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男子3年买300万元彩票 称一期不买心痒难耐--亲稳网络舆情监控室


He claims to be national public servants,Less than 30 years old is unit of deputy chief.But since three years ago to buy lottery tickets,His life is a mess,Up and down a total thrown into a nearly 3 million yuan.


He is now in the hospital of hunan province brain on the net addiction treatment centers for treatment.The doctor said,This is a kind of disease,call"Pathological gambling",If there is no medical intervention,Patient is almost impossible to spontaneous terminate this kind of behavior.


梦魇 好像耳边有人催,身后有手推 Nightmare as ear someone push,Behind push


Mr. Li,After 80,Changsha people,2003 years after graduation from the university in a unit work.He was hard/studious,Also many recipients observing,Leaders and colleagues are expected to him.Two years later,Mr. Li love/married,Position from the deputy chief clerk rise,In the eyes of a stranger was perfect.But in his heart,Also buried a dream about making money,"By a little death wage,When it's time to make a fortune?"On December 13,Mr. Li told reporters,Three years ago a chance,In his friend's urged to contact the lottery.


Just began to,He buy a twice every week,Every time before ten block or a few money.Gradually become almost each issue will buy,Amount also more and more big,Almost 23000 dollars.Mr. Li describe,When to buy lottery tickets as a"Difficult to refrain from excited",As the fall in love before the date,Sense nervous/Heart beats faster,Even shake hands/sweating.A long time,This feeling will be thin,He will spend more money to experience"cardiac".


Mr Li always couldn't control myself to go to betting station,Like ear someone in rush,There is a hand behind the push.If there is any stage didn't buy it,He was particularly uncomfortable,Crawly unbearable.Parents and his wife locked him at home,He will call betting station the boss,If the mobile phone he hide,He will try to come out into the open...


梦醒 曾向地下钱庄借高利贷,欠下巨债 We wake up to the underground Banks have borrow usury,Owe a huge debt


soon,Mr. Li after the work save had spent all his savings,Start with all sorts of excuse to borrow money from relatives and friends,Then the home valuable all of the things and sell them or mortgage,Including car and house.even,He also to underground Banks lend usury,Creditors will find your parents' home,Make the old man and his debts.Because it's too indulged,He became angry/impulse,Often fall the thing,In the unit also appears and lazy, and solitary.


Mr Lee said,He is not won any money,But put in money even more astonishing,Add up a total of nearly 3 million,Now still owe a lot of,Don't know how to repay.


Not long ago,Mr. Lee came to hunan province brain hospital addiction treatment centers for the treatment of alcoholism.The doctor said,He is actually had"Pathological gambling",If there is no medical intervention,Almost impossible to terminate the spontaneous behavior,Must accept drugs and cognitive behavioral therapy.


On the net addiction treatment ZhouXuHui, director of the center is introduced,Appear this kind of disease,May be brain nerve cells function of some special chemicals ─ ─ serotonin quantity reduced.At the same time,Pathological gambling patients usually have different degree of psychological defects or obstacle,This often comes from their personal life experience/character,"Incentive is generally virtual space/boring,Also some because life in the big setback,Such as the/Marriage unfortunately/Cause disappointment,Just want to play in the casino,Hope so as to relieve depression mood."


On December 13,,Mr. Li just full in two months.now,He is no longer angry easily,Talk with people when there is a difference,And the relationship between the parents also slowly in the repair.


什么是病理性赌博? What is the pathological gambling?


Hunan province on brain hospital, director of the center for addiction treatment ZhouXuHui:Most people play CARDS/To buy lottery tickets,Just as a pastime/Entertainment or work dinner party,But pathological gambling is a kind of mental disorder,And is not the moral problems,But the brain produces the pathological changes.


Pathological gambling patients often have three characteristics:Without regard to the family,Sacrifice studies and work;Gambling time/Frequency are beyond ordinary people,Regardless of the consequences to sweeten the pot,Feel satisfied/Revel;Can produce similar to give up smoking/the"Withdrawal reaction",That is when to stop gambling,Is heavy weak/insomnia/appetite,Recovery after gambling these symptoms disappeared quickly.

  周旭辉还介绍,普通人群中这种病的发病率在1.4%-5.1%之间,男性多于女性,女性发病年龄比男性晚,但发展快。患者易出现失眠、头疼、胃肠功能紊乱、高血压等生理疾病,还常常存在着情感性精神障碍、边缘性人格障碍或反社会性人格障碍等。患者中有自杀未遂者占13.3%,有犯罪行为者占26.7%,虐待配偶者占23.3%,虐待子女者占16.7%,失业者也较多,常在家庭和工作中遭受挫折。对病理性赌博的治疗,要用适当药物,再配合心理治疗。目前的研究表明,多数患者可以获得良好疗效,尤其是在完全隔绝赌博环境的情况下,成功率更高。(潇湘晨报 记者 张莹 通讯员 刘雨滋 徐珊 )

ZhouXuHui also introduces,The general population in the incidence of the disease between 1.4% and 5.1%,Men more than women,The age women than men late,But development quick.Easy to appear insomnia patients/headache/Gastrointestinal dysfunction/High blood pressure and physiological diseases,Often there are affective disorders/Borderline personality or antisocial personality disorder, etc.Patients with would-be suicide accounted for 13.3%,A crime is 26.7%,Spousal abuse is 23.3%,Abuse children is 16.7%,Unemployed man also more,Often in the family and work suffer setbacks.For the treatment of pathological gambling,With appropriate drugs,Combined with psychological treatment.The present study,The majority of patients can get good effect,Especially in complete isolation gambling environment,Higher success rate.(Xiaoxiang morning paper reporter ZhangYing correspondent LiuYu XuShan AIDS )
