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传左耳接电话减少大脑辐射 专家:应左右耳轮流--亲稳网络舆情监控室
For most people,With which hand do you use to answer the phone,Which ear listen to a telephone,But a matter of habit.but,Recently micro bo is someone will rise to the height of the health,Say for the right ear closer from the brain,So in order to avoid radiation,The left ear or the phone had better.this,Otology doctor said,If mobile phone radiation really effect on the brain,So no matter right or left ear with the phone is the same.but,In order to listening and radiation double consider,Pick up the phone is best left ear take joint.
接电话一定要用左耳? The phone must use the left ear?
In the new street do external liaison work Lin is a very busy man,I called home every day,According to the habits and,She is usually right hand pick up the phone,On the right answer.One day down,Sometimes she would feel dizzy.
At noon the day before yesterday,Lin received a important customer calls,From more than 12 o 'clock at noon until 2 PM,She has been to the customer to explain the company's work content.Put down the phone after,Xiao Lin not tired,And she in the same office a colleague reminds her,"I found you from the beginning the phone to put down the phone,Basic use is the right ear,This is!"
Xiao Lin recall,His answer the phone is indeed the right ear listen more,"I'm right-handed,Is commonly used to pick up the phone right hand,Then on the right answer,Rarely in hand,Because the left hand take a phone will feel tired."
Colleagues told her,Recently on the Internet there was circulated in a statement,It is best left to answer the phone.Because the right ear distance closer to the brain,And usually answer the phone,Mobile phone will produce radiation,This relative to the left ear answer,Answer the phone right ear is more easily let radiation effects on the brain.and,Even if no matter on the phone with the left or the right ear will keep the cell phone radiation effects on the brain,People on the phone to also want to try to get the right away from radiation,"About half of the brain function is not the same,Generally speaking right brain is more important,So the phone or a good left ear,Even if there is influence,Also is a little bit small."
接电话控制时间左右耳轮流接才行 The phone control time or so ear take joint to just go
Really such as micro bo preaching,The left ear with the phone to the brain produce radiation will be less,Or a little influence?
Jiangsu province people's hospital otolaryngology chief physician ChengLei said,About the right ear distance closer to the brain that is wrong,So the right ear the phone to the brain damage that more big,From the perspective of radiation is not reasonable,"Or so ear and brain as the distance,This is common sense.If say to the influence of the brain cell phone radiation,So or so ear the phone to the brain damage is the same."
so,Is it because of the different division of two sides of the brain,So the phone will try to use the left ear??ChengLei said,According to the current scientific knowledge can know,The main reason left side of the brain,Mainly responsible for logic/reasoning/judgment/language/The five senses(apparent/Listen to/smell/contact/taste)etc,Right brain main perceptual,Mainly responsible for intuition/imagine/music/feelings,"Human for their own understanding of the brain in further,But no matter how,About the importance of half of the brain is the same,Does not exist that which is more important."
Since the or so ear the phone won't have too big change to health,So we usually pick up the phone,How to do ability to reduce harm?ChengLei said,If the mobile phone radiation point of view,Obviously in turn left ear phone more reasonable some,Don't let radiation long time focused on a local area,The overall health of the brain is a good choice.
and,This not only from the point of view of radiation,But also from the hearing into consideration,"Long time to answer the phone,Are likely to impact the inner ear hair cells,The sound form chronic injury,As time passes,Hearing damage will be more and more obvious.So we suggest that in turn left ear phone,This can reduce the time of unilateral ear fatigue,Effectively reduce the damage to the hearing."
Of course,In addition to let two ears take turns to receive telephone calls"harassment",The most fundamental reduce the phone harm or method,Try to reduce the time to answer the phone,"This is the most fundamental method,The phone less time,Mobile phone even if there is no harm,Also influence you."
特别提醒 危害健康的四种接电话方式 Special remind a health hazard of four kinds of ways to answer the phone
Mobile phone is harmful to one's health is well known,When answering the phone and several kinds of way is the most harmful to health.
a/Private telephone"Hide in the corner quietly said".Pertaining to the content of the private telephone,Many people like to hide in the corner of the building to answer.And normally,Building in the corner of the signal coverage is poorer,Therefore in a certain extent allows the radiation power increases.
two/The mobile phone hung on the neck or the waist.Mobile phone radiation range is a mobile phone as the center of the ring belt,Mobile phones and the distance between the human body determines the degree of radiation absorbed by human body.Mobile phone if often hung in the human body waist or abdominal side,May affect fertility function.More health and safety method,Is the phone on carry-on bags,And as far as possible on the outer package,To ensure good signal coverage.
three/Dial the phone to mobile phone to the ear.Cell phone dial out phone but not through,Radiation can significantly increase,You should keep the cell phone away from the head,Interval about five seconds after the call.
四、手机信号越弱,耳朵贴得越近。当手机信号变弱时,许多人会本能地将手机尽量贴近耳朵。但根据手机的工作原理,在信号较弱的情况下,手机会自动提高电磁波发射功率,使得辐射强度明显增大。此时把耳朵贴近,头部受到的辐射就会成倍增加。 (记者 周飞 报道)
four/Mobile phone signal is weak,Ear to more closely.When the mobile phone signal when weak,Many people instinctively cellular phone as far as possible close to the ear.But according to the working principle of mobile phone,In case the signal is weak,Mobile phone automatically improve electromagnetic emission power,Makes the radiation intensity increased.Put one of your ears close to at this time,By the head of the radiation will be multiplied. (Reporter ZhouFei reports)
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