every school year tuition and fees/Living expenses of about 10000 yuan,3 years kindergarten is 30000 yuan;Elementary school six years although need not pay tuition and fees,But the second classroom/Specialty training classes spending is a bottomless pit,Generally have to spend 30000 yuan or so;The junior middle school three years spending will not less than primary school expenses;In high school,Spending is,3 the lunar New Year holidays come spend four or five ten thousand yuan;The university spend more.The second is energy pressure.Primary school usually guidance,As a parent must be responsible;Child rise junior high school/High school,Should not only result,But also look for a relation/Treat gifts and so on,That parents are always competition strength of competitive state,Let a person tired.


Listen to elementary school colleagues words,I fell silent,Mind regrets:The Times are different,Now children really not easy,Need to pay a price is too big!

  湖南怀化市 莫开伟

Don't open grave, huaihua city, hunan province

  办理准生证 Deal with ZhunShengZheng

  规定应统一(公民论坛·生孩子如何不再难①)山西临汾 张奇平

Regulations should be unified(Citizens BBS · children how to no longer difficult (1))Shanxi linfen ZhangJiPing

  生育服务证,老百姓称之为准生证,是国家管理人口政策的产物。准生证难办的问题,主要出现在流动人口身上。如果夫妻双方属于同一地区且户籍都在当地,办起来还是相对简单的。  由于各地办理准生证所依据的规定不同,造成了异地办理准生证困难,进而怀疑准生证存在的必要性,这种想法是不对的。因为准生证的产生有其法律依据和政策要求,在法律依据没有变化的时候,想通过废弃准生证的行政作为来解决办理准生证难的问题,有悖于依法行政。当然也不能因此而把异地办理准生证难的问题束之高阁。

Birth you,People call it ZhunShengZheng,Is the product of national management population policy.ZhunShengZheng difficult problem,Mainly appear in the body of the floating population.If the couple belong to the same area and census register in the local,Do up or relatively simple.Due to deal with all the provisions of ZhunShengZheng is based on the different,Caused the different ZhunShengZheng difficult to deal with,And then ZhunShengZheng doubt the necessity of existence,This idea is wrong.Because ZhunShengZheng generation has its legal basis and policy requirements,In the legal basis hasn't changed,Think through the waste ZhunShengZheng administrative as to solve the problem of difficult to deal with ZhunShengZheng,Contrary to the administration according to law.Of course also cannot therefore and deal with different ZhunShengZheng difficult problem on the shelf.


It is because ZhunShengZheng around which is the basis of the different provisions,Cause different ZhunShengZheng difficult to deal with,To solve the problem of will from now on,That is ZhunShengZheng for which is the basis of the provisions shall be unified.As the party's eighteen big report said,to"Pay more attention to play to the rule of law in the national management and the important role of social management,Safeguarding national unification of legal system/dignity/authority,Ensure that the people enjoy extensive rights and freedoms in accordance with law".Is worth thinking,For people like this life of the provisions of the details need to unite a situation also many,ZhunShengZheng difficult only"The tip of the iceberg".

  政府机构 Government agencies

  不太给力(公民论坛·生孩子如何不再难①)上海浦东 陈淑芬

Don't give force(Citizens BBS · children how to no longer difficult (1))Shanghai pudong chan


The author thinks that,Children difficult,Root relevant government agencies as not.One is a lot of quasi birth couples to national policy and procedures are not familiar with,This new marriage brought in,Civil affairs departments should use the text form told them.The second is to do ZhunShengZheng formalities vastly/stereotype,To work out couples to apply for a birth certificate or increased the difficulty"dystocia".In fact this can all through the family planning work to solve the network in time to come in,As the medical insurance card/Transportation card can use the same different.The third is some developed regions based on the development needs,It had been a birth ability ZhenJi hospital to community health center,And these community health center will no longer have the qualification for women in birth,Which led to the puerpera to need at or above the county level hospital at or above the county level.And, of course, one reason is that,Some developed or relatively developed area lie in the family to hospital selection standards high,The delivery to hospital staffing,And even to appear"Refused to"Maternity hospital phenomenon.


Children difficult,Refraction is involved in children's relevant government departments for people to demand/Work lazy/Not as and lack of effective supervision and punishment mechanism.

  实行计划生育及优生优育,是我国的基本国策。如何让更多即将步入父母行列的人对国家生育政策及生孩子流程了解清楚,如何把 “生孩子难”降低到最低点,不仅需要社会舆论的呼吁,更需要政府部门从新婚夫妇领取结婚证的“源头”抓起,同时要注重社会资源的共享,让更多的夫妇不再沮丧于“生孩子难”的纠结!

Family planning and eugenic and superior nurture,Is China's basic national policy.How to let more people to enter the ranks of the parents to the national policy and children process understand clearly,How to "Children difficult"Reduced to the lowest,Not only need public appeal,Government departments need more from the couple get the marriage certificate"source"grabbed,Want to notice at the same time social resources sharing,Let more couples in no longer depressed"Children difficult"intertwine!
