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六旬老太患抑郁症 挥刀自残险丧命--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  中新网太原1月10日电 (范丽芳 王建明)来自山西临县六旬老太,因患多年严重抑郁症,趁家人不在身边挥刀乱捅伤及颈部,生命垂危。经抢救,10日记者从当地医院获悉,目前患者已脱离生命危险。

Beijing on January 10, taiyuan (FanLiFang WangJianMing)From shanxi LinXian actually exists,Because suffer from severe depression for many years,While the family is not beside flick knife disorderly tong injury and neck,dying.After the rescue,10 reporters from a local hospital that,At present patients have out of danger.


The 68 - year - old woman with a serious depression years,To prevent the accident,The family nursing is tight.Actually don't want to watch all day by his family,1 August 11 night while family off guard will be a slaughter sheep knife a meal disorderly poke his injury and neck,Immediately after the family found will be taken to the hospital.


According to at that time became the first hospital of shanxi medical university of otolaryngology doctor HuangFuHui tells,The old man brought the neck when there is a long and deep wounds,Tracheal was cut open,Up to the lid down to the lower abdomen skin in serious subcutaneous emphysema state,The wound constantly go toward outside chung blood,Large amount of bleeding,Blood pressure is very low,Drugs have the largest dose,A precarious life.


Prison patients seriously,intubation/anesthesia/Open rescue channel,Anesthesiology department/Operating room/Blood bank and other relevant persons in place.On January 9th at 4 in the morning and 55 minutes,Surgery has."Everyone was shocked eyes can see,Neck period of airway is completely cut open,A comminuted fracture,Esophageal rupture/Thyroid rupture,External jugular vein rupture."The doctor first to patients for hemostasis,To do the neck probe,External jugular vein ligation hemostasis,Subsequent forming the trachea and esophagus repair surgery.


Morning at 7 45 points,Operation over.Medical staff will be sent to the postoperative patients with medicine,Continue to monitor the patient vital signs,Closely observe condition changes,Continue to enrich the rehydration,Given antibiotics to prevent infection.A patient's condition gradually stable.


10,The hospital doctor introduces to the reporter,As life/The increase of the pressure of work,More and more high prevalence of depression,The lonely elderly patients/The young man stress ratio increases.For such patients,Can't just"shut"up,More should pay attention to the psychological and mental counseling,At the same time cooperate with drug treatment.(finish)
