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小伙看错体检报告以为患癌症 半夜自杀险丢命--亲稳网络舆情监测室
If one day,Your medical test report to see"Gastric cancer"",How would you treat?Live in the CuiYong high-tech zone(alias)In view of such a medical report,After three days I am damned,He had to keep the family quietly take poison.yesterday,From the jaws of death go a by him in xinqiao hospital wake up to find that,He actually did not suffer from stomach cancer,The medical report is wrong.
半夜悄悄喝农药被妻发现 Midnight quietly drinking pesticide was found his wife
"The doctor,Hurry up,My husband drink pesticide."On December 2, 1 o 'clock in the morning,The LiuGong wearing pajamas(alias)To hold the 22 years old husband CuiYong rushing down from the taxi straight to the emergency room.Her hand carrying smaller part bottle - brown pesticide dichlorvos.The original,Half an hour ago,LiuGong in a daze smell home has a pungent taste,Then found sleeping around something's wrong with her husband,And finally in bed feet found the rest of the half a bottle of pesticide.LiuGong hurriedly connect drag along took him to run downstairs.
It is reported,CuiYong when taken to the hospital severe vomiting,Less than ten minutes fell unconscious."Immediately gastric lavage!"The doctor from LiuGong hand took the rest of the dichlorvos pesticide bottle,Loading was found more than 300 ml of pesticide,Only less than 200 ml.After tense rescue,CuiYong finally is pick up back to a life.Xinqiao hospital emergency department high full professor jie is introduced,Such as taking concentration is too high/The large amount of organophosphorus pesticide,Patients may in five minutes fast onset to death.Fortunately, CuiYong rescued in time,Late again if,Results it's hard to say.
看了“癌症”体检报告想不开 Look at the"cancer"Physical examination report take things too hard
"For what you want to do such a foolish thing well?"CuiYong awoke,LiuGong hanging heart to put down.But she don't understand is,They can get married for a year,Loving feelings,Not long ago also bought a house,The husband how take things too hard?
"The wife,I've got stomach."In the CuiYong LiuGong under questioning,Finally in a tearful voice to jump out of the word.The original,On November 6,,In CuiYong unit organization to hospital for a routine physical check.On November 29,,CuiYong and his colleagues have received a hospital medical report.
Usually the body condition of considerations CuiYong never thought,In their own medical report,He actually saw"Gastric cancer"".Get the report,CuiYong immediately in desperation,But has been reluctant to tell his wife medical results.In the realm of 3 days later,From the outside CuiYong secretly bought a bottle of dichlorvos pesticide.
"Those days I feel he completely like was a changed man,Silent all day/Spirit trance.My first thought is his work tired,Also not too care about!"Always in CuiYong side era LiuGong tearful said.
看错体检报告误会是“胃癌” Wrong check-up report is misunderstanding"Gastric cancer"
In order to clear CuiYong have stomach cancer,In stable condition after him,Xinqiao hospital doctor and for the a gastroscopy,Inspection result but let CuiYong silly eye.
Reporter in xinqiao hospital gastroscope inspection list saw,The doctor diagnosed the check:Chronic non atrophic antral gastritis with biliary countercurrent flow,Not probe to gastric cancer lesions.
"Have no stomach?"CuiYong pleasantly surprised,Then a fear:"One thousand no rescue come over,Then I did the wrong life?"CuiYong said,From the medical report to see stomach words,He feel like a pledge was played a bar,Now don't remember exactly what it says,Just remember the doctor suggested that further review,But he had no idea with a report to hospital consulting or review.It is his misreading a medical report."Reporter in the CuiYong medical report to see,Check-up result is:"Don't eliminate gastric cancer may,For further review."
面对死亡 经历人生最难熬3天 Facing death experience life's most difficult 3 days
"The 3 day better than three years is long."yesterday,All be suddenly enlightened the CuiYong recalled his medical reports to get through life after the worst of the three days.
“那几天,我天天晚上悄悄看着熟睡的老婆,并反复在想:我走了,她怎么办?” 崔勇说,白天,他强打精神,晚上,自己偷偷流泪。一想到两人结婚刚一年,前不久才在主城按揭购买了一套房,还有几十万元的房贷要还。如果拿钱去治病,那些钱还不如留给父母和老婆。于是,他最后决定服毒轻生。
"The days,Every day I quietly looking at night sleeping wife,And repeatedly in the want to:I walked,She do?" CuiYong said,The day,His strong play spirit,In the evening,Himself secretly tears.The thought of two people get married just one year,Not long ago it in main mortgage to buy a suite,There are hundreds of thousands of yuan of mortgage to also.If take money to cure,The money than to parents and wife.so,He finally decided to commit suicide poison.
CuiYong said,Although this is a false alarm,But also for the first time feel and death from so close.In the future,He will be more take care of the body,Cherish life,Cherish side of every family.
支招 move
正确看待体检报告 遇到指标异常莫恐慌 A correct view on medical report meet indices abnormal don't panic
on,Reporter yesterday interview xinqiao hospital medical center director professor wu jun.According to professor wu jun is introduced,In the general medical will have helicobacter pylori antigen test/Determination of tumor markers, such as check project,Is clinically a conventional digestive tract/Tumor health screening method.In the medical report,The doctor will according to the inspection results suggest that,If there is a stomach cancers, such as the risk of disease,And to provide further inspection of client's comments and Suggestions.
According to,Experts CuiYong speculate that the medical report risk assessment for medical diagnosis of misreading.And for stomach cancer clinical accurate diagnosis,Is through the gastroscope extraction stomach tissue pathologic study again,If diagnosed with stomach cancer.
Wu jun special remind citizens,When see check-up report some number below or beyond the normal range,Do not feel panic,For some indices abnormal is not equal to, she was sick,It is best to review,Listen to the doctor's further advice.
提醒 remind
遇到意外情况 切莫草率作出极端决定 Meet accident situation never hasty decision to extreme
"This is emergency response too extreme performance."Third military medical university psychology department in the doctor said,CuiYong in not clear before diagnosis,Is intense emotional reaction,Thus affecting the rational judgment.And the rest of the suicidal behavior is also a kind of escape extreme practices,This may and CuiYong own compressive ability and personality.
高东提醒市民,当遇到重大意外情况时,首先要冷静地确认核实消息真伪、然后寻求亲友或专家帮助。千万不要一时昏头,草率作出极端决定。同时,亲友发现身边的人情绪异常时,也应及时提醒,多加关心和慰问。( 重庆商报 记者 叶惠娟)
Remind people in the,When encountered major accident situation,First of all to calmly confirm verify news authenticity/Then search for friends and relatives or experts to help.Don't feed a head,Hasty decision to extreme.At the same time,Relatives and friends find people around when mood disorders,Should be timely remind,More concern and sympathy.( Chongqing business newspaper reporter YeHuiJuan)
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