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孕妇临产私家车主动送医 遇追尾出租车再接力救人--亲稳网络舆情监测室
29, about 5 o 'clock PM,Temporary zhenjiang ZhuFang address area of shandong pregnant women ms wu suddenly appear labor conditions,Then she pulled in the mother-in-law came down to the side of the road.At that time since it was already late,And under the snow,They waited for half an hour also failed to get a taxi.Then a good private owners to parking,But because too quickly,Too fast,There was a traffic accident.A's relay,Even through a few red light will be pregnant woman to the hospital,In the delivery room door,Already can't wait for the pregnant women give birth to a seven pounds Eva.
山穷水尽 at
打工孕妇突然临产,风雪中拦车半小时都没拦到 Working women labor suddenly,Snow pulled up in half an hour haven't stopped
好心私家车相助,却半途发生追尾 Kind of private cars,But car tracing cauda halfway
29 minutes at 5 p.m,Zhenjiang city snow,Work in zhenjiang of shandong ms wu pregnant belly hurts badly.To zhenjiang to take care of mother found it wrong,Quickly prepare clothes,With a daughter-in-law slowly came to the city ZhuFang waved play on the road.However, as the peak work at this time,It was dark,Plus approach to a taxi,Block the along while also have no a taxi stop,The head of her mother-in-law two people soon it is a lot of snow.Half an hour didn't block to a car,Ms wu in pain.
All of a sudden,A red car parked in front of two of her mother-in-law,The driver asked after tell me,They are private owners,Just came home from work,See pregnant women face expression of pain,He hurriedly let her mother-in-law two people get on,And then drive straight to zhenjiang jing 口区 people's hospital.
Because of the snow is slippery,In addition the speed too fast,Car open soon and the front car tracing cauda accidents.Private owners anxious,He is not your own car,But on the pregnant women,He quickly opened the car door standing to the side of the road,He shouted:"Stop to save!Stop to save!"Wave pulled hard at the same time.
At this moment,Zhenjiang Volkswagen Sue L93462 taxi via the scene of the accident,The private owners tell him eagerly,There are women,Very dangerous,Two lives?.
柳暗花明 A silver
途经事故现场的出租车接过已不能动弹的孕妇 Through the scene of the accident took the taxi can't move of pregnant women
为救人逆向行驶连闯红灯奔向医院 To help reverse driving through a red light ran to the hospital
Cosmo YanYongMei after know the situation,Along with the private owner immediately,Will have been pregnant women couldn't move onto the taxi,Then with the fastest speed to hospital 驰去.Because of an emergency,A pregnant woman cried out in pain.And at this time,Is very crowded in the west becomes more congestion,Taxis can't move on smoothly.An emergency,YanYongMei car will be a turn,Reverse driving,The red light is regardless.Road on the traffic police found the violation,Stop trying to block.On YanYongMei told loudly,There are women,It's dangerous.Traffic police learned that after,To release.Finally YanYongMei less than 10 minutes,Will both of her mother-in-law to the mouth of Beijing hospital.To go to the hospital after,Look at both of her mother-in-law from appearance,YanYongMei and will help to ms wu to his wheelchair,Send them to the elevator,And then put the car in the pregnant woman things one by one to ward.Busy all this,Kindness and even did not accept the fare then quietly left.Pregnant women ms wu mother-in-law too late say thank you,YanYongMei has left the scene.
In her mother-in-law overwhelmed to daughter-in-law into the delivery room,Can't wait the child has a small head,To the delivery room the door has been come out.Then came the doctors and nurses to take emergency measures,Keep the safety of mother and baby.Midwives zhao doctor told yangzi evening news reporter,When they arrived,The child's face was sandwiched it is purple,Thanks to come in time,They hurry to send children to a heat preservation box,And pregnant women with umbilical cord,If life on the road,The weather is so cold,Children would be very dangerous.After the reporter,Ms wu, give birth to a lovely baby girl seven pounds.
When reporters on the matter to person's YanYong wholeness,He passionately tell us,You are a love the team players,More than ten years ago he was from the countryside to zhenjiang,Has been working to help others/For someone else to drive,Until a belongs to own a taxi,In zhenjiang and settled,During this time he got a lot of care and help.He told reporters,If the police didn't give him eliminate through a red light,He also complaint or regret.The second day early in the morning,Strict teacher and rushed to the hospital to see the maternal ms wu and her children,At that time,The father of the child's presence,He would let's and their own baby,, such as children grow up to be sure to tell her,That if there is no's YanBoBo enthusiastic help,She came into the world, it is hard to peace.
吴女士的婆婆赵对霞则希望记者能帮她找到那位好心的私家车主,要不是帮助她们,他也不会发生事故。她告诉记者,由于太急了,她只知道这位好心人40岁左右,开着一辆红色的轿车。(通讯员 吕梅 记者 张凌发)
Ms wu mother-in-law zhao to chardonnay, hope journalists can help her find the kind of private owners,If it weren't for to help them,He also won't happen accident.She told reporters,Due to the too impatient,She only know the good intention about 40 years old,Open a red car.(Correspondent LvMei The reporter ZhangLingFa)
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