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中新网泰州12月7日电 (周胜涛)“泰州举办国际医药博览会,旨在推进国际交流合作,打造产城一体的医药名城。”7日,以“创新医药发展,引领健康未来”为主题的第三届中国(泰州)国际医药博览会在江苏泰州中国医药城举行开幕仪式。主办方称,泰州医博会已经成为世界生物医药发展新成果、新产品集聚的磁场,对中国生物技术和新医药产业发展具有“风向标”意义。
Beijing on December 7, taizhou (ZhouShengTao)"Taizhou hold international medical fair,Aims to promote the international communication and cooperation,Make a medicine production city city."7,to"Innovation medicine development,Lead healthy future"As the theme of the third session of China(taizhou)In the international medical fair in jiangsu taizhou city of Chinese medicine at the opening ceremony.Organizers say,Taizhou medical fair has become the world's biological medicine development new results/The new product the agglomeration of magnetic field,On China's biological technology and new medicine industry development has"vane"meaning.
The medical fair opening today,Relevant ministries and commissions of the state/Provincial leadership,Taizhou municipal party committee secretary zhang lei/The mayor XuGuoPing and more than 2000 customers from home and abroad gathered here,Common witness the medical the pomp of the fair.
Zhang lei said address at the opening ceremony,Taizhou is located in the middle of jiangsu province/North shore of the Yangtze river,Yangtze river delta is one of the central city of the north wing,Profound cultural background,Natural scenery beautiful,Known as"Wenchang water show,Cheung tai state"reputation.Taizhou relying on solid industrial foundation and carrier advantage,The construction of the city to produce a medical city/A famous cultural city of form and spirit/Glamorous ecological city.
The establishment of medical expo exhibition exhibit a total area of 20000 square meters,Is divided into 6 big area,Equipped with fifty special assembly booth and 210 standard booths,15 countries and regions and domestic nearly 1000 colleges and universities institutes/Well-known enterprises/Medical institutions/Science and technology park, etc,Showcase biological medicine field of new technology/The new product,Carrying out the project negotiation/Achievements trade and special BBS and other activities.
The medical fair lasted three days,9 end.Assembly consists of the opening ceremony/Provincial build taizhou China medical city joint meeting/Chinese medicine city policy issued and project signing ceremony/The development of traditional Chinese medicine BBS/The first national medicine zheshang peak BBS/Chinese and foreign medicine entrepreneurs BBS/Medical innovation achievement butt and project investment and financing cooperation talks/Pharmaceutical patent technology and products such as fair of eight activities.
Taizhou government said,positioning"China's first/The world famous"Of taizhou"Chinese medicine city"Strive to"1025"The final,realize"Five 1000"goal,namely:Gather 1000 high-end talent,The 100 international integrated innovation team;In 1000 world class/National pharmaceutical innovation achievement;Introduction of 1000 enterprises;Create value 100 billion yuan proprietary technology;Sales reached 100 billion yuan;At the same time"Chinese medicine city"Built the system mechanism innovation demonstration area and development strategic emerging industry pilot area.(finish)
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