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男子不幸患“渐冻症” 妻子每天按压助其呼吸3年--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


What is the same?What call rain go the same way?What call buchibuqi?What is time, life and death?In fact,Great love away from us and not far.The public net friends today a source says:In 2009,,QingZhouShi in shandong province of malaya succumb to a motor neuron disease,Not spontaneous breathing,Can only rely on his wife ChenQing spring nonstop pressure chest to keep respiratory function,So three years,ChenQing spring has been kept in his side will take care of him.Unfortunately,Two days ago,Malaya because his condition deteriorated living into the QingZhouShi people's hospital,Is now in the emergency rescue.

  丈夫不幸患上“渐冻症”,妻子每天按压助其呼吸3年 Husband succumb to"Gradually frozen disease",Press the wife every day to help them breathing for 3 years


According to the public net friends ShiXiaoLiang told reporters,Malaya was born in liaoning tieling comb mountain area,In 1997, graduated from shenyang industrial college,In 2003 in shandong province and the QingZhouShi ChenQing spring wedding,After the dongying shengli oilfield company as a welding engineer,Two people have a 6 year old daughter,Family happiness.however,Fortune is fickle,In December of 2009,Unfortunately, malaya had motor neuron disease,Is also common"Gradually frozen disease",Every day he can't spontaneous breathing,Every day can only rely on family chest presses to breathe,Can't discontinuity and seconds,Otherwise it will suffocate.


At present,ChenQing spring of three lived in a old house,In order to take care of her husband at any time,ChenQing spring moved in the kitchen,This makes the original narrow the room appears more crowded.Hanging on the wall of the family and the couple wedding photo particularly eye-catching,Photos on malaya health handsome,ChenQing spring a face of sweet,Daughter lively.Photo records the distress family once the happiness and joy,But the more let a person feel cruelty of reality.


"In order to let the husband live,In order to let her daughter to have a complete family,Eat much what men suffer,By how much tired I will stick to it!"Spring is ChenQing said so,Do the same.


 曾连续为丈夫按压22小时,相信奇迹相信丈夫能好起来 For her husband had continuous press 22 hours,Believe in miracles believe that her husband would get better


ChenQing spring for her husband about the press the chest,Every half an hour to his turn a body.Behind her have a electric massager,Weihai is a man to see Mr. Huang after reports made specifically for malaya,But ChenQing spring besides cooking/toilet,Rarely use this machine,"Machine save trouble,But to be comfortable in,Say it is not convenient to blow."


Such repeated press action,ChenQing spring day to repeat ShiBaJiuGe hours,The longest one day she continuous press the 22 hours.Her mother/Sister and just went to school every day when the daughter can help her four or five hours.


today,It has always been a concern of qingzhou net friend JiBo told reporters,Two days before malaya take a turn for the worse,Artificial press still can't let him continue to breathe,ChenQing spring had to call the ambulance will he sent to the QingZhouShi people's hospital emergency department.The doctor put his breathing machine,Although this,Advanced medical equipment can only temporarily to maintain his life.


JiBo told reporters,ChenQing spring no cell phones,Now can only see her in the hospital,Yesterday saw her people feel very tired,But refused to go home and rest,Always keep the door in the ward.ChenQing spring said,She still clings to the belief that miracle exists,Hope that her husband's disease can be improved in the hospital.


 爱心网友捐助一台呼吸机,马来亚可以回到家中休养 Love net friend donate a breathing machine,Malaya can return to home recovering


Today at half past eight in the evening,JiBo contact again to the public network reporter,Told reporters now malaya's condition is not optimistic,Because QingZhouShi people's hospital hospital emergency department nurses told him,Respiratory function maintain malaya is less a few days/, the life of the months,But the patient can no longer stay in the emergency department,After three or four general must turn to the relevant departments,And the most suitable for malaya's intensive care division is expensive,For them is certainly can't afford it.


At the same time,JiBo told reporters a good news,An enthusiastic users see after reports to malaya donated a breathing machine,QingZhouShi people's hospital doctor said can let malaya in costs relatively low emergency department.The hospital doctor preparation in the fastest time in the church ChenQing spring use this machine,so,After two days later can let malaya in home recovering.


 网友:传播爱的正能量,让我们不离不弃 Net friend:Spread love positive energy,Let us buchibuqi

  在大众网报道了青州陈青春夫妇两人的故事以后,广大网友被这种患难之中见真情的爱所打动。有网友表示,在这个看似物质至上的世界里,的确还是有真爱,这种不离不弃的正能量值得传播。(记者 张帆)

The public network reported ChenQing qingzhou spring the couple story later,The net friend by this trouble friend indeed love touched.Netizens said,In this seemingly materialistic world,Indeed still have true love,This buchibuqi positive energy is worth spreading.(Press set sail)
