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专家称转基因食品不会造成基因变异 不破坏营养--亲稳网络舆情监测室
December 19,,"verification"Column reports the large-scale planting genetically modified crops/Large amount of consumption of genetically modified food.But on the Internet,According to the dispute have been genetically modified (gm).Why to develop genetically modified crops?Genetically modified food is harmful to human body health?The problem,People's Daily"verification"The reporter interviewed column of Chinese and foreign experts.
为什么要发展转基因技术 Why to develop transgenic technology
Yellow big Fang(China academy researcher at the institute of biotechnology):Transgenic technology is the use of modern biological technology,The purpose gene for artificial separation/Modification and transfer and cultivate new varieties,To give the original varieties with new good character.Such as transgenic herbicide-resistant(glyphosate)soybean,Just by increasing the resistance characteristics of the herbicide,Save the weed control of artificial and cost.
布鲁姆瓦尔德(美国加州大学戴维斯分校植物学系细胞生物学教授):转基因作物有两大益处:其一,提供更高的作物产量。极端天气、水资源短缺等问题对全球农业的负面影响日趋严重,而运用转基因技术培育新品种,不仅能够抗病虫害和抗除草剂,甚至可以抗干旱,无形中扩大了宜耕土地的面积。其二,有效减少农药的使用。据英国咨询公司PG Economic发布的统计数据, 1996—2010年由于转基因作物的应用,化学农药用量减少4.38亿公斤。
Bloom wald(The university of California, Davis department of plant cell biology professor):Genetically modified crops has two big profit:one,Provide higher crop yields.Extreme weather/The shortage of water resources and for the negative effects of global agriculture become more and more serious,And the use of transgenic technology cultivate new varieties,Can not only resistant to diseases and insects and herbicide resistance,Can even resistance to drought,Virtually expanded appropriate tillage land area.The second,Reduce the use of pesticides.According to the British consulting company issued by the PG Economic statistical data, 1996-2010 due to the application of genetically modified (gm) crops,Chemical pesticide consumption reduce 438 million kilograms.
LinMin(China academy biotechnology institute director):Growing genetically modified soybean countries including the United States/Brazil/Argentina/Paraguay/Canada/Uruguay/South Africa/Mexico/Bolivia/Chile/Costa rica.In addition,Many countries and regions approve the import of transgenic soybeans,Including Australia/Canada/Japan/Switzerland/British/New Zealand/Russia/South Africa/Thailand/Turkey/Mexico/The United States/Columbia/The Philippines/Mainland China and Taiwan/The European Union/Malaysia.Our imports of genetically modified soybean mainly comes from the United States/Brazil and Argentina.
Section '(The ministry of agriculture science and technology development center director):Our country also carry out the transgenic soybean research work,In the soybean discover new genes/Transgenic technology platform construction and development of new varieties and has made significant progress,But at present is still in the test phase,Did not grow.
转基因会影响传代生殖能力吗 Gm will affect transfer of culture reproductive capability
HuangKunLun(China agricultural university professor):Since the advent of transgenic soybeans,Research and development of all countries in the world, and several independent agencies have done a lot/Long-term edible safety evaluation,Including nutrition evaluation/Toxicology evaluation and the sensitivity evaluation, etc.Test proof,Newly introduced protein did not increase the risk of toxicity,Eating genetically modified (gm) soy won't produce adverse effects on human health.
To fight glyphosate(SGT)Transgenic soybeans as an example.The gene is to come from soil loss of agrobacterium CP4 phosphoenol acetone acyl shikimic acid synthase(EPSPS),The protein can make crops on glyphosate herbicide resistant.
这种蛋白基因是植物和微生物中的一种限制酶,普遍存在于人类食物和动物饲料中,具有长期安全食用历史。将该蛋白与数据库中已知毒素的序列进行同源性比对,发现没有序列同源性。美国、日本和韩国学者还分别采用模拟胃肠液对该蛋白进行消化试验,结果显示,在模拟胃液或肠液中,蛋白数秒内完全降解。对该蛋白的小鼠试验表明,当灌胃量达到572 mg/kg体重,蛋白没有对小鼠产生不良反应。可以认为,该蛋白对动物的毒性风险很小。
The protein gene is plants and microorganisms in a restriction enzyme,Are widespread in the human food and animal feed,With long history safe to eat.The protein and the database of known toxin sequence homology for comparison,Found no sequence homology.The United States/Japanese and south Korean scholars also separately using simulated gastric intestinal juice on the protein for digestive test,The results show,In the simulation of gastric juice and intestinal juice,Protein seconds completely degradation.The protein tests showed that the mice,When lavage quantity to 572 mg/kg body weight,Protein no adverse effects on mice.Can think,The protein of animal toxicity risk is very small.
In addition,The United States/Japan/Countries such as China's scientific research personnel using transgenic soybean resistance of glyphosate and the transgenic soybean animal and chronic toxicity and transfer of culture reproductive ability test, etc.the,The Japanese use heating of soybean meal with 30% of the adding amount of feeding rats and mice 15 weeks,Detection growth/Food intake/Viscera weight and viscera section and general toxicity index and immune toxicity index,Results show that the transgenic soybean to rat non-toxic.China has adopted the soybean feeding rats 91 days,Made food intake/weight/Blood biochemical/Routine blood/Routine urine index and histopathological examination,Results show that the transgenic soybean to animals not produce the chronic toxicity.The United States to feed the soybean mice on the 2, 4 generation reproduction test reproductive ability test,Analysis of the fetal seed size/weight/Testicular cells number index,Think transgenic soybean on mice without reproductive toxicity.
外来基因会破坏食物营养成分吗 A foreign gene can destroy food nutrition
HuangKunLun:Transgenic soybeans and the transgenic soybean nutritional composition control with substance and gay,And can be normal use of digestion.In 1992 the United States in the six place/In 1993, four locations,The European Union in 2005, five sites,And the United States and Canada in 2000/2001 and 2002 for three consecutive years a variety of genetic background of resistance to glyphosate soybean nutrition analysis,Found that resistance to glyphosate soybean and soybean were the main nutrients(moisture/ash/protein/fat/fiber/carbohydrates)And antinutritional factors(agglutinin/Phytic acid/Trypsin inhibitor),And fatty acid and amino acid content is in,And in reference to provide natural variation range.In addition,In 1992 the United States the six place of soybean harvest the processing products such as baking soybean meal/Defatted soybean meal/Protein extract/Protein concentrate the main nutritional composition analysis,The results show that,In the processing performance and nutrition has no significant difference.
At the same time,With processing and raw resistance to glyphosate soybean and the transgenic soybean control feeding rats and cows 4 weeks/Chicken 6 weeks/Catfish ten weeks/Quail 5 days,Growth indices were detection/Feed conversion rate/Muscle and fat composition(chicken)/Milk production and milk composition/Rumen fermentation and nitrogen the digestion rate(cattle)Nutrition such as the index,The results show that,Genetically modified (gm) and the transgenic soybean to animals have the same nutritional value.
转基因食品会造成基因变异吗 Genetically modified foods can cause genetic variation
YangXiaoGuang(China researcher at the centers for disease control and prevention):Human consumption of natural food contains various gene,Have not yet found the level of gene transfer or transfer across species.From the scientific point of view,Genetically modified food with other conventional food does not exist special place.Food into the body will be under the action of the digestive system,Degradation into small molecules,Not in the form of genes into human body tissue,More will not affect human own genetic makeup.Genetically modified foods can't change people's genetic characteristics.
Genetically modified (gm) and the genetically modified food is the difference between on the specific protein.As long as the protein is not sensitized things and poison,It and the protein in food there is no essential difference between,Can be human digestion/absorption,Not long-term preservation in the body.
Peng in hair(China researcher at the institute of plant protection academy):And people eat genetically modified foods in the same way,Animals eat the transgenic soybean feed,One of the herbicide resistance genes and transgenic protein also can rapid degradation,As a nutrition be digested/absorption,Not accumulated inside body.
转基因大豆会使人体过敏吗 Transgenic soybeans will make human body allergic
HuangKunLun:Transgenic soybean newly introduced protein does not increase the risk of allergic reaction,Genetically modified operation also did not cause the soybean itself allergens types and content increased.
常见过敏原一般都是生物中含量较高的蛋白质,占总蛋白的1%—80%。而CP4 EPSPS蛋白在转基因大豆中只占总蛋白的0.08%。该基因的供体土壤农杆菌不是过敏原,而且该蛋白可在模拟胃液肠液中被迅速消化。此外,从1995年到2007年,采用欧洲、美国、日本、韩国等易过敏儿童和成年人的血清尤其是大豆过敏患者的血清,与CP4 EPSPS蛋白进行特异性结合试验表明,该蛋白不会与任何过敏血清结合。采用大鼠进行的试验也证实该蛋白无论注射还是灌胃都不会激发动物的过敏反应。
Common allergens are generally high content of protein in living organisms,The total protein 1% - 80%.And CP4 EPSPS protein in transgenic soybean only accounts for 0.08% of the total protein.The gene donor soil agrobacterium not allergens,And the protein in gastric juice can be simulated in the intestinal juice rapid digestion.In addition,From 1995 to 2007,The European/The United States/Japan/South Korea, easy allergic children and adults of serum especially soybean allergic patients serum,And CP4 EPSPS protein than that with the test,The protein will not with any allergy with serum.The rat test also confirmed that the protein whether injection or lavage won't stimulate animal allergic reaction.
Bloom wald:Genetically modified food allergies can cause human body would have no basis.
转基因对人体的长期安全能保证吗 Genetically modified to the human body can ensure the long-term safety
YangXiaoGuang:Genetically modified foods on human long-term health effects of genetically modified (gm) is one of the important problems of safety evaluation.Genetically modified food push to market prior pass strict food safety evaluation,This evaluation system as compared with the traditional food more rigorous and demanding.Including the human long-term health effect evaluation,In the test process is taking the super constant test,That is much more than conventional food dose.The reason is made of super constant test,Is considered the long-term effect,Research on the model equivalent to long-term effect test.The current chemical food/Drug is to use this system for verification.Such as rats fed the 90 days,Time is equivalent to 1/8 of the life cycle of rats,2 years of rats fed test is to observe the whole life cycle of the chronic toxicity test.
Bennett(Professor at the university of California, Davis):People to concerns about the safety of genetically modified (gm) crops due to don't understand,Think transgenic belong to the natural breeding way,unsafe.In fact,Genetically modified (gm) but is selectively introduced gene just,It is a long history of human breeding in a stage of development.
Bloom wald:According to the U.S. department of agriculture information published,The United States transgenic soybeans and genetically modified corn planting proportion are more than 90%.Since 1996, the commercialization of transgenic soybean production since application,Hundreds of millions of people in the United States, directly or indirectly, eating genetically modified (gm) soy 16 years,Has not happen proven case of genetically modified food safety accidents.
抗草甘膦作物会导致杂草蔓延吗 Resistance to glyphosate crops will lead to the spread of weeds
The wu(Chinese academy of engineering/China's vice President of the academy):As early as in resistance to glyphosate crops before application,Has resistant weeds reports.It was found most resistant weeds can't with existing resistance to glyphosate crop hybrid,so,There is no evidence that resistance of weeds produce and planting crops have direct relationship between the resistance of glyphosate.As with other living things,If long-term weeds/A lot of contact with a herbicide,Do the herbicide resistant,This is a common biological phenomenon.
本期栏目统筹:孟辉 王梦纯
This section as a whole:MengHui WangMengChun
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