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北京雪后低温路面结冰 医院摔伤病人陡增--亲稳舆论引导监测室


Yesterday's light snow,Fall to the ground became"Small BingCha",The ground like spread a layer"sugar".Many people slipped in"Sugar road"on.Reporters today from Beijing first aid center 120 and some big hospital emergency room to know,The weekend after snow slippery ground patients increased obviously,120 accepts quantity for at ordinary times two times;Chaoyang hospital emergency department yesterday in peak average two or three minutes accepts a hurt patients;Ji shui tan hospital only yesterday were more than 200 cases of patients with hurt,Increased than usual four to five times;Big fractures college the head of the hospital ChenFuLin said,Weekend two days,Abundant as hospital altogether accepts 105 children with fractures.


Yesterday afternoon,The reporter comes to ji shui tan hospital emergency,Here can use"People mountain people sea"describe.The reporter sees,The emergency of the bench was already,Some patients in the corridor on the bench a few want to fall asleep,According to CT in place have queue forme.A patient family said,Just picture the son,In line with a hour."Is to go out to buy food a fall."The reporter sees,These hurt patients are mostly old grey hair.The reporter asks many patients,The answer almost unanimously,Because due to slippery ground."Old bones brittle,A cast fold the."Flank a patients get a word in word.

  在丰盛医院急诊,走廊里坐满了人。一位医生告诉记者,最近一个星期,摔伤病例明显增多。医生说,摔伤的患者主要以腕关节、腰部和下肢的损伤为主。专家提醒,由于未来几天气温很难突破冰点,积雪成冰,预计未来几天还会增加不少骨折患者。医生提醒老年人尽量少出门;如果必须出门最好穿上雪地靴、防滑鞋、纹路较深的鞋子,鞋底不宜硬,不要走积雪过多以及有坡道的地方,一些商店门口的大理石地面比较滑,尽量绕着走。走路时重心放低,速度不要太快,脚底要踩实踩稳。如果摔倒,尽可能保护头、颈、腰,避免用手、膝等部位撑地。一旦摔倒,不要慌张,先翻身,让腹部着地,寻找支撑物辅助或请求路人帮助。伤情较重,尤其伤到髋部、腰部这样的地方,不要自己乱动,一定要保持原状,求助周围的人拨打120电话,待专业的医护人员到达以后进行处置,以免自己乱动加重损伤。(记者贾晓宏 王琪鹏)

In the big hospital emergency,Corridor filled with people.A doctor told reporters,A recent week,A significant increase in cases of hurt.The doctor said,Hurt patients mainly wrist/The waist and lower limb injury is given priority to.The expert reminds,In the coming days to break due to the freezing point,Snow ice,That are predicted in the coming days will also increase many fracture patients.The doctor remind old people go out less as far as possible;If you must go out'd better put on your snow boots/Non-slip shoes/Grain deep shoes,Sole shoulds not be hard,Don't go too much snow and ramp place,Some stores the marble floor is slippery,Try to walk around.When you walk lower center of gravity,Speed is not fast,Foot to step on real on stability.If fall,As far as possible to protect the head/neck/waist,Avoid using hand/Knee and other parts to support.Once fell,Don't panic,Blow first,Let the belly landing,Looking for support auxiliary or passers-by to help.Heavy injury,Especially hurt the hips/The waist such a place,Don't touch,Must keep on,Help the people around 120 telephone call,To professional medical personnel after arrival of disposal,In order to avoid their touch aggravated damage.(Reporter JiaXiaoHong WangQiPeng)
