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正视那些不安的生命 中国致力于消除艾滋病歧视--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  中新社北京12月1日电 (记者 欧阳开宇)中国著名歌唱家彭丽媛微笑着握住一名艾滋病感染儿童的手,在钢琴上轻弹着音符。这样的情节出现在中国官方12月1日发布的艾滋病防治宣传短片中。

Beijing China news agency, 01 dec (Reporter OuYangKaiYu)China's famous singer PengLiYuan smile hold a HIV infection children's hands,In the piano and gently playing notes.Such circumstances appear in China's official December 1 issued the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in the public interest.


Today is world AIDS day,The great hall of the people in Beijing issued AIDS prevention publicity clips about 7 minutes,In order to make an appeal for more people love/Does not discriminate against infections and patients.


Close to a period of time,The AIDS virus infections in patients and society by the media the martyrdom of the dense reports.


In tianjin,Patients with lung cancer small peak for preoperative was found with HIV/AIDS,Seek medical advice when rejected repeatedly,But SiGai hide condition after the medical records,Finally the operation smoothly.In jiangxi,People infected with HIV richie for physical examination are carrying out the AIDS virus,And teacher post missed.In yunnan,Folk AIDS organization released a survey,34.04% of the people will choose to discharge unit of people infected with HIV.


China's state council[Regulations on AIDS prevention and control]provisions,The AIDS virus infection/AIDS patients and their families at the same time enjoy marriage/employment/medical/Entrance and legitimate rights and interests are protected by law.And the relative is,Inherent idea that people infected with HIV group in difficulties,In many people consciousness,AIDS is still means that sin/Shame and dangerous.


By the end of October 2012,China has accumulated report HIV infected people and more than 490000 cases patients.China CDC centricity ai wu zun friend, director of the center for the truth,For hundreds of thousands of HIV infections and for patients,Discrimination is likely to be worse than the virus itself is more terrible.


World AIDS day eve,The new leadership of the communist party of a series of comment,Let the whole society to fight the serious threat to the public health disease had new hope.


On November 30,,CPC central committee general secretary/Chairman of the central military commission xi jinping came to Beijing community visit AIDS patients pointed out,People infected with HIV and patients are our brothers and sisters,The whole society must use love light up their lives.Previous 26,The standing committee of CCCPC political bureau/Vice premier li keqiang AIDS and folk organizations on behalf of the discussion,Shake hands with one people infected with HIV,And demand discussion to speak"Zero discrimination",Speak more problems,Much advice.


Since 1985 China discovered the first case of HIV/AIDS so far,China's official all attach great importance to the prevention and control of AIDS.now,With the development of social economy and the change of disease,AIDS is not only is a complex medical problems,Has become a pressing social problems.


Because of public prejudice,Have high risk behavior of the people do not take the initiative to seek or unwilling to accept detection,Cause there are many of the patients have not been found,Increases the risk for the transmission.This is China's health minister Outlines 1 to make judgment.


And for the whole society,Have observers think,AIDS problems affect the whole society's national quality,Affect the state's ethics/Economic development,Even affect social harmony and stability.


At present,China has"Reduce social discrimination"Included in the"1025"HIV/AIDS prevention and control during the work target.Needless to say,Over the AIDS discrimination"walls"Are still many obstacles.Outlines said,AIDS social discrimination more serious,To eliminate social discrimination is difficult.


Have analysts believe,AIDS discrimination from institutional discrimination and cultural discrimination.Institutional discrimination by adjusting the law/Policy to solve,And cultural discrimination is in need of the society as a whole effort.


The central decision-making has already realized,The prevention and control of AIDS is a complicated system engineering,Need to everyone in our society,To gradually establish and perfect social forces to participate in HIV/AIDS prevention and control work mechanism.


At present,China has nearly thousand folk AIDS organization,The official has clearly to be treated as HIV/AIDS prevention and control and eliminate discrimination indispensable power.


To eliminate policy and institutional barriers,China has made the correlation adjustment,Health officials said recently,A doctor in AIDS patients encountered shuffle or refused,There will be a special department is responsible for receiving related complaints.At the same time,Also has the personage inside course of study called for,Delete or modify relevant laws and regulations for the AIDS virus infection caused by the terms of discrimination.


And in a sense,The society for the understanding of the people infected with HIV, perhaps more than give them help material is more important,As China AIDS virus carriers league north China area manager LiHu said,This group value personal dignity/Social status/Be group acceptance and treat rights.


Street in zhengzhou,Several people infected with HIV please passers-by tea,Hundreds of respondents less than 1/10 of the people to accept the invitation.It also reflects the,Eliminate AIDS discrimination still shoulder heavy responsibilities.


Chinese society is trying to reduce or even to eliminate people crowd of people infected with HIV existing discrimination and prejudice."Only go to their life,Can really eliminate discrimination."China a doctor say so.(finish)
