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小店误将亚硝酸盐当白糖卖 八旬老太中毒亡(图)--亲稳网络舆情监控室


"And more than 150 people attended the reception,If eaten poisonous sweet soup,Consequence is unimaginable!"5 in the morning,In suqian lakeside newtown development Wells township head of villagers 胡某 in the use of learned that his son wedding banquet"sugar"Containing nitrite,Glad of still some degrees.


In the area of a dry 货店 found mistake the nitrite as sugar sold already to a woman after the death,Lakeside newtown police according to the statement of dry goods shop owner,In time also bought mixed with nitrite in sugar's hu,Thanks banquet has yet to start,To stop a mass poisoning.At present,,Insisting the shopkeeper XuMou die for alleged negligence crimes by criminal detention,The case in the further investigation.


什么是亚硝酸盐 What is the nitrite


nitrite,A class of inorganic compounds.Mainly refers to sodium nitrite,Sodium nitrite for white to light yellow powder or granular,Taste salty,Soluble in water.Similar appearance and taste with salt,And in the industry/Widely used in construction industry,Meat products also allows for hair color agent set limit to use.The risk of food poisoning caused by nitrite is higher,Eating 0.3 ~ 0.5 grams of nitrite can cause poisoning and even death.


On July 12, 2012,State food and drug administration issued by the office[On strengthening food service link to disable the nitrite supervision work of the notice],No food service units/storage/The use of food additives nitrite(Sodium nitrite/The potassium nitrate).[notice]requirements,Catering service unit should be aware of the relevant provisions of the catering service link to disable the nitrite,Strengthen the catering service unit strictly banned the requirements of nitrite,To find food and beverage service unit illegal use of nitrite,To supervise the destroyed on the spot.For serious violations of purchasing/storage/Use of nitrite and cause serious consequence of catering service units,It included in the blacklist supervision to exposure,Judicial organ,Shall be given a heavier punishment according to law.


三度惊魂 Three degrees of panic


悲 2012年12月30日 “白糖”夺命 Sadness on December 30, 2012 "sugar"killing


“白糖”拌稀饭味道不对,八旬老太舍不得倒,喝下后不幸死亡;“毒白糖”事发 "sugar"Wrong with porridge taste,Years old to fall,After drink the unfortunate death;"Poison sugar"The incident


Evening of December 30, 2012,Suqian lakeside newtown police said the alarm:In lakeside newtown development zone well head of a village, an old couple feel quite ill after lunch,Discovered by neighbors,Sent to the hospital,The old lady for rescue invalid death,Her husband is still in the rescue.After the alarm,Lakeside newtown public security bureau criminal police brigade rapid intervention,An investigation.


According to the first received the alarm of the lakeside newtown shop police station police,On the day it's getting dark,Near the well head of a village of 89 - year - old zhang YiLiangJin heavy with plastic bag"sugar"Come out the police,Said ate at noon in the xiao shop on the street"sugar"after,His wife poisoning has been sent to the hospital.Police in understand the situations,See the old man mouth purple,Expression is not normal,Immediately send it to a local hospital.The doctor saw zhang is food poisoning,At the suggestion upon relocating rescue.then,The old man was sent to the city a hospital.

  警方了解到,当天上午, 89岁的张某到晓店镇赶集,临行时,他84岁老伴唐某让他捎点白糖回家。由于唐某很喜欢吃白糖,张某在当地农贸市场内的一家批发门市买了10元钱散装的“白糖”。下午4时许,唐某烧好了胡萝卜稀饭,然后就加了点老伴当天刚买回来的“白糖”。张某刚喝了一口稀饭,感觉有点咸,口味不对,就放下了筷子。

Police learned that,On the same day in the morning, The 89 - year - old zhang xiao shop in the town market,When the departure,His 84 - year - old wife don a let him go home want sugar.Because of the tang dynasty a very like to eat sugar,Zhang a wholesale outlets in the local farmer's market bought 10 yuan in bulk"sugar".At four in the afternoon,Tang a burn the carrot porridge,Then add a little wife just bought the same day"sugar".Zhang just drink a mouthful of porridge,Feel a little salty,Taste it,Put down the chopsticks.


Tang one at that time said that sugar might be false,Let his wife to the next day"sugar"To get the wholesale outlets to find the boss.But she won't waste,Suddenly had two small bowls of porridge.I didn't know time is not long,Tang a pale green,Nearly a coma.Family to call 120 for help.unfortunately,Tang one in downtown night sent to another hospital, has not the breath.


The police soon find out,Zhang and his wife is food poisoning,Reason is that zhang mou at a local farmer's market a dry 货店 purchase"sugar"Nitrite is.Police quickly the dry the shopkeeper XuMou control,And carries on the review.Through the survey that,The dry the shopkeeper XuMou will store the nitrite as by mistake"sugar"Sell the old two mouth,In both of the old mouth food poisoning.


险 2012年12月31日 追缴“毒白糖” Risk recovered on December 31, 2012"Poison sugar"


一斤多“毒白糖”熬了甜汤,次日准备上婚宴,招待150位宾客;民警及时赶到 More than a catty"Poison sugar"Have a sweet soup,The next day to prepare the wedding banquet,For 150 guests;Police arrived on time


According to relative shopkeeper XuMou,That day he will also 5 jins of nitrite as by mistake"sugar"Sold to local villagers 胡某.At that time he overheard 胡某 start,For the son will get married in New Year's day,Just bought some more"sugar".


Is a lot of people's life safety,Police learned that after quickly to the situation to branch the leadership on duty,The leadership on duty immediately after we ordered the police rushed to verify 胡某 home address,And to investigate.Police overnight through the platform,And confirmed by the dry shopkeeper XuMou,胡某 of lakeside newtown development zone xiao town a village residents.


The second day early in the morning,Police immediately to 胡某 home,To prevent the"sugar"By eating.Arrive 胡某 home after,Police found 胡某 home is happy,Then find 胡某 ask if in the night before XuMou dry 货店 purchase"sugar".After get definite answer,Police try so hard to ask 胡某 purchase"sugar"Where to put?胡某 asked puzzling,Because in the home is happy,Police asked the purchase"sugar"About the,There is a little mood,Didn't good the spirit ground say:"Don't buy from the store sugar is illegal?!Bought yesterday sugar has been used,Is the pot boil sweet soup!"


After police hear to stop quickly,And to supply the shopkeeper XuMou mistake nitrite as"sugar"Sell games and other old two mouth of food poisoning after briefly to 胡某 said again.胡某 after listen to,On the spot was stunned,Hurriedly let home cook will pour is to boil a large sweet soup,And the rest of 3 kg more nitrite handed over to the police.


Introduce according to 胡某,Son's wedding banquet on New Year's day,There are about 150 is expected to be close to,Once appear, food poisoning,That would be terrible.


After the examination,胡某 on that day in the home to boil the sweet soup contains a large amount of nitrite.


惊 N天前,还有一食堂曾买走15斤白糖 Surprised N days ago,And a dining room has bought 15 kg white sugar


Police contact the dining room,Found that sugar has been finished,But nothing had happened;The sugar no problem


According to the XuMou memories,The previous,He also sold 15 pounds sugar to a dining room.Police quickly contact the dining room,Fortunately, these sugar may not contain nitrite,Sugar to eat out,One little thing,Police this let the heart.


In view of the XuMou offer for sale,The police deployed police force on the day,Inform us one by one,With 胡某 XuMou outlets to purchase home the same day"sugar"Another household villagers do happy home,Police in phone call service"sugar"after,Immediately rushed to the home,Will also not use"sugar"take.


【怎么回事】 [What's the matter]


店老板忙中出错,亚硝酸盐倒进白糖里 The shopkeeper is busy making mistakes,Nitrite poured into the sugar


XuMou opened a tobacco supply within the local farmer's market vegetables wholesale outlets.According to its introduction,The store business not only tobacco fushi,Also vegetables and seasoning,At ordinary times have to wholesale spices and meat,You will send a little bit of nitrite penes nitrate brine to the other party.


Introduce according to XuMou,The nitrite is early November bought from the market,At that time in more than 2 yuan a catty,Buy a total of about 10 pounds.A day or two before the incident,Nitrate brine sold out of the store,XuMou so take out solid nitrite,It on the shelf,Ready to bubble water after sale.But it was busy in the shop,He forgot this thing in a twinkling of an eye.Due to the solid nitrite looks almost the same as sugar,May be family mistake these solid nitrite as sugar poured into the big plastic box pack of sugar.Later someone come to buy some sugar,He was the nitrite as sugar to sell out.


【最新进展】 [The latest progress]


老大爷脱离危险,店老板被刑事拘留 Old man out of danger,The shopkeeper was criminal detention


In suqian city hospital ward,After the doctor's rescue,Eat nitrite uncle zhang of lead poisoning has been out of danger.The old man said,He and the shopkeeper XuMou more familiar,At the time of the oneself buy sugar,XuMou let clerk after weighing,With white plastic bag,In their own hands.Because often buy in the sugar,Oneself also not enough,Took the"sugar"Went home.


In the afternoon,His wife stayed up the whole pot carrot porridge,Put some he bought"sugar".The results you eating mouth feeling acerbity acerbity,A little bitter salty.When he and his wife said,To the second day go to XuMou ask a clear,I didn't know his wife after ate porridge,Very soon now,Lips blue.After the family to his wife to the hospital,Yourself with it"sugar"Call the police to the police station.

  目前,警方已将许某门市里的白糖全部暂扣。许某因涉嫌过失致人死亡罪被警方刑事拘留,案件在进一步调查中。(通讯员 张新亮 记者 高峰)

At present,,Police have XuMou gate city sugar all temporary.XuMou death due to the fault of the suspected crime was criminal detention by the police,The case in the further investigation.(Correspondent ZhangXinLiang reporter peak)
