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进口水果标签藏玄机 业内称8开头5位码是转基因--亲稳网络舆情监测室

进口水果标签藏玄机 业内称8开头5位码是转基因                           琳琅满目的进口水果 新华社图                            Full of beautiful things in eyes of imported fruits xinhua diagram进口水果标签藏玄机 业内称8开头5位码是转基因                     4030就是这个进口猕猴桃的PLU码本报记者 万方摄                      4030 is the import of kiwi fruit PLU code our reporter WanFangShe


水果标签大有玄机;记者未在武汉市场发现进口转基因水果;假标签可轻易买到 Fruit label a mystery;Reporters found not in the market of wuhan import transgenic fruits;False label can easily buy


水果标签上几个简单的数字,背后却暗藏玄机。 Fruit label on a few simple digital,But hidden behind the mystery.


recently,Netizens micro bo a source says:Imported fruits every label have four Arabic numerals.the,Three words beginning said a spray pesticide,4 words beginning said of transgenic fruits,Five words beginning is hybrid fruit.There are five digits label fruits,Eight words the beginning of transgenic fruits,9 words beginning is organic fruit.time,Consumers of imported fruits tags especially sensitive.so,This statement is correct or not?


4位数标签常见,5位数难寻 4 digits label common,5 digit is hard to find


Reporters yesterday in hankou liberation boulevard in some high-end supermarket to see,Part of the imported fruits in addition to packing box on the bar code,Each fruit on the small label,Above except origin,There are a series of Numbers.Such as New Zealand kiwi fruit production,Coding for 4030.American red coding for 4636,Kate(Mango a)Coding for 5404.But the reporter saw only four digit code,Did not find five digits coding.


In wuchang in a supermarket,Reporter also saw SheGuo imports/Red and so on all have four digit code,The four words in the beginning,Nor has he seen five digits coding.


A supermarket shop assistant said,Their sales of imported fruits only four digit code,As for these labels on behalf of what,He also not clear.


then,The reporter arrived sand lakes fruit wholesale market,New Zealand kiwi fruit/The United States SheGuo etc on the label is more than four digital code,Beginning including"3""4""5"Different digital.


8开头,5位数是转基因水果 8 the beginning,Five digits of transgenic fruits


"I do business for so many years,Haven't heard that digital can represent what."A fruit dealers said,They have not noticed.


Reporters asked about the many supermarkets buy a hand,They all said don't pay attention to these coding,A lot of tags are suppliers,Not all imported fruits have,Still have a plenty of their supermarket formulated by the range of goods coding,Convenient tally shipment.

  某外资超市人士告诉记者,这些编码叫PLU码(Plu number),是由美国生鲜产品运销协会制定,有二十多年历史,PLU编码系统是自愿的,没有授权任何政府机构。PLU所用的四位码一般以3或4开头,代表一特定品种、规格或等级及产区之组合,并不存在喷农药、转基因和杂交区别。

A foreign supermarket person told reporters,These codes that PLU code(Plu number),Is by the American fresh product distribution association set,There are twenty years of history,PLU coding system is voluntary,Not authorized any government agencies.PLU used four code general with 3 or 4 beginning,On behalf of a particular species/Specifications or grade and the production combination,Does not exist spray pesticide/The difference between transgenic and hybridization.


But the people said,In recent years,PLU code developed five digits coding,If the first number is 8 representative genetically modified,The first number is 9 representative organic.


but,This personage expresses,Few imports on the market at present transgenic fruits,If it is genetically modified fruit will express.Domestic in imported fruits when entering the also has a strict inspection program,Don't usually qualified products to enter the circulation market.


Concerned personage warns customer,The future regular channel of choose and buy imports of fruit,Might as well pay more attention to code,Good difference between different kinds of fruit.


进口水果标签混乱,业内人士—— Imported fruits label chaos,The personage inside course of study --


两分钱可以买个假洋标签 Two money can buy a fake the label


now,Stick a"The label"Just say imported fruits,Social status than similar domestic fruit a much higher,Imported fruits identity complicated and confusing.The personage inside course of study to demystify,Two money can buy a the label.


American red/Thailand durian/Vietnam pitaya...Reporters yesterday in fruit wholesale market to see,This season of imported fruits have ten several varieties,Some packing box on the English or Thai, such as identification,Still have a plenty of fruit YiMeiMei have small label,Marking the origin and variety.


"Where is the banana production?"When reporters asked about the GuoHang boss,He said,"Is the Philippines production,Top stick mark."Reporters asked about the domestic and imported have what distinction,He said only that import taste better.


Some fresh from a truck carrying down on imported fruits,And no label.When reporters asked about these fruits of tag,The wholesaler told reporters,Label is made up of upper level provide wholesalers,Delivery was already posted good,But some fruits label midway off,Could catch up on.


A lot of importing fruit GuoHang and no import fruit certificate of origin,Is imported fruits all by the boss a mouth is introduced.


Engaged in fruit business ten years of industry insiders revealed,Actually a lot of domestic fruit after breeding cultivation,Palate and import are not significant,Such as domestic red,But import red price is domestic 3 times the left and right sides.


"Many are domestic fruits,Stick a label the,Shake the body into imported fruits."This personage says,The imported fruits no certificate of origin,All by a new tag,Many merchants for the show,Using home-made fruit pretend to be imported fruits.He revealed,A YangWen label 23 cents a,Imported fruit large carton three or four yuan a.

  长江商报 记者 万方 实习生 许雅梦

The Yangtze river business newspaper reporter ten thousand square interns made the dream
