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男子车祸导致泪小管断裂 16年每天“以泪洗面”--亲稳网络舆情监测室


Mr. Gump 45 have trouble,His left eye in a traffic accident and burst into tears,In the eyes of friends and relatives at ordinary times the strong man suddenly became"Crying ghost".Recently in zhuzhou 331 love's under the help of the eye hospital,12,Mr. Gump finally through the surgery stopped"cry".


 发生车祸后,他每天“以泪洗面” After the car accident,Every day he"lacrimosa"


13 afternoon,Reporter in zhuzhou 331 love's eye hospital see when Mr. Gump,Doctors have for the repair the damaged lacrimal duct.


Lying in the bed Mr. Gump slowly to reporter expressed happened in him all:


16 years ago,In the field of Gan Mr. Gump after dinner ride a motorcycle to go home.Because dinner drink a little wine,His speed is more and more fast,Accident will happen like that...At that time,He only think eyes intense pain,Blood flow to come out,The line of sight has become blurred.Mr. Gump was sent to Gan field local hospital,The doctor diagnosed lacrimal duct have fracture,A local hospital advised him to receive immediate treatment.But limited by the medical environment and technology,Surgery eventually without success.


After the car accident,Mr. Gump began to shed tears more than.With the passage of time,Mr. Gump tears the more the more flow,Every day as long as a blow,Tears can't help to dirty,And no better meaning,Let him very painful.


For many years,Mr. Gump and didn't give up,Toss around zhuzhou healed,But get reply is:The medical technology can not reach,Surgery not sure.This year until dec.,Mr. Gump accompanied her daughter came to zhuzhou 331 love's eye hospital when myopia operation,Accidentally consulting oculist,To get a"Can surgery,But I can't guarantee the operation must be successful"reply.


手术治疗后,终于接通了泪小管 After surgical treatment,Finally on the lacrimal duct

  据株洲三三一爱尔眼科医院眼眶病泪道学组主任石立平介绍,甘先生患的是陈旧性泪小管断裂,并且已经出现萎缩症状。这种病症必须手术治疗,不然患者将终生流泪,会非常痛苦。“但手术难度相当大。由于泪道本身非常细小,患者受伤时间较长,已形成疤痕,泪小管已经失去正常的解剖结构,泪小管会变短, 所以断裂的泪小管就更难找到。手术难度相当大 ”

According to zhuzhou 331 love's eye hospital orbital disease tears of the doctrine of the group ShiLiPing is introduced,Mr. Gump had chronic lacrimal duct fracture,And has been shrinking symptoms.This kind of disease have to surgical treatment,Or patients who will be a lifetime,Can be very painful."But the operation difficulty is quite large.Because of lacrimal duct itself is very small,Patients injured for a long time,Already scar tissue to form,Lacrimal duct has lost the normal anatomic structures,Lacrimal duct will be short, So fracture of lacrimal duct is harder to find.Operation difficulty is quite large "


Mr. Kennedy listened to the doctor's diagnosis and condition analysis,Do not hesitate to surgery,"And he who has hope must try,Never hold will do!Can't let this disease with me all my life."


12,The doctor did Mr. Gump remote lacrimal duct fracture anastomosis,To repair the broken lacrimal duct,And suture of the left corner place skin laceration.finally,Operation smoothly,No longer shed tears of Mr. Kennedy also laughed.

  石立平主任称,泪小管断裂在眼外伤中并不少见,但是像甘先生这样损伤时间如此久的患者不多见。“好多患者没得到及时诊治,导致终生流泪,很是痛苦。”石立平主任也提醒大家,当眼睑有外伤时,一定要找专业医生检查泪小管是不是存在断裂,尽早治疗。(记者 何芳)

ShiLiPing director says,Lacrimal duct fracture in ocular trauma is not rare,But Mr. Gump like such injury patients with it for so long time not see."A lot of patients don't get timely treatment,Cause lifelong tears,Is the pain."ShiLiPing director also remind you,When the lid is the trauma,Must seek professional doctor check lacrimal duct is exist fracture,Treatment as soon as possible.(Reporter HeFang)
