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City cancer mortality is obviously higher than that of the rural areas,Urban areas of lung cancer/Female breast cancer/Pancreatic cancer/Colorectal cancer mortality and high in the rural areas,Rural areas the digestive tract tumor such as gastric cancer/Liver cancer/Esophageal cancer is relative taller,Different areas,High incidence of cancer types are different
The current,The incidence of cancer in China for 2855.91/10,On an average day 8550 new cases of cancer,According to the current per capita expected life calculation,Our country residents life cancer probability is 22%,That is out of every five people have 1 people will suffer from cancer.This group of data from the national cancer registration center released recently[Chinese cancer registration annual report 2012],This is China's first released to the public tumor incidence of annual registration.
全国每分钟有5人死于癌症 Every minute of the five people died of cancer
In cancer is now more and more people are?The answer is yes.National cancer registration, deputy director of the center ChenWanQing pointed out,From our country nearly 10 years of data to see,Cancer mortality in urban and rural areas in China are present significant increase trend year by year,Has become the 21st century China and one of the world's most serious public health problem.
According to ChenWanQing said,Data display,Estimates that the new cancer cases of about 3.12 million people.More terrible is,Every year for the national cancer deaths were about 2.7 million people,On an average day, about 7300 people die of cancer,that,Every minute of the five people died of cancer.
城市死亡率明显高于农村 City mortality is obviously higher than that of the rural areas
[Annual report]display,At present our country urban and rural cancer mortality in all significant increase trend,But the city's cancer mortality is obviously higher than that of the rural areas,and,Urban and rural areas of the cancer spectrum is not the same.ChenWanQing said,Survey found that,Urban areas of lung cancer/Female breast cancer/Pancreatic cancer/Colorectal cancer mortality and high in the rural areas,May be and the environment/Lifestyle and other factors on the influence of;And rural areas the digestive tract tumor such as gastric cancer/Liver cancer/Esophageal cancer is relative taller,Most obvious in esophageal cancer,Mortality is the city two times,This may and city in economy/Public health/The conditions of life is rural for optimal relevant.
In addition,Cancer of the age distribution characteristics for performance,Before the age of forty in morbidity and mortality are relatively low,And after the age of forty morbidity and mortality is rapidly rising trend,To 80 s peak.so,Experts remind the general public,After forty years old should pay more attention to medical cancer/prevention.
发病种类具有地域性 The species has regional
Different areas,High incidence of cancer types are different,Has regional.ChenWanQing think,The geographical distribution of cancer mortality has certain characteristics.
据介绍,我国胃癌高发区主要集中在西北和沿海各省,尤以甘肃、青海、宁夏、上海、江苏、浙江、福建,以及辽东半岛等地区突出。食管癌高死亡率主要集中在河南、河北等地区。肝癌高发区主要集中在东南沿海各省和吉林,以广西、江苏等沿海地区最为突出,形成一个以围绕我国东南部海疆、由沿海向内地的镶边带状分布。宫颈癌高死亡率水平地区连接成片,由内蒙古、山西、陕西经湖北、湖南到江西。肺癌高死亡率主要集中在京、津、沪及东北三省、浙江沿海地区。肠癌主要集中在浙江、江苏、上海等长江下游地区,和血吸虫病的分布呈正相关的关系。鼻咽癌高死亡率水平地区主要集中在华南各省,包括广东、广西、湖南、福建和江西等省区。(本报记者 田雅婷)
According to introducing,Our country takes gastric cancer are mainly concentrated in the northwest and coastal provinces,Especially in gansu/qinghai/ningxia/Shanghai/jiangsu/zhejiang/fujian,And the liaodong peninsula, etc outstanding.The high mortality of esophageal cancer mainly concentrated in henan/Hebei and other regions.The high liver cancer mainly concentrated in southeast coastal provinces and jilin,guangxi/Jiangsu coastal areas such as the most outstanding,Form a surrounding southeast China coastal areas and territorial seas/The coastal inland edge ribbon distribution.Cervical cancer mortality in high level connection piece,The Inner Mongolia/shanxi/Shaanxi by hubei/Hunan to jiangxi.The high mortality of lung cancer are mainly concentrated in Beijing/tianjin/Shanghai and three provinces in the northeast of China/Zhejiang coastal area.Colorectal cancer is mainly concentrated in zhejiang/jiangsu/Shanghai Yangtze river downstream,And the distribution of schistosomiasis was positively related to the relationship.Nasopharyngeal carcinoma high mortality level area mainly in the south China provinces,Including guangdong/guangxi/hunan/Fujian and jiangxi provinces.(Our reporter TianYaTing)
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