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陕北贫困先心病患儿:医疗条件不足 常规体检困难--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

陕北贫困先心病患儿:医疗条件不足 常规体检困难12月22日,“为了我们的孩子——贫困家庭先心病儿童救助行动”来到陕西省延安延长县,对4所幼儿园2所小学的学生进行先心病筛查。图为医生在给孩子检查。新华网记者李莹 摄 On December 22,,"For the sake of our children - poor families FCHT children relief efforts"Came to the shaanxi province 延安市 YanChangXian,To 4 kindergartens and primary schools students FCHT screening.The graph is a doctor in check to the child.Xinhuanet reporter chin perturbation陕北贫困先心病患儿:医疗条件不足 常规体检困难12月22至24日,“为了我们的孩子——贫困家庭先心病儿童救助行动”来到陕西省延安市延长县进行贫困家庭先心病儿童筛查。图为延长县幼儿园孩子在家长陪伴下在诊室外等候检查。新华网记者 李莹 摄 On December 22 to 24,,"For the sake of our children - poor families FCHT children relief efforts"Came to shaanxi province 延安市 YanChangXian children for poor families FCHT screening.The graph is YanChangXian kindergarten children in parents accompanied by at the office for inspection.Xinhuanet reporter chin perturbation


The shaanxi province in the winter cold.More than eight o 'clock in the morning,The sun has risen above,But do not feel a trace of warmth in the air,延安市 YanChangXian street on both sides with the surrounding mountains covered by a gray layer of frozen with snow.


It is on December 22,Yanan has reached the lowest temperature 18 degrees Celsius below zero,By the armed police general hospital heart and a doctor of a medical team from Beijing to shaanxi,To 延安市 6 counties and 53663 poor families children congenital heart disease screening,And assistance free of charge.Xinhua reporters follow one medical teams,Come to 延安市 YanChangXian/YanChuanXian follow-up interview.


In an extended county kindergarten screening point,An office as a temporary office.Many parents find Beijing examined the baby to the doctor,Took his children to line up at 7 o 'clock in the morning.


 小雨飞父母:“手术费要几万,家里负担不起” Light rain fly parents:"Operation to tens of thousands of,At home can't afford it"


In front of the office,There is a little girl is very eye-catching,Her mother has been holding,Look very cute,Don't love to talk.Her name is the rain fly(The allotted time periods specified by the),Enrolled in YanChangXian kindergarten,This year 3 years old.


The doctor for her initial auscultation,Heard her chest has obvious noise.With portable ultrasound machine after further check,The armed police general hospital heart medicine experts (star the doctor diagnosed,The rain fly with ventricular septal defect and asds two disease with cardiac anomalies,Is a kind of serious in congenital heart disease.


The rain kept fly mother in the side wipe tears.Not far away from the mother and daughter both,The rain fly dad always low head,The rain fly before BingLiBen in hand.In fact,In 2010, the rain fly in a hospital in yenan had been diagnosed with FCHT,The doctor said need to check again after half a year.Can the rain fly's mother has no job,And dad work in the county,Monthly income is 1000 yuan.Although only the rain fly a child,But it is still difficult to bear the cost continue to heal.


"Operation to tens of thousands of,At home can't afford it."The rain fly father said.


Congenital heart disease is caused by abnormal fetal cardiovascular development cardiovascular malformations,According to epidemiological survey,FCHT in neonatal morbidity is 6 ‰ 9 ‰.


The armed police general hospital medical department director LiuHuiLiang introduces to the reporter:"Common FCHT are interatrial septum defect/Ventricular septal defect/Pulmonary artery stenosis/Of 6 kinds of artery catheter glows,FCHT may, according to the indications by interventional therapy or surgery.In China's current level of medical treatment,More than 95% of the patients can be treated by surgery at a time,And be able to live like a normal child."


The yenan poor families FCHT children relief was launched in 2001"For the sake of our children - minority poor families FCHT children rescue action"An content.Aid the promoter action/China charity federation branch news volunteers, chairman of the council for the promotion of yb xu xuan told xinhua reporter:"According to relevant statistics,Each child's treatment according to the severity of the cardiac anomalies,Average cost between 25000 and 50000 yuan.There are serious cost will be up to hundreds of thousands.Now our country has more than half of children can't get timely treatment due to poverty,Ultimately affect children life."

  当地政府:“医疗条件不足,孩子常规体检困难” The local government:"Lack of medical care,Children routine check-up"


Reporters in YanChangXian with the medical team and YanChuanXian kindergarten and school visit screening,A lot of parents and local school teachers of FCHT don't really understand.


At the age of seven small jia jia(The allotted time periods specified by the)Enrolled in YanChangXian a primary school grade one,On December 23, in the morning after the medical team preliminary diagnosis,Jia jia with pulmonary artery stenosis,For children with FCHT.23 afternoon after school,A face of anxious jia jia mother hurried to school,To find the teacher asked.


"I don't know if this is what disease,Just listen to baby come back,Beijing uncle to school physical examination the doctor say she is sick."Jia jia said mother,Jia jia from body has been very good,Only occasionally cold,After heard the child's physical illness,She got a fright,A day on tenterhooks don't eat rice,Didn't dare tell 'doing a part-time job in the field of jia jia dad,Just one person ask it on multiple.


"Although schools are performed each year,But for FCHT don't understand."YanChangXian extend yanan spirit the reds primary school teacher ChangGongYan told reporters:"Each year in addition to the bureau of the organization's routine check for students in vitro,Students at ordinary times body uncomfortable just to the school of the county people's private clinic to check."


The armed police general hospital heart medicine doctor (star said:"Due to all natural conditions/economic/Medical conditions, and the influence of the accumulation of knowledge,Not every place FCHT to have understanding,Not necessarily can detect FCHT,But FCHT is early found that early treatment is best."


"FCHT best treatment period is before the age of 14."LiuHuiLiang said,"Because FCHT had a great influence on the development of the human body,Early treatment can be cured,To late treatment may be from treatable diseases become can't cure the disease."


YanChangXian health bureau chief LiuBaiLin told reporters,YanChangXian health level has been improved in recent years,County 3 already all carry out the pilot reform of public hospitals,New farming participating insurance rate accounts for close to 97%.In 2011,,YanChangXian surgery hospital also in xian city of shaanxi province were introduced/Cardiovascular internal medicine, four experts.but,Due to the shortage of medical professionals still more,A lot of serious illness or not in the local healing.


"In 2011,,YanChangXian hospital foreign recruitment 30 undergraduate students,Later only for six people."LiuBaiLin said,Because of the lack of medical professionals,Now YanChangXian township of primary school is unable to achieve every school is equipped with a school doctor,Such children on examination and basic guarantee is difficult to achieve.


YanChuanXian competent civil affairs deputy magistrate of the strict also told reporters,Although YanChuanXian now has begun the implementation of a serious illness medical insurance,But for the average per capita income of 4000 yuan YanChuanXian,FCHT such a serious illness is still a lot of burden.


医疗队:“请一定留好联系方式,保证我们一定能找到您” The medical team:"Please keep good contact,Sure we can find you"


The data shows,At present,,In China about 2 million FCHT children waiting for surgery,Each year about 120000 neonatal illness.


In February 2011,Hosted by China charity federation,Always volunteer work to promote charity committee for the branches the press"For the sake of our children - thousands of ethnic minority poor families FCHT children rescue action"start,They cooperate with hospital of the people's liberation army (PLA) system,For more than a year in the qinghai-tibet plateau/Inner Mongolia/ningxia/guangxi/sichuan/Yunnan on 1615 children in surgery.


"Don't let a FCHT children's heart stopped beating due to poverty."Yb xu xuan said,You have only one life,For many children in the poor areas,If because of economic conditions/Medical conditions missed the treatment,Then the fate of the life will be completely different.


"Please keep good your contact information,Sure we can find you."Each screening of a diagnosis of FCHT children,The armed police general hospital heart medicine experts (star will be constantly remind children of parents.


The armed police general hospital dean ZhengJingChen told reporters:"If a family have children got FCHT may be the heavy burden on his back,Some family life has been very good,But there are such children may spend all their savings in a child to see the doctor,Lead to a lot of family poverty due to illness,And this kind of screening treatment one-time assistance,At least can reduce the loss of a family."


It is understood,The poor family FCHT children relief efforts have shaanxi entrepreneurs LiuBiao 5 million,Treatment goal is to 100 cases of FCHT children.


"Thank the doctor can give children found out,As long as the child's illness can be cured."Jia jia said mother.


China charity federation news volunteers council for the promotion of the related person in charge told reporters,From 22 to 25,The armed police general hospital medical team in YanChangXian together with YanChuanXian screening out more than 40 FCHT children,6 counties of screening out of 104 diagnosed FCHT children.Has confirmed that the first batch of 15 for diagnosis of FCHT in 28 patients will go to Beijing,Enter the armed police general hospital for surgery.

  延安先心病患儿到北京的手术能顺利吗?孩子们在北京怎样生活?本网记者将持续关注延安贫困家庭先心病患儿救治情况。(记者 李莹)

Yanan FCHT children to Beijing can operation smoothly?The children how to live in Beijing?This reporter will continue to pay close attention to yenan poor families FCHT children with treatment.(The reporter chin)
